To download the module:
go get -u
tm := tinymux.NewTinyMux()
tm.Handle("GET", "/foo", http.HandlerFunc(fooHandler))
tm.POST("/foo", http.HandlerFunc(fooHandler))
http.ListenAndServe(":8000", tm)
// functions that is wrapper for tm, accepts http.Handler and also returns http.Handler
tm.Use(middleware1, middleware2, middlewareN)
It is important where tm.Use is located. For-instance two examples below is not the same
tm.Handle("GET", "/foo", http.HandlerFunc(fooHandler))
tm.Handle("GET", "/foo", http.HandlerFunc(fooHandler))
In the first example middleware2 does not apply to the fooHandler. But in the second one applies.
tm.Handle("GET", "/foo/:bar/:baz", http.HandlerFunc(fooHandler))
To access parameters inside handler:
func fooHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// suppose we are in "/foo/:bar/:baz" handler
// and the requested url is "/foo/baar/baaz"
params := tinymux.Values(*r)
fmt.Println(params["bar"]) // expected baar
fmt.Println(params["baz"]) // expected baaz
handler := tinymux.ChainMiddlewares(http.HandlerFunc(fooHandler), middleware1, middleware2, middlewareN)
tm.Handle("/foo/:bar/:baz", handler)