This playbook will install multinode kubernete cluster, one control-plane node and multi worker nodes with containerd, helm, longhorn, multus,and MetalLB on RockyLinux (8.x,9.x)
Please refer to the minimum requirements before beginning.
- One control plane node, At least 3 worker nodes ( to get longhorn disks in healthy state 3 worker nodes is required ) with Kubernetes and longhorn minimum requirements
- Root Access
- Internet access
- A dedicated network for internal kubernetes communication (kubernetes propagation network) is highly recommended for best practice.
- A dedicated network for longhorn block storage is highly recommended if not set longhorn storage will use the same kubernets network.
- The NIC name attached to the storage network must be with the same name on all nodes.
- A dedicated disk for Longhorn storage , instead of using the root disk. Longhorn best practices
- Blcok devices Ex(/dev/sdb, /dev/sdd,/dev/sdc ) will be used to create lvm volume and mount it to /var/lib/longhorn if set_network_storage: true
you can see example for quick startup
ansible core installed RockyLinux (8.x,9.x) use the following commands as root
yum install ansible-core.x86_64 git python38-pip.noarch vim -y
pip3.8 install netaddr
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.netcommon community.general kubernetes.core community.crypto
yum install ansible-core.x86_64 git python3-pip.noarch vim -y
pip install netaddr
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.netcommon community.general kubernetes.core community.crypto
- Note: in this document, I assume you have a fresh ansible server clone repo to /etc/ansible
rm -vrf /etc/ansible/*
git clone /etc/ansible
Note If you want to avoid ssh host key checking in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg file change host_key_checking to False as the following change value to False
vim /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
edit ansible inventory file
Very Importanat don't change group names ( all, control_nodes, worker_nodes )
cd /etc/ansible
vim hosts
edit ansible inventory file to match your setup layout
ControlPlane-01 ansible_host=IP ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='Password' ansible_connection=ssh
Node01 ansible_host=IP ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='Password' ansible_connection=ssh #lvm_pvs_devices='["/dev/sdb","/dev/sdc","/dev/sdd"]'
Node02 ansible_host=IP ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='Password' ansible_connection=ssh #lvm_pvs_devices='["/dev/sdb","/dev/sdc","/dev/sdd"]'
Node03 ansible_host=IP ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='Password' ansible_connection=ssh #lvm_pvs_devices='["/dev/sdb","/dev/sdc","/dev/sdd"]'
Node04 ansible_host=IP ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='Password' ansible_connection=ssh #lvm_pvs_devices='["/dev/sdb","/dev/sdc","/dev/sdd"]'
vim /etc/ansible/playbooks/vars.yml
These is the most general variables you will need in installation for more options please check Cluster variables
- dockerhub_auth: true/false
- dockerhub_token: "docker_auth_token"
- TimeZone: "TimeZone"
- use_k8s_network: true/false
- k8s_internal_network: "kubernets propagtion network"
- k8s_user_admin: "user_to_admin_kubernetes"
- k8s_user_pass: "kubernets user password"
- longhorn_ui_user: "longhorn_admin_panle_user"
- longhorn_ui_password: "longhorn_admin_password"
- set_network_storage: true/false
- storage_nic: "storage_network_NIC_name" <-- must be the same name on all nodes connected to storage network
- create_dedicated_lvm_disk: true/false
- data_path_fstype: "xfs/ext4"
- lvm_pvs_devices: <-- use this list method if dedicated storage harddisks is the same on all worker nodes, if not please define dedicatd ddisk
- "/dev/sdb" <-- device in inventory file E.g lvm_pvs_devices='["/dev/sdb","/dev/sdc","/dev/sdd"]'
- "/dev/sdc"
- "/dev/sdd"
- MetaLB_Pool_Name: "public"
- MetaLB_IP_Pool:
- "StartIP-EndIP"
#- "Public_Subnet"
cd /etc/ansible/playbooks
ansible-playbook k8s-cluster-setup.yml
After the playbook is completed successfully, In control-plane node use kubectl to check deployment, statfulset, services and pvc using the following commands
kubectl get nodes -o wide
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get sts
