This is small Swift library for iOS, macOS and tvOS which wraps libsmb2 and allows to connect a SMB2/3 share and do file operation.
To use AMSMB2, add the following dependency to your Package.swift:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "3.0.0"))
You can then add the specific product dependency to your target:
dependencies: [
.product(name: "AMSMB2", package: "AMSMB2"),
Just read inline help to find what each function does. It's straightforward. It's thread safe.
To do listing files in directory and file operations you must use this template:
import AMSMB2
class SMBClient: @unchecked Sendable {
/// connect to: `smb://[email protected]/share`
let serverURL = URL(string: "smb://XXX.XXX.XX.XX")!
let credential = URLCredential(user: "guest", password: "", persistence: URLCredential.Persistence.forSession)
let share = "share"
lazy private var client = SMB2Manager(url: self.serverURL, credential: self.credential)!
private func connect() async throws -> SMB2Manager {
// AMSMB2 can handle queueing connection requests
try await client.connectShare(name: self.share)
return self.client
func listDirectory(path: String) {
Task {
do {
let client = try await connect()
let files = try await client.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: path)
for entry in files {
"name:", entry[.nameKey] as! String,
", path:", entry[.pathKey] as! String,
", type:", entry[.fileResourceTypeKey] as! URLFileResourceType,
", size:", entry[.fileSizeKey] as! Int64,
", modified:", entry[.contentModificationDateKey] as! Date,
", created:", entry[.creationDateKey] as! Date)
} catch {
func moveItem(path: String, to toPath: String) {
Task {
do {
let client = try await self.connect()
try await client.moveItem(atPath: path, toPath: toPath)
print("\(path) moved successfully.")
// Disconnecting is optional, it will be called eventually
// when `AMSMB2` object is freed.
// You may call it explicitly to detect errors.
try await client.disconnectShare()
} catch {
While source code shipped with project is MIT licensed, but it has static link to libsmb2
which is LGPL v2.1
, consequently the whole project becomes LGPL v2.1
You must link this library dynamically to your app if you intend to distribute your app on App Store.