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Dubbo Spring Cloud en

format edited this page Aug 2, 2019 · 1 revision

Spring Cloud Alibaba Dubbo


Dubbo Spring Cloud is based on Dubbo Spring Boot 2.7.3[1] and Spring Cloud 2.x development, whether the developer is a Dubbo user or a Spring Cloud user. Easily navigate and move apps up at a cost close to “zero” costs. Dubbo Spring Cloud is designed to simplify Cloud Native development costs, improve R&D performance, and improve application performance.


Since Dubbo Spring Cloud is built on top of the native Spring Cloud, its service governance capabilities are considered Spring Cloud Plus. Not only does it fully cover the Spring Cloud native features [5], but it also provides a more stable and mature implementation, as shown in the following table:

Feature Spring Cloud Dubbo Spring Cloud

Distributed configuration


Spring Cloud Distributed Configuration + Dubbo Configuration Center[6]

Service registration and discovery


Spring Cloud Native Registration Center[7] + Dubbo Native Registration Center[8]

Load balancing

Ribbon(Random, RoundRobin)

Dubbo built-in implementation (random, polling, etc. + weights, etc.)

Circuit Breakers

Spring Cloud Hystrix

Spring Cloud Hystrix + Alibaba Sentinel[9] etc.

Service-to-service calls

Open Feign、RestTemplate

Spring Cloud service call + Dubbo @Reference.


Spring Cloud Sleuth[10] + Zipkin[11]

Zipkin、opentracing, etc.


[1]: Starting with 2.7.0, Dubbo Spring Boot and Dubbo are consistent in version

[2]: Preview releases of Spring Cloud Alibaba are available: 0.9.0, 0.2.2, and 0.1.2 -

[3]: The current version of the Spring Cloud "F" is: Finchley.SR2 -

[4]: The current Spring Cloud "G" version is Greenwich.RELEASE

[6]: Dubbo 2.7 starts supporting the configuration center and can be customized -

[7]: Spring Cloud native registry, in addition to Eureka, Zookeeper, and Consul, includes Nacos in Spring Cloud Alibaba

[9]: Alibaba Sentinel: Sentinel uses traffic as an entry point to protect service stability from multiple dimensions such as flow control, blowdown, and system load protection - %E7%BB%8D, currently Sentinel has been accepted as a candidate for Circuit Breaker by the Spring Cloud project -

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