A FreshBooks Java SDK to allow you to more easily utilize the FreshBooks API.
Using Maven:
or Gradle:
implementation 'net.amcintosh:freshbooks-sdk:0.7.0'
See https://amcintosh.github.io/freshbooks-java-sdk/ for Javadocs.
You can create an instance of the API client in one of two ways:
- By providing your application's OAuth2
and following through the auth flow, which when complete will return an access token. - Or if you already have a valid access token, you can instantiate the client with that token, however token refresh flows will not function without the application id and secret.
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.FreshBooksClient;
FreshBooksClient freshBooksClient = new FreshBooksClient.FreshBooksClientBuilder(
"your application id", "your secret", "https://some-redirect")
and then proceed with the auth flow (see below).
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.FreshBooksClient;
FreshBooksClient freshBooksClient = new FreshBooksClient.FreshBooksClientBuilder(
"your application id")
.withAccessToken("a valid token")
This is a brief summary of the OAuth2 authorization flow and the methods in the FreshBooks API Client around them. See the FreshBooks API - Authentication documentation.
First, instantiate your FreshBooksClient with clientId
, clientSecret
, and redirectUri
as above.
To get an access token, the user must first authorize your application. This can be done by sending
the user to the FreshBooks authorization page. The authorization URL can be obtained by calling
. Once the user has clicked accept there, they will be
redirected to your redirectUri
with an access grant code.
When the user has been redirected to your redirectUri
and you have obtained the access grant code from the URL
parameters, you can exchange that code for a valid access token.
AuthorizationToken token = freshBooksClient.getAccessToken(accessGrantCode);
This call stores the Authorization token in the FreshBooksClient for use, and returns the results to you for later usage. Eg.
FreshBooksClient freshBooksClient = new FreshBooksClient.FreshBooksClientBuilder(
The AuthorizationToken
contains all of the relevant details from the token response including the accessToken
, createdAt
, expiresIn
, and the scopes
the token is authorized for.
assertEquals("my_access_token", token.getAccessToken());
assertEquals("my_refresh_token", token.getRefreshToken());
assertEquals(ZonedDateTime.of(2021, 7, 26, 16, 57, 6, 0, ZoneId.of("UTC")), token.getCreatedAt());
assertEquals(100, token.getExpiresIn());
assertEquals(ZonedDateTime.of(2021, 7, 26, 16, 58, 46, 0, ZoneId.of("UTC")), token.getExpiresAt());
assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("some:scope", "some:other:scope"), token.getScopes());
When the token expires, it can be refreshed with the refreshToken
value in the FreshBooksClient
AuthorizationToken refreshedToken = freshBooksClient.refreshAccessToken();
assertEquals("my_new_access_token", refreshedToken.getAccessToken());
FreshBooks users are uniquely identified by their email across our entire product. One user may act on several Businesses in different ways, and our Identity model is how we keep track of it. Each unique user has an Identity, and each Identity has Business Memberships which define the permissions they have.
See FreshBooks API - Business, Roles, and Identity and FreshBooks API - The Identity Model.
The current user can be accessed by:
Identity currentUser = freshBooksClient.currentUser();
String userEmail = currentUser.getEmail();
List<BusinessMembership> businesses = currentUser.getBusinessMemberships();
BusinessRole businessRole = businesses.get(0).getRole();
Each resource in the client has provides calls for get
, list
, create
, update
and delete
calls. Please note that some API resources are scoped to a FreshBooks account_id
while others are scoped to a business_id
. In general these fall along the lines of accounting resources vs projects/time tracking resources, but that is not precise.
Not all resources have full CRUD functions available. For example expense categories have list
and get
calls, but
are not deletable.
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.models.Client;
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.models.Project;
Client client = freshBooksClient.clients().get(accountId, clientUserId);
Project project = freshBooksClient.projects().get(businessId, projectId);
Alternatively, resources can be instantiated directly.
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.resources.Clients;
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.resources.Projects;
Clients clients = new Clients(freshBooksClient);
Client client = clients.get(accountId, clientUserId);
Project project = new Projects(freshBooksClient).get(businessId, projectId);
API calls with a single resource return a model Class of the appropriate resource. For active vs deleted resources, see FreshBooks API - Active and Deleted Objects.
