We have switched our toolchain to use vite
instead of webpack
. While this plugin will still work, I'm not likely to be putting effort into maintaining this project, but will certainly accept and merge pull requests.
If you haven't used vite
yet, I encourage you to try it! AND...I have migrated this plugin to work with vite
so you can keep doing the same thing with your locale files! 1.0.0 has been released
yarn add -D @alienfast/i18next-loader
This webpack loader generates the resources
structure necessary for i18next. The structure is webpacked with the client bundle at build time, thus avoiding loading any language resources via extra HTTP requests.
- glob based file filtering
- one to many overrides supporting reuse cases (white labeling)
- yaml and json support
- locale chunking (help wanted - see #6)
Given a locales directory, by default, the loader will find and parse any json|yaml|yml
file and attribute the
contents to the containing lang folder e.g. en
. There is no need to add lang such as en
or de
inside your
or yaml
See the test/data
directory for structure and example data.
└── app
└── src
│ └── app.js
└── locales
├── index.js
├── de
│ ├── foo.json
│ └── bar.yaml
└── en
├── foo.json
└── bar.yaml
module.exports = {
// ... snip
module: {
rules: [
test: /locales/,
loader: "@alienfast/i18next-loader",
// options here
//query: { overrides: [ '../node_modules/lib/locales' ] }
// ... snip
// File: app.js
import i18n from "i18next";
import resources from "../locales"; // typescript: import * as resources from '../locales'
// Use the resources as documented on
// File: app.js
import i18n from "i18next";
import resources from "@alienfast/i18next-loader!../locales/index.js";
// Use the resources as documented on
And you're done! The index.js
can be empty, it's just needed to point the loader to the root directory of the locales.
Options are set via the loader query
. See webpack documentation for more details regarding how this mechanism works.
The following examples assume you understand these values are used as the query
You can filter files in your file structure by specifying any glob supported by glob-all
By default, any json|yaml|yml
will be loaded.
include: ["**/*.json"];
include: ["**/*.json", "!**/excludeThis.json"];
Applications that reuse libraries e.g. white labeling, can utilize one to many sets of locale directories that the app will override.
overrides: ["../node_modules/lib1/locales"];
} // relative or absolute paths
This configures the loader to work on a file structure like the following:
└── app
├── src
│ └── app.js
├── locales
│ ├── index.js
│ └── en
│ ├── foo.json
│ └── bar.yaml
└── node_modules
└── lib1
└── locales
├── index.js
└── en
├── foo.json
└── bar.yaml
Everything from app/locales
will override anything specified in one to many libraries.
basenameAsNamespace: true;
The following file structure would result in resources loaded as below:
└── app
├── src
│ └── app.js
└── locales
├── index.js
└── en
├── foo.json
└── bar.yaml
"header": {
"title": "TITLE"
aboutUs: About us
Results in this object loaded:
"en": {
"foo": {
"header": {
"bar": {
"aboutUs":"About us"
relativePathAsNamespace: true;
The following file structure would result in resources loaded as below:
└── app
└── locales
├── index.js
└── en
├── green.yaml
├── blue
├──── foo.yaml
species: Oak
ocean: Quite large
Results in this object loaded:
"en": {
"green": {
"tree": {
"blue": {
"water": {
"ocean": "Quite large"
NOTE: If you have a file and a folder with the same name, you MIGHT overwrite one with the other. For example:
└── app
└── locales
├── index.js
└── en
├── blue.yaml
├── blue
├──── foo.yaml
foo: Welcome
eggs: delicious
Results in this object loaded:
"en": {
"blue": {
"foo": {
"eggs": "delicious"
But it's just overwriting based on the return value of glob-all
, so you shouldn't depend on it.
This was forked from i18next-resource-store-loader because
we changed it in breaking ways that are incompatible.
Thanks to the original authors and contributors.