Watch for file changes and reload Go binaries and tests in your development machine.
go install
Run one or multiple tests everytime their packages change:
reloader test ./pkg/foo ./pkg/bar
Run tests in verbose mode showing the full output in real time:
reloader test -v ./pkg/foo
Run only one test by name:
reloader test -v ./pkg/foo -r TestNameHere$
Run all tests with a prefix in its name:
reloader test -v ./pkg/foo -r TestGet
Run a binary and restart it everytime the current folder changes:
reloader run ./cmd/myapp
Watch additional folders for changes to restart the application:
reloader run ./cmd/myapp -w ./pkg
Restart application everytime code changes, or also with any config file change:
reloader run ./pkg/foo ./pkg/bar -e .json -e .yml
Restart application if it exits unexpectedly:
reloader run ./pkg/foo -r
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