A Lein Plugin designed to make using Google App Engine usage idiomatic.
Available on Clojars:
[com.alpeware/lein-jaq "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
Alpha quality with some API changes expected.
Manage a Google Appengine App.
Subtasks available:
create-application Create application.
deploy Deploys to App Engine.
dev-server Start a local dev server.
migrate Migrate traffic to application version.
create-project Create project.
uberwar Create a $PROJECT-$VERSION.war with dependencies.
upload Upload app to storage bucket.
list-locations List available locations.
list-projects List projects.
list-application List application.
explode Explode the uberwar.
auth-token Generate authorization tokens.
unpack Unpack the App Engine SDK.
Run `lein help jaq $SUBTASK` for subtask details.
Arguments: ([] [subtask & args])
Add the following map to your project.clj:
;; outside defproject
(def sdk-version "1.9.59")
;; inside defproject
:jaq {:sdk-path "sdk"
:sdk-version ~sdk-version
:war-app-path "war"
:generated-dir "data"
:default-gcs-bucket "staging.alpeware-foo-bar.appspot.com"
:address ""
:port 3000
:project-id "project-id"
:project-name "project name"
:location-id "europe-west3"
:service :default
:bucket "staging.project-id.appspot.com"
:prefix "apps/latest"
:version "v1"}
Copyright © 2017 Alpeware, LLC.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.