This tool is usefull to automatically fill TO-67b pdf form based on bank account files (Spendenbestätigungen aus Bankauszügen). The resulting pdf files are complete and just need to be printed and signed.
Copy file settings/example.config.yml
to settings/contig.yml
and update it with your own settings (congregation name,...)
Export your bank account report (Kontoauszug) for the whole year in CSV-MT940 format
- character set
- field delimiter
- String delimiter
- quote all text cells)
Prepare list of names and address
- csv format
- filed delimiter is
- Quote all text cells (with
) - colums: "lastname, firstname";"street";"plz";"place"
Original TO-67b pdf file has automaticall updating fields (total, sum). As of now, we found no way to trigger this updates, after this tool filled the other form fields. Manually writing those fields is not working as well (empty in result pdf)
Manually edit original TO-67b pdf file (for example via online pdf editor like (registration required))
- remove both sum form fields (Gesamtbetrag, Gesamtsumme)
- add new simple text form fields instead (text-align right)
- edit field names in
to use names of newly created fields in pdf (you may ... --verbose
option to find field name, should be last 2 in list)
Install Python 3 if not already present
Download this repositories files and extract in new folder
mkdir jw-donation-report-creator
wget -O - | tar xz -C jw-donation-report-creator --strip-components=1
cd jw-donation-report-creator
# Create virtual python environment
apt install python3.12-venv
python3 -m venv ~/jw_donation_form_tool_venv
source ~/jw_donation_form_tool_venv/bin/activate
pip3 install .
If you are coming from an existing venv setup, use python3 -m venv --upgrade ~/jw_donation_form_tool_venv/
to upgrade venv to current python version
Run like
cd /your/path/jw-donation-report-creator
# Activate virtual environment
source ~/jw_donation_form_tool_venv/bin/activate
./ --source=mt940.csv --addressFile=user.csv --form=TO-67b.pdf --range=01.2022-12.2022
Result pdf files will be created in new subfolder out/
You may find this hints helpful in case of problems with result pdf file (may require additional packages
To check if form fields exist in result file
pdftk ./out/name.pdf dump_data_fields
- PyPDF2 for reading und writing pdf (incl. it's form data)
- readchar for user input (single key without ENTER)