This project it's an backbone for API development using multi-data source applying strategy pattern. It was built in NodeJS 12.8, and it comes with Hapi.js, jwt authentication, base unit test, pm2 monitoring, and the all infra-structure already dockerized for development enviroment tests.
- Docker version 19.03 or above
- Docker-machine version 0.16.0, or above
- Docker-compose version 1.26.0, or above
- Node version 12.8, or above - Node Donwload
- NPM version 6.14.4, or above- Npm Donwload
Clone this project in you machine using the command below:
git clone
Go to the project folder at your terminal:
cd multidatasource-api-scaffold
Create a .env file with the following params for setting your environment:
MONGO_HOST=<mongo host> MONGO_PORT=<mongo port> MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE=<mongo database> MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=<rootunsername> MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<rootpassword> DATABASE_USER=<user> DATABASE_PASSWORD=<password> DATABASE_NAME=<databasename>
Inside the aplication folder src/config, change the params in, and :
JWT_KEY=<YOUR_JWT_HASH_KEY> PORT=<DESIRED_PORT> SALT_PWD=<DESIRED_SALT> MONGODB_URL=mongodb://<user>:<password>@<mongo host>:<mongo port>/<databasename> POSTGRES_URL=postgres://<user>:<password>@<host | localhost(dev)>/<database>
In terminal, inside multidatasource-api-scaffold start the local infrastructure:
docker-compose up -d --build
Finally, install the dependencies:
npm i
After setting up the .env's files you can run the api in production or in development mode.
npm run (dev|prod)
you would be able to access the aplication endpoints by accessing localhost:port/route
OBS: As there's not yet an routine to add new users (sorry guys it will come soon), in dev mode you should be able to access the adminer panel listening on localhost:8080, and add an user at user's table (I suggest add a username: LexLuthor and password:123)
OBS2: There's also a mongoClient available for local mongodb management by default set in localhost:3000. (Feel free to use compass, or anything else which better suit for you)
Production version running at:
Available endpoints:
- POST /login - params {username, password} (returns a token for accessing api endpoints)
- POST /heroes - header{Authorization:} body:{name:, power:} (insert new hero at mongo's database)
- GET /heroes - header{Authorization:} (retrieves all heroes)
- GET /heroes?skip=&limit= header{Authorization:} (heroes with pagination)
- GET /heroes?skip=&limit=&name= header{Authorization:} (heroes by name)
- PATCH /heroes/:id header{Authorization:} body:{field1:value1, field2:value2, ...} (Update a hero property)
- DELETE /heroes/:id header{Authorization:} (delete a hero)
The API was build using TDD and it is fully covered by unit tests. In order to run the TDD tests, just use the following command:
npm run test
- Anderson Souza Rocha - Full-stack developer - Github
MIT License (MIT)
Author ❤ Anderson Souza Rocha