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.models.Client;
Client client = freshBooksClient.clients().get(accountId, clientUserId);
assertEquals(clientUserId, client.getId());
assertEquals("FreshBooks", client.getOrganization());
assertEquals(VisState.ACTIVE, client.getVisState());
API calls with returning a list of resources return a Class extending ListResult
containing a List
of the resource model
and pagination data (see Pagination below).
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.models.Client;
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.models.ClientList;
ClientList clientListResponse = freshBooksClient.clients().list(accountId);
List<Client> clients = clientListResponse.getClients();
assertEquals("FreshBooks", clients.get(0).getOrganization());
for (Client client: clientListResponse.getClients()) {
assertEquals("FreshBooks", client.getOrganization());
Response objects implements Map so the get()
method can be used to access the JSON content. This can be useful if
the raw response data of a field is needed, or in the case where a field does not have a corresponding field in the
reponse object. This is most common in the case of 'includes' which can have special cases or undocumented
additional fields.
assertEquals("FreshBooks", client.getOrganization());
assertEquals("FreshBooks", client.get("organization"));
assertEquals(VisState.ACTIVE, client.getVisState());
assertEquals(0, client.get("vis_state"));
assertEquals("Unexpected Data", client.get("some_undocumented_field"));
API calls to create and update can either be called with a Map
of the resource data,
or a model Class with the data populated. A successful call will return a model Class
as if a get
Note: When using the Map
of data, you need to specify the field as it exists in the
FreshBooks API. There are API fields that are translated to more intuitive names in the
data models. For example fname
= firstName
, or bus_phone
= businessPhone
// Create from object
Client clientToCreateOne = new Client();
clientToCreateOne.setEmail("[email protected]");
Client createdClientOne = freshBooksClient.clients().create(accountId, clientToCreateOne);
long createdClientOneId = createdClientOne.getId();
// Update from data map
HashMap<String, Object> clientToCreateTwo = new HashMap();
clientToCreateTwo.put("email", "[email protected]");
clientToCreateTwo.put("fname", "John");
Client createdClientTwo = freshBooksClient.clients().create(accountId, clientToCreateTwo);
long createdClientTwoId = createdClientTwo.getId();
Client existingClient = freshBooksClient.clients().get(accountId, clientUserId);
assertEquals("[email protected]", existingClient.getEmail());
// Update from object
existingClient.setEmail("[email protected]");
existingClient = freshBooksClient.clients().update(accountId, clientUserId, existingClient);
assertEquals("[email protected]", existingClient.getEmail());
// Update from data map
HashMap<String, Object> updateData = new HashMap();
updateData.put("email", "[email protected]");
existingClient = freshBooksClient.clients().update(accountId, clientUserId, updateData);
assertEquals("[email protected]", existingClient.getEmail());
Client client = clients.delete(accountId, clientUserId);
assertEquals(VisState.DELETED, client.getVisState());
Calls made to the FreshBooks API with a non-2xx response result in a FreshBooksException
This contains the error message, HTTP response code, FreshBooks-specific error number if one exists,
and in the case of invalid values, the offending field, value, and a validation message.
try {
clientResponse = freshBooksClient.clients().get(accountId, 12345); //652471);
} catch (FreshBooksException e) {
assertEquals("Client not found.", e.getMessage());
assertEquals("NOT FOUND", e.statusMessage);
assertEquals(404, e.statusCode);
assertEquals(1012, e.errorNo);
assertEquals("ValidationError in client. userid='12345'.", e.getValidationError());
calls can take a List of QueryBuilder objects that can be used to paginate, filter, and include
optional data in the response. See FreshBooks API - Parameters documentation.
