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XBreeding Manual

alierum edited this page Mar 13, 2021 · 14 revisions


This brief guide was written to help you to get your desired clones using the XBreeding web application.

First of all

You need the game RUST of FacePunch. I do not have any relation with them, I am just an enthusiast of the game.

Your goal is to achieve an optimal combination of genes in your clones to maximise your yield depending on where your base is, if you use fertiliser, temperature, level of water, etc.

Currently, there are five types of crops: Potatoes, pumpkins, and corns will nourish you. Berries (blue, red, green, white, and yellow) are mainly used to make teas. And hemp, which you will sell at the Bandit Camp for scrap.

Collecting seeds

You will need seeds. Lots of them. Depending on how lucky you are, you will need about 30 seeds, although 15 seeds may give you also good results. Of course the seeds have to be the same type for crossing genes. Even berries have to be of the same colour.

Tip: You can eat potatoes, pumpkins, corns, and berries to get more seeds. Or even plant the exceeding clones to get more fruits to eat (keeping at least one specimen of each gene combination. Do not lose diversity).

First clones

Once you have your seeds, you have to plant them in a planter and provide light and water for them to grow. Farming techniques in RUST exceed the scope of this guide. Have a look a the Resources linked at the bottom of the page for more information.

There are 6 stages in the plant growth. Seedling, Sapling, Crossbreed, Mature, Fruiting, Ripe and Dying. Initially your seeds will be in the Seedling stage. Then, they will change to the Sapling stage where you can collect your berries and hemp clones (be careful to select take clone instead of harvest). The rest of crops allow collecting clones in the Fruiting stage.

Tip: When planting your seeds to get more clones, take into account that berries and hemp can be collected before the Crossbreed stage, allowing you to fill the entire planter with seeds. On the contrary, potato, pumpkin, and corn seeds must be placed in the four corners of a big planter to avoid spoiling their genes (you would collect them after the Crossbreed stage).

Using the XBreeding web application

The web application can be found at:

The version 0.61.1 of XBreeding presents the following user interface.

Graphical User Interface

Usually you will be following these steps:

  1. If you are going to conduct more than one experiment simultaneously (lets say blue berries and potatoes) and, consequently, have more than one browser's tab open, it is recommendable to name each Experiment to avoid confusion. Believe me, it happens.

  2. Copy your Clones in the text box at the right of the screen. I recommend writing them down in a text editor, for example Notepad, and then copy and paste them in your browser, saving the copy of the Notepad. For clarity you should type one chromosome (6 genes) per line, although they can be all in the same text line. If the border of the text box turns red, there must be something wrong. You missed a gene or typed a character different from G, Y, H, X, or W.

  3. Select the desired Target or leave all the sliders to 0. Selecting a target will improve the speed of the calculation. Usually you will go for H=0, Y=3, G=3. If the summation were different from 6 or 0, the border of the filter box would turn red and you would be unable to perform the calculation later.

  4. Select in the Filters box wheter the application will show you results including X or W genes, in case your desired goal cannot be achieved. X could be useful. W, not really. Selecting X and/or W will worsen the speed of the calculation.

  5. Press the Calculate button. If there is no red frames in the input boxes, the calculation process will start and you will be informed about the progress and the number of combinations being calculated.

  6. Once the calculation ends, up to 25 results will be shown. Each result is enclosed in a blue frame (a planter box), the parents are shown at the four corners of each planter (where you should place it) and the offspring (the resulting clone) is in the centre, surrounded by a yellow border.

Results are ordered according to the desired target, although some results could have the same utility value. So, check at least the first 5 results to pick the best option for you. If your desired target was possible to achieve with your clones, it will be shown in the centre of the first result, lucky you! If not, there exist the possibility of going further and select one result to perform a next iteration, see the Example 2. If after this second iteration, your target is not achieved either. Well, you need more seeds my friend.

From the app to the planter

Now is time of making the actual cross-breed experiment, in RUST, so watch you six.

  1. Select a large planter box, be sure that there are enough water on it (at least 4000 ml), and that there is a ceiling light above it (or there is no roof at all. Sunlight takes longer because of night time, but it would work).
  2. Plant the four parent clones in each corner of the planter.
  3. Wait for all the four parent clones to reach the Crossbreed stage.
  4. Plant any other clone (of the same type: potatoes, blue berries, etc.) in the centre of the large planter box. Its genes will be replaced by the genes of the result shown in the XBreeding app.
  5. Do not touch anything and wait for the result clone (at the centre of the planter) to reach the Crossbreed stage.
  6. If everything was correct, the desired genes are now in the result clone.
  7. Just pick the result clone from the centre of the planter (take clone) when possible.

Tip: Once the result clone reaches the Crossbreed stage (and gets its new genes), the four parents can be safely collected.


Example 1

The simplest example consists of copying all the Clones to its text box of the XBreeding app, selecting the target, for example H=0, Y=3, G=3, and clicking on the button Calculate.

Example 1a

After a while, we will obtain the list of results.

Example 1b

Since the first result (YGGYGY) corresponds to our desired target (3 Ys and 3 Gs), we have finished with the web application and have to move on to perform the actual experiment in RUST.

In RUST, we plant the four clones (1, 2, 3, and 4) that are the parents shown in the web application and wait until they reach the Crossbreed stage.

Example 1c

Now it is time of planting the clone 5 (any clone) which will be modified once it reaches the Crossbreed stage. After that, its genes should be the same as the result clone calculated by the XBreeding web application.

Example 1d

Example 2

This second example is a little more complicated. First, we proceed as in Example 1, copying all the clones in the text box, selecting the target H=0, Y=3, G=3, and clicking on the button Calculate.

Example 2a

After a while, we obtain the list of results. In this case, although we have improved the parents and our best result is YGGYGH, we still need to change the last gene to a Y.

Example 2b

So, what we do is selecting the first result by clicking on it with the mouse (touching it if you are in a mobile device), and clicking on the button Next Crop.

Example 2c

Now, we get a list of results that can be obtained by combining the selected result in the previous step (YGGYGH) with the rest of our clones (in the clone list box).

Example 2d

Now, our desired result can be obtained with one caveat, in this example there is a 50% probability of getting the desired result YGGYGY. To be sure, I recommend performing the same experiment three times, simultaneously. If this is no possible, you can take your chances, collect your parents once the result clone reaches the Crossbreed stage, and repeat the experiment again. Or you might be lucky and get the right combination in the first attempt.

Tip: If you get more than one wildcard gene (50-50) in your result, it could be better to get more seeds (and clones) than repeating the experiment several times. Random numbers do not like you.

Now we proceed to conduct our experiment in RUST.

As in the previous example, we plant the four clones (1, 2, 3, and 4) that are the parents shown in the web application and wait until they reach the Crossbreed stage.

Example 2e

Now we plant the clone 5 (any clone). Once it reaches the Crossbreed stage, their genes should be YGGYGH.

Example 2f

Then we collect, when it is possible, the result clone 5 and use it as parents (5 and 5) in the next cross-bread, in combination with the parents 6 and 7.

Example 2g

Once the parents reach the Crossbreed stage, we plant the clone 8 (any clone). When it reaches the Crossbreed stage, there is a 50% probability of getting the desired result YGGYGY. This means that roughly once each two cross-breads will produce the wrong combination. To be sure, as aforementioned, it is recommendable to perform the same experiment two o three times. If you can do it simultaneously, you will save time.

Example 2h



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