Easy-as-dumb toolkit to prevent any malicious injections in your Android
Beware of cheaters!
- search of abnormal files, packages, libraries and even values in
- apk or files checksum validation
- delivery of information about newest threats to users from your own server (via secured and encrypted remote update)
- .NET wrapper for Unity
- bloodseeker-android implementation as
The latest version can be installed via package manager using following git URL:
The latest version can be installed via using following URL:
using BloodseekerSDK;
using BloodseekerSDK.Android;
private TextAsset _localUpdateFile;
IEnumerator Start()
var op = Bloodseeker
//create instance of Bloodseeker
//use local encrypted and pre-configured file with actual trails
.SetLocalUpdateConfig(new LocalUpdateConfig
file = new TextAssetFile(_localUpdateFile),
secretKey = "YourSecretKey",
//or download and update trails from your remote server
.SetRemoteUpdateConfig(new RemoteUpdateConfig
//url where sdk have access to file with update
url = "https://your.custom.domain/path/to/file.bmx",
//secret key to decrypt (or "unlock") file
secretKey = "YourSecretKey",
//cache time to live (in seconds)
cacheTTL = 60,
//it will be converted to libSomeLibrary.so
.AddTrail(new LibraryTrail("SomeLibrary"))
//any java class can be found here
.AddTrail(new ClassNameTrail("xyz.abc.CheatActivator"))
//you can use package name instead of class name (but it's much slower)
.AddTrail(new PackageNameTrail("xyz.abc"))
//any files in base apk can be found here
.AddTrail(new PathInApkTrail("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"))
//check node "application/activity" contains "android:name" with value "com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity"
.AddTrail(new AndroidManifestXmlTrail(AndroidManifestXmlTrail.Looker.UnityPlayerActivity()))
//check node "application/provider" contains "android:name" with value "com.facebook.internal.FacebookInitProvider"
.AddTrail(new AndroidManifestXmlTrail(new AndroidManifestXmlTrail.Looker(
nodes: new string[] { "application", "provider" },
attribute: "android:name",
value: "com.facebook.internal.FacebookInitProvider"
//start seeking anything in these trails
yield return op;
var report = op.report;
switch (report.result)
case Report.Result.NotInitialized:
Debug.LogError("SDK not initialized");
case Report.Result.Found:
Debug.LogError($"Found strange code: {string.Join(";", report.evidence)}");
case Report.Result.Ok:
Debug.Log("Everything okay, go ahead!");
- Redesign of
(more flexibility and functionality), serialization support
- Minimal SDK 19 (Android 4.4, KitKat)
- Perfectly works with Beebyte Obfuscator, but in some cases you should add
to arrayAssemblies
- Unity 2019.4.x
- Unity 2020.3.x
Contribution in any form is very welcome. Bugs, feature requests or feedback can be reported in form of Issues.