kubectl get pvc
kubectl get svc
kubectl get ingress
point your browser into svc loadbalancer External IPs, you will get these messages
For statefullset you will get -> get I'm a StatefullSet pod my IP is IP
For deployment you will get -> get I'm a Deployment Pod my IP is
All nodes with fresh installed Rocky8.x, Playbook also tested for Rocky Linux 9.x and work fine
In this setup we have three networks ( Public, Cluster, Storage)
- Public Network (default): 192.1698.1.0/24 default network that anyone can access from the web browser
- Kubernets Cluster: kubernetes cluster components communications network
- Storage Network: Longhorn Storage communication network (All NIC interfaces connected to this network must be with the same name Ex. in our cluster ens224 on all nodes )
- Role: Control Plane Node
- Specs:
- Harddisk
- root (/) file system with 30GB disk size
- swap disk (will be removed from fstab during installation )
- Network
- default network:
- ens160 connected to default public network with
- Cluster network:
- ens192 connected to cluster network with ip address
- Storage Network:
- ens224: connected to Storage Network <-- ethernet NIC connected to storage network must be with the same name on all nodes
- default network:
- Harddisk
- Role: Worker node
- Specs:
- Harddisk
- root (/) file system with 15GB disk size
- swap disk ( will be removed from fstab during installation )
- Longhorn dedicated storage disks
- /dev/nvme0n2
- /dev/nvme0n3
- /dev/nvme0n4
- Network
- default network:
- ens160 connected to default public network with
- Cluster network:
- ens192 connected to cluster network with ip address
- Storage Network:
- ens224: connected to Storage Network <-- ethernet NIC connected to storage network must be with the same name on all nodes
- default network:
- Harddisk
- Role: Worker node
- Specs:
- Harddisk
- root (/) file system with 15GB size
- swap disk (will be removed from fstab during installation )
- Longhorn dedicated storage disks
- /dev/sdb
- /dev/sdc
- /dev/sdd
- Harddisk
- Network
- default network:
- ens160 connected to default public network with
- Cluster network
- ens192 connected to cluster network with ip address
- Storage Network:
- ens224: connected to Storage Network <-- ethernet NIC connected to storage network must be with the same name on all nodes
- default network:
- Role: Worker node
- Specs:
- Harddisk
- root (/) file system with 15GB size
- swap disk (will be removed from fstab during installation )
- Longhorn dedicated storage disks
- /dev/sdb
- /dev/sdc
- /dev/sdd
- Network
- default network:
- ens160 connected to default public network with
- Cluster network:
- ens192 connected to cluster network with ip address
- Storage Network:
- ens224: connected to Storage Network <-- ethernet NIC connected to storage network must be with the same name on all nodes
- default network:
- Harddisk
- Rocky Linux 8.x with internet access and can ssh to cluster nodes.
- Network:
- default network:
- ens160 connected to default public network with
- default network:
vim /etc/ansible/hosts
ControlPlane-01 ansible_host= ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='Pass123' ansible_connection=ssh
Node01 ansible_host= ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='Pass123' ansible_connection=ssh lvm_pvs_devices='["/dev/nvme0n2 ","/dev/nvme0n3","/dev/nvme0n4"]'
Node02 ansible_host= ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='Pass123' ansible_connection=ssh lvm_pvs_devices='["/dev/sdb","/dev/sdc","/dev/sdd"]'
Node03 ansible_host= ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='Pass123' ansible_connection=ssh lvm_pvs_devices='["/dev/sdb","/dev/sdc","/dev/sdd"]'
vim /etc/ansible/playbooks/vars.yml
- dockerhub_auth: false
- dockerhub_token: ""
- TimeZone: "Africa/Cairo"
- use_k8s_network: true
- k8s_internal_network: ""
- k8s_user_admin: "clusteradmin"
- k8s_user_pass: "k8s123"
- longhorn_ui_user: "longhorn"
- longhorn_ui_password: "longhorn123"
- set_network_storage: true
- storage_nic: "ens224"
- create_dedicated_lvm_disk: true
- data_path_fstype: "ext4"
- MetaLB_Pool_Name: "public"
- MetaLB_IP_Pool:
- ""
cd /etc/ansible/playbooks
ansible-playbook k8s-cluster-setup.yml
Wait till the playbook is completed without errors.
