This is a web automation script which takes your username and password and login into your account with just one click of the program. The framework used here is Selenium which does some automations for us like clicking the buttons and filling the input fields.
Make a account if you dont have already to check this script. In the script, place your username and password at the place of "Enter your username" and "enter your password" respectively.
You can take reference of this script to make web automation scripts of more websites like gmail,facebook,etc.
1.Python should be installed in your system
2.pip should be installed
3.Selenium Chrome Driver executable. Simply download the most recent ZIP file from here, extract the chromedriver.exe executable, and place the executable in the same directory where your python script is saved.
Clone this directory to your system using cmd by writing the following commands in cmd or powershell(git should be installed into your system)
pip install selenium
git clone
cd automation_bots
Make sure the selenium chrome driver is in the same directory where the python script is saved i.e in automation_bots directory.
You’ve just finished creating a bot that visits a web page, enters your username and password, and successfully sign you in, automating the whole process to a single click. I know this was a simple demonstration, but the possibilities are endless.