This package provides syntax highlighting and automated build for the logic programming language Prolog. It is highly work in progress, so use with care.
To be able to use the Ctrl+B automatic build, you need to define main/0
where you compute the solution and you also print it. For example:
main :- compute(input, Solution), writef('%t\n', [Solution]).
An indicator that this is not done (correctly) is the following error:
ERROR: call/2: Undefined procedure: main/1
ERROR: However, there are definitions for:
ERROR: main/0
I recommend using the Sublime Package Control to install this package. This way is much more convenient. It is named Prolog.
If you want to manually install this package, please do:
cd /tmp
wget -O sublimeprolog.tar.gz
tar -xzvf sublimeprolog.tar.gz
cd alnkpa-sublimeprolog-<commit>
mv Prolog.tmLanguage ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/User/
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