A simplified Single Page App (SPA) which is an AJAX-based Twitter clone that uses jQuery, JS, HTML5 and CSS3 to help building this functional posting app.
- MongoDB
- Express
- Node 5.10.x or above
- Chance
- Use MongoDB driver from Node.js to create, read, update and delete data.
- Tweets are persisted to MongoDB and survive server restart.
Navigation Bar
- When a user clicks the Compose button...
"The transition between 'shown' and 'hidden' states of Tweet Box is animated"
When form is being submitted...
Communicates with the server via AJAX, requesting and handling a JSON response instead of an HTML response
Character Counter
"Show how many characters a user may still type" Condition applied when characters exceeded limit or no input before submitting
Navigation Bar:
- Fixed Bar and is displayed above the list of tweets
List of Tweets:
"How long ago the tweet was created and Multiple hover effect"
"Flag", "Re-tweet" and "Like" icons upon hovering over the tweet, on the right
Used float, clear-fix, flex, padding to correctly position contents within the Tweeter box; Tweets in reverse-chronological order
Usage of Hex color code, opacity upon hovering to create comfortable User Experience