Pagination results are included in ListResult
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.models.Pages;
ClientList clientListResponse = freshBooksClient.clients().list(accountId);
Pages pageResult = clientListResponse.getPages();
assertEquals("Pages{page=1, pages=1, perPage=30, total=6}", pageResult.toString());
assertEquals(1, pageResult.getPage());
assertEquals(1, pageResult.getPages());
assertEquals(30, pageResult.getPerPage());
assertEquals(6, pageResult.getTotal());
To make change a paginated call, pass a PaginationQueryBuilder
object into the list
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.models.builders.PaginationQueryBuilder;
PaginationQueryBuilder paginator = new PaginationQueryBuilder(2, 4);
ArrayList<QueryBuilder> builders = new ArrayList();
ClientList clientListResponse = freshBooksClient.clients().list(accountId, builders);
assertEquals("Pages{page=2, pages=3, perPage=4, total=9}", clientListResponse.getPages().toString());
can also be updated with the page
and perPage
PaginationQueryBuilder paginator = new PaginationQueryBuilder(2, 4);
assertEquals("PaginationQueryBuilder{page=2, perPage=4}", paginator.toString());
assertEquals("PaginationQueryBuilder{page=3, perPage=5}", paginator.toString());
To filter which results are return by list
method calls, construct a FilterQueryBuilder
and pass that
in the list of builders to the list
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.models.builders.FilterQueryBuilder;
FilterQueryBuilder filters = new FilterQueryBuilder();
filters.addEquals("userid", 123);
ArrayList<QueryBuilder> builders = new ArrayList();
ClientList clientListResponse = freshBooksClient.clients().list(accountId, builders);
assertEquals(123, clientListResponse.getClients.get(0).getId());
Filters can be built with the various methods for FreshBooks' equals
, in
, like
, between
, boolean
and datetime
filters. The methods can be chained together.
Please see FreshBooks API - Active and Deleted Objects for details on filtering active, archived, and deleted resources.
FilterQueryBuilder filters = new FilterQueryBuilder();
filters.addLike("email_like", "@freshbooks.com");
// Yields '&search[email_like][email protected]'
filters.addInList("clientids", Arrays.asList(123, 456));
// Yields '&search[clientids][]=123&search[clientids][]=456'
filters.addBoolean("allow_late_fees", true);
// Yields '&search[allow_late_fees]=true'
filters.addBetween("amount", 1, 10);
// Yields '&search[amount_min]=1&search[amount_max]=10'
filters.addBetween("amount_min", 1).addBetween("amount_max", 10);
// Yields '&search[amount_min]=1&search[amount_max]=10'
filters.addBetween("start_date", "2020-11-21");
// Yields '&search[start_date]=2020-11-21'
filters.addDateTime("updated_since", ZonedDateTime.now());
// Yields '&updated_since=2022-01-19T13:14:07'
filters.addDateTime("updated_since", LocalDate.now());
// Yields '&updated_since=2022-01-19'
To include additional relationships, sub-resources, or data in a list or get response, a IncludesQueryBuilder
can be constructed.
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.models.builders.IncludesQueryBuilder;
IncludesQueryBuilder includes = new IncludesQueryBuilder().include("outstanding_balance");
assertEquals("IncludesQueryBuilder{includes=[outstanding_balance]}", includes.toString());
Which can then be passed into get
or list
// Get call
Client client = freshBooksClient.clients().get(accountId, clientId, includes);
assertEquals("USD", client.getOutstandingBalance().getCode());
// List call
ArrayList<QueryBuilder> builders = new ArrayList();
ClientList clientListResponse = freshBooksClient.clients().list(accountId, builders);
List<Client> clients = clientListResponse.getClients();
assertEquals("USD", clients.get(0).getOutstandingBalance().getCode());
To sort the results of a list call by supported fields (see the documentation for that resource) a
can be used.
import net.amcintosh.freshbooks.models.builders.SortQueryBuilder;
SortQueryBuilder sort = new SortQueryBuilder().ascending("invoice_date");
// Yields '&sort=invoice_date_asc'
assertEquals("SortQueryBuilder{sort=invoice_date;ascending}", sort.toString());
to sort by the invoice date in ascending order, or:
SortQueryBuilder sort = new SortQueryBuilder().descending("invoice_date");
// Yields '&sort=invoice_date_desc'
assertEquals("SortQueryBuilder{sort=invoice_date;descending}", sort.toString());
for descending order.
Which can then be passed into list
ArrayList<QueryBuilder> builders = new ArrayList();
InvoiceList invoiceListResponse = freshBooksClient.invoices().list(accountId, builders);