This script will be used to monitor cpu, memory usage of the processes and load average of the system in regular intervals of time and collects the data in an excel sheet for later reference and draws chart with the system monitor data.
Python Packages to be installed:
- yum install python-setuptools
- easy_install pip
- pip install pandas
- pip install xlsxwriter
pip install --upgrade git+git://
pip uninstall system_monitor
system_monitor -h
usage: system monitoring [-h] {system_monitor,draw_chart} ...
Tool for monitoring system
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Available sub commands:
sub-command help
system_monitor collects cpu, mem usage and load average of system.
draw_chart draws chart with system monitor data.
system_monitor system_monitor -h
usage: system monitoring system_monitor [-h] [-p P] [-o O] [-i I]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required named arguments:
-p P Process names (default: None)
-o O Output file name for collecting data (default: None)
-i I Time Interval(in seconds) to take samples (default: None)
system_monitor draw_chart -h
usage: system monitoring draw_chart [-h] [--files-to-compare file_names]
[--process_name process_name]
[--field-name field_name]
[--chart-type chart_type] [-o O] [-i I]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--chart-type chart_type
Type of chart to plot Chart type can be line or column
(default: line)
required named arguments:
--files-to-compare file_names
Excel files to compare (default: None)
--process_name process_name
Process name to draw chart (default: None)
--field-name field_name
Field name to compare. Field name can be memory, cpu,
loadavg1x, loadavg5x, loadavg15x (default: None)
-o O Output file name for drawing chart (default: None)
-i I Time Interval(in seconds) to take samples (default:
system_monitor system_monitor -p "systemd glusterfsd glusterd" -o "/tmp/node_1.xlsx" -i 5
system_monitor draw_chart --files-to-compare "/tmp/node_1.xlsx /tmp/node_2.xlsx" --process_name "glusterd" --field-name "loadavg1x" -o "/tmp/chart.xlsx" -i 5
With system_monitor option, the data will get collected in excel sheet unitl user terminates the script. If you try to monitor different process in the subsequent runs, then collect the data in new output file.
- Adding error handling if process names are not found in system.
- Feedbacks are welcome.