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wuzhun.wz edited this page Jun 12, 2018
1 revision
// Number 测试,支持整数、浮点数、指数、八进制数、十六进制数、二进制数
var a = 345;
var b = 34.5;
var c = 3.45e2;
var d = 0377;
var e = 0xFF;
var f = 0b111;
var result = a==345 && b*10==345 && c==345 && d==255 && e==255 && f==7;
console.log('Number 测试 ' + ((result == 1 ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
// undefined/null 测试
var testUndefined; // variable declared but not defined, set to value of undefined
var testObj = {};
var a = 0;
if ((""+testUndefined) != "undefined") a = 1; // test variable exists but value not defined, displays undefined
if ((""+testObj.myProp) != "undefined") a = 2; // testObj exists, property does not, displays undefined
if (!(undefined == null)) a = 3; // unenforced type during check, displays true
if (undefined === null) a = 4;// enforce type during check, displays false
if (null != undefined) a = 5; // unenforced type during check, displays true
if (null === undefined) a = 6; // enforce type during check, displays false
if (undefined != undefined) a = 7;
if (!(undefined == undefined)) a = 8;
var b = undefined;
if (b !=undefined ) a = 9; // check for undefined
result = a==0;
console.log('undefined/null 测试 ' + ((result == 1 ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
// Variable creation and scope from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript_syntax
x = 0; // A global variable
var y = 'Hello!'; // Another global variable
z = 0; // yet another global variable
function f(){
var z = 'foxes'; // A local variable
twenty = 20; // Global because keyword var is not used
return x; // We can use x here because it is global
// The value of z is no longer available
// testing
blah = f();
result = blah==0 && z!='foxes' && twenty==20 && (z==undefined);
console.log('变量及作用域 测试 ' + ((result == 1 ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
// if .. else
var a = 42;
if (a != 42)
result = 0;
result = 1;
console.log('if else 测试 ' + ((result == 1 ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
function Person(name) {
this.name = name;
this.kill = function() { this.name += " is dead"; };
var a = new Person("Kenny");
result = a.name == "Kenny is dead";
console.log('简单对象 测试 ' + ((result == 1 ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
obj1 = new Object();
obj1.food = "cake";
obj1.desert = "pie";
// 仅支持支持string 及 无传参的object对象的clone
obj2 = obj1.clone();
obj2.food = "kittens";
result = obj1.food=="cake" && obj2.desert=="pie";
console.log('简单对象 测试 ' + ((result == 1 ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
var Foo = {
value : function() { return this.x + this.y; }
var a = { prototype: Foo, x: 1, y: 2 };
var b = new Foo();
b.x = 2;
b.y = 3;
var result1 = a.value();
var result2 = b.value();
result = result1==3 && result2==5;
console.log('嵌套对象 测试 ' + ((result == 1 ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
r = Math.random();
console.log('Math.random 测试 ' + ((result = r != undefined ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
parsed = Integer.parseInt("42");
aChar = 'A';
result = parsed==42 && Integer.valueOf(aChar)==65 ;
console.log('Integer.parseInt/valueOf 测试 ' + ((result == 1 ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
// test for shift
var a = (2<<2);
var b = (16>>3);
// >>> (无符号右移) 暂不支持
var c = (-1 >>> 16);
result = a==8 && b==2;
console.log('移位操作 测试 ' + ((result == 1 ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
var a=5.0/10.0*100.0;
var b=5.0*110.0;
var c=50.0/10.0;
result = a==50 && b==550 && c==5;
console.log('浮点数除法 测试 ' + ((result == 1 ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
var a =2;
var b=5;
var c=6;
result = ((!a*b+a*10+a*b*c) == 80);
console.log('乘法/非操作 测试 ' + ((result == 1 ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
// 只支持后缀自增运算符
var a = 5;
var b = 5;
result = ((a++)==5) && (a==6) && ((b--) == 5) && (b==4);
console.log('后缀自增运算符 ++/-- 测试 ' + ((result == 1 ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
var a = 5;
var b = 5;
result = ((++a)==6) && (a==6) && ((--b) == 4) && (b==4);
console.log('前置型 ++/-- 测试 ' + ((result == 1 ) ? '成功' : '失败'));
/* Javascript eval */
// 对象转换需要加()
myfoo = eval("({ foo: 42 })");
result = eval("4*10+2")==42 && myfoo.foo==42;
console.log('eval 测试 ' + (result ? '成功' : '失败'));
/* Javascript eval */
mystructure = { a:39, b:3, addStuff : function(c,d) { return c+d; } };
mystring = JSON.stringify(mystructure);
mynewstructure = eval("("+mystring+")");
result = mynewstructure.addStuff(mynewstructure.a, mynewstructure.b) == 42;
console.log('eval 测试 ' + (result ? '成功' : '失败'));
var array = JSON.parse('[1,2,3,true]');
console.log('JSON.parse 测试 ' + (array.length==4 ? '成功' : '失败'));
var obj = JSON.parse('{"name":"alibaba","age":18}');
console.log('JSON.parse 测试 ' + (obj.age==18 ? '成功' : '失败'));
模块测试, Modules.addCached 通过JS程序注册模块,代替从文件中读取
var count=0;
var ta = require("a").foo;
count += ta;
console.log('ta=' + ta);
Modules.addCached("b","module.exports = {foo:1};");
var tb = require("b").foo;
count += tb;
console.log('tb=' + tb);
Modules.addCached("c","module.exports = 1;");
var tc = require("c");
count += tc;
console.log('tc=' + tc);
Modules.addCached("d","exports.foo = 1;");
var td = require("d").foo;
count += td;
console.log('td=' + td);
Modules.addCached("e","exports.foo = function(){ return 1;};");
var te = require("e").foo();
count += te;
console.log('te=' + td);
console.log('Modules.addCache 测试' + ( (count == 5) ? '正确' : '失败'));
var myModule = "function myModule() {" +
" this.hello = function() {" +
" return 'hello!'; " +
" }; " +
" this.goodbye = function() {" +
" return 'goodbye!';" +
" }; " +
"}; " +
"module.exports = myModule; " ;
//console.log('myModule=' + myModule);
Modules.addCached("myModule", myModule);
myModule = require('myModule');
var myModuleInstance = new myModule();
var linkModule = " " +
"var mac = 'abc'; " +
"function Link() { " +
" this.uuid = '1234';" +
"};" +
"var mLink = new Link();" +
"mLink.start = function(){" +
" return this.uuid + ' start';" +
"};" +
"module.exports.Link = mLink;" +
"module.exports.mac = mac;";
Modules.addCached("linkModule", linkModule);
linkModule = undefined;
link = require('linkModule').Link;
// 验证module所分符号表使用无异常
for(i=0; i<100; i++){
console.log('te=' + require("e").foo());
console.log('td=' + require("d").foo);
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