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jakep-allenai committed Dec 10, 2024
2 parents e2bbd0e + 5692a76 commit 2190f61
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Showing 2 changed files with 157 additions and 21 deletions.
Binary file added tests/gnarly_pdfs/ambiguous.pdf
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178 changes: 157 additions & 21 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,20 +23,6 @@
import torch.nn.functional as F
MODEL_FINETUNED_PATH = "s3://ai2-oe-data/jakep/experiments/qwen2vl-pdf/v1/models/jakep/Qwen_Qwen2-VL-7B-Instruct-e4ecf8-01JAH8GMWHTJ376S2N7ETXRXH4/checkpoint-9500/bf16/"

"Edgar, King of England\n\nEdgar (or Eadgar;[1] c. 944 – 8 July 975) was King of the English from 959 until his death in 975. "
"He became king of all England on his brother's death. He was the younger son of King Edmund I and his first wife Ælfgifu. "
"A detailed account of Edgar's reign is not possible, because only a few events were recorded by chroniclers and monastic writers "
"were more interested in recording the activities of the leaders of the church.\n\nEdgar mainly followed the political policies of his predecessors, "
"but there were major changes in the religious sphere. The English Benedictine Reform, which he strongly supported, became a dominant religious and social force.[2] "
"It is seen by historians as a major achievement, and it was accompanied by a literary and artistic flowering, mainly associated with Æthelwold, Bishop of Winchester. "
"Monasteries aggressively acquired estates from lay landowners with Edgar's assistance, leading to disorder when he died and former owners sought to recover their lost property, "
"sometimes by force. Edgar's major administrative reform was the introduction of a standardised coinage in the early 970s to replace the previous decentralised system. "
"He also issued legislative codes which mainly concentrated on improving procedures for enforcement of the law.\n\nEngland had suffered from Viking invasions for over a century "
"when Edgar came to power, but there were none during his reign, which fell in a lull in attacks between the mid-950s and the early 980s.[3] After his death the throne was disputed "
"between the supporters of his two surviving sons; the elder one, Edward the Martyr, was chosen with the support of Dunstan, the Archbishop of Canterbury. Three years later Edward was "
"murdered and succeeded by his younger half-brother, Æthelred the Unready. Later chroniclers presented Edgar's reign as a golden age when England was free from external attacks and internal disorder, especially"

class TestSglangServer(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
async def asyncSetUp(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,7 +50,7 @@ async def asyncSetUp(self):

async def test_sglang_server_initialization_and_request(self):
# Mock data paths
self.test_pdf_path = Path(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "gnarly_pdfs", "edgar.pdf"))
self.test_pdf_path = Path(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "gnarly_pdfs", "ambiguous.pdf"))

# Send a single request to the sglang server for page 1
async with AsyncClient(timeout=600) as session:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,7 +127,7 @@ async def asyncSetUp(self):

# Path to the test PDF
self.test_pdf_path = Path(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "gnarly_pdfs", "edgar.pdf"))
self.test_pdf_path = Path(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "gnarly_pdfs", "ambiguous.pdf"))
self.maxDiff = None

async def test_hugging_face_generation(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,7 +179,7 @@ async def test_hugging_face_generation(self):
inputs = {key: for (key, value) in inputs.items()}

generated_tokens = []
max_steps = 100
max_steps = 50

top_logprobs_hf = []

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,13 +240,163 @@ async def test_hugging_face_generation(self):
for token, log_prob, lptokcur in zip(topk_tokens, topk_log_probs, lptok["top_logprobs"]):
print(f"HF Token: {token} Log Prob: {log_prob:.2f} Prob {math.exp(log_prob)*100:.2f}% SGLANG Token {lptokcur['token']} Logprob {lptokcur['logprob']:.2f} Prob {math.exp(lptokcur['logprob'])*100:.2f}%")

async def asyncTearDown(self):
# Clean up the model and tokenizer
del self.model
del self.tokenizer

class RawSGLangTest(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Set up the Hugging Face model and tokenizer
model_cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.cache', 'pdelfin', 'model')
download_directory([MODEL_FINETUNED_PATH], model_cache_dir)