After ansiblke playbook completed without errors ssh into controlplane node with root user or admin user defined in vars.yml and check ingress and sts and deploymnets
- adminuser: clusteradmin
- password: k8s123
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get sts
kubectl get svc
Point your browser into External IPs, from command kubectl get svc output in our case will be, you will get
For statefullset you will get -> get I'm a StatefullSet pod my IP is IP
For deployment you will get -> get I'm a Deployment Pod my IP is
kubectl get -n longhorn-system ingress
you will get IP, Refer to this IP and provide theuser name and password defined in vars.yml file
variables defined in vars.yml as a separate file. Playbook with roles have alot of variables but in general you need to define the following vars to met your layout and cluster setup
Name | Type | Values | Description |
dockerhub_auth | Boolean | true/false | Default: false authenticate to docker hub default false, Please check docker pull limits |
dockerhub_token | String | "AuthToken" | Docker hub auth token please refer to docker site, after login to docker usign docker login command token will be in file $HOME/.docker/config.json |
Name | Type | value | Default/Description |
k8s_version | String | "1.28" | Default: "1.28" Kubernets Release version eg: 1.28,1.27... 1.26 etc |
k8s_user_admin | String | "admin" | Default: "admin" Kubernetes administrator username will be created on control-plane node default: admin |
k8s_user_pass | String | "Password" | Default: "Password" Kubernetes administrator password default: Password |
use_k8s_network | Boolean | true/false | Default: false Use dedicated network for kubernetes service communication if set to false kubernetes will use default gateway network |
k8s_internal_network | String | "network/cidr" | Default: "" ,Kubernetes service dedicated network effective if use_k8s_network is true |
Pods_CIDR" | String | "" | Default: "" ,Pods Network CID |
domain_name | String | "k8s.local" | Default: "k8s.local" , used in setting nodes hostnames,/etc/hosts and creating DNS records for pods and Services please refer to kubernets docs |
set_k8s_service_domain | Boolean | true/false | Default: false ,If set to true kubernetes Pods and Services DNS records will be created with the domain defined in domain_name variable |
MetaLB_Pool_Name | String | "public" | default: "public" MetaLB LoadBalancer IP Pool name |
MetaLB_IP_Pool | List of Strings | "192.168.1.l00-" | No default. public ip address you can reach from your PC for more info refer to MetaLB web site |
use_macvlan | Boolean | true/false | Default: false mean use ipvlan , when true mean use macvlan in whereabouts CNI plugin please check whereabouts |
Name | Type | value/default | Default/Description |
set_network_storage | Boolean | true/false | If you need dedicated network for storage communication set it to true |
storage_nic | String | "eth3" | Deafult: eth3 Network interface card connected to dedicated storage network must be the same on all nodes |
create_dedicated_lvm_disk | Boolean | false | Default: false Let ansible to create dedicated storage disks in lvm volume please see longhorn best practice |
lvm_pvs_devices | list of strings | ["/dev/sdxx","/dev/sdyy"] | no default. List of physical disks to use in lvm you can specify it per host in ansible inventory file,,, Effective when create_dedicated_lvm_disk: true |
data_path_fstype | String | "xfs/ext4" | Deafult: ext4 Dedicated storage disk format,,, Effective when create_dedicated_lvm_disk: true |
longhorn_ui_user | String | "admin" | Default: admin longhron web inetrafce username |
longhorn_ui_password | String | "Password" | Default: Password, longhorn web inetrafce user password |
Name | Type | value/default | Default/Description |
TimeZone | String | "UTC" | Default: "UTC", TimeZone |
NTP_Servers | String | List of String | Default: ["","","",""] , NTP Servers List |
Cluster resources URL
Name | Values |
Calico_Tigera_URL | "" |
Calico_Custom_Res_URL | "" |
MetaLB_URL | "" |
Longhorn_URL | "" |
LonghornRWX_URL | "" |
Multus_URL | "" |
Helm_URL | "" |
Nginx_Ingress_URL | "" |
Docker_Registry: | "" |