# Check the rope config and make sure it's got the proper key
with open(os.path.join(model_cache_dir, "config.json"), "r") as cfin:
config_data = json.load(cfin)

if "rope_type" in config_data["rope_scaling"]:
del config_data["rope_scaling"]["rope_type"]
config_data["rope_scaling"]["type"] = "mrope"

with open(os.path.join(model_cache_dir, "config.json"), "w") as cfout:
json.dump(config_data, cfout)

self.model_cache_dir = model_cache_dir

self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_cache_dir, trust_remote_code=True)
self.image_token_id = self.tokenizer.encode("<|image_pad|>")[0]

self.model = Qwen2VLForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_cache_dir, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, trust_remote_code=True).eval()
self.processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("Qwen/Qwen2-VL-7B-Instruct")
self.device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

# Path to the test PDF
self.test_pdf_path = Path(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "gnarly_pdfs", "ambiguous.pdf"))
self.maxDiff = None

async def test_vision_encoder(self):
query = await build_page_query(

messages = query["messages"]

# Apply chat template to get the text
text = self.processor.apply_chat_template(
query["messages"], tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=True

image_url = query["messages"][0]["content"][1]["image_url"]["url"]

# Remove the "data:image/png;base64," prefix
base64_image = image_url.split(",")[1]

# Decode the base64 string into bytes
image_data = base64.b64decode(base64_image)

# Create a BytesIO object and load it into a PIL image
main_image =

# Process inputs using processor
inputs = self.processor(

with torch.no_grad():
hf_output = self.model.visual(inputs["pixel_values"].to(self.device), grid_thw=inputs["image_grid_thw"].to(self.device))

print("HF", hf_output, hf_output.shape)

from import ModelConfig
from import Req, ScheduleBatch
from import ForwardBatch
from import ModelRunner
from import SamplingParams
from import get_tokenizer
from import ServerArgs, PortArgs

model_config = ModelConfig(

server_args = ServerArgs(model_path=self.model_cache_dir)
# Initialize model runner
model_runner = ModelRunner(

with torch.no_grad():
sglang_output = model_runner.model.visual(inputs["pixel_values"].to(self.device), grid_thw=inputs["image_grid_thw"].to(self.device))

print("SGLANG", sglang_output, sglang_output.shape)

# Convert to float32 for numerical stability if needed
hf = hf_output.float()
sg = sglang_output.float()

# Basic shape and dtype comparison
print("\n=== Basic Properties ===")
print(f"Shapes match: {hf.shape == sg.shape}")
print(f"HF shape: {hf.shape}, SGLang shape: {sg.shape}")
print(f"HF dtype: {hf.dtype}, SGLang dtype: {sg.dtype}")

# Move tensors to CPU for numpy operations
hf_np = hf.cpu().numpy()
sg_np = sg.cpu().numpy()

# Statistical metrics
print("\n=== Statistical Metrics ===")
print(f"Mean absolute difference: {torch.mean(torch.abs(hf - sg)).item():.6f}")
print(f"Max absolute difference: {torch.max(torch.abs(hf - sg)).item():.6f}")
print(f"Mean squared error: {torch.mean((hf - sg) ** 2).item():.6f}")
print(f"Root mean squared error: {torch.sqrt(torch.mean((hf - sg) ** 2)).item():.6f}")

# Cosine similarity (across feature dimension)
cos_sim = F.cosine_similarity(hf, sg)
print(f"Mean cosine similarity: {torch.mean(cos_sim).item():.6f}")
print(f"Min cosine similarity: {torch.min(cos_sim).item():.6f}")

# Find largest absolute differences
print("\n=== Largest Absolute Differences ===")
diffs = torch.abs(hf - sg)
flat_diffs = diffs.flatten()

# Get indices of top 10 differences
top_k = 10
top_values, top_flat_indices = torch.topk(flat_diffs, top_k)

# Convert flat indices to multidimensional indices
top_indices = np.unravel_index(top_flat_indices.cpu().numpy(), diffs.shape)

print(f"\nTop {top_k} largest absolute differences:")
print("Index".ljust(30) + "Difference".ljust(15) + "HF Value".ljust(15) + "SGLang Value")
print("-" * 75)

for i in range(top_k):
# Get the index tuple for this difference
idx = tuple(dim[i] for dim in top_indices)
diff_val = top_values[i].item()
hf_val = hf[idx].item()
sg_val = sg[idx].item()

# Format the index tuple and values
idx_str = str(idx)

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