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5.6. Stack water‐column data

Dr. Alexandre C. G. Schimel edited this page Dec 17, 2024 · 1 revision

This is a tutorial on how to use CoFFee to stack water-column data in range, depth or fan. Replace the paths appropriately.

1. Introduction

Water-column data for more than 1 ping has three dimensions (pings, beams, samples), which is difficult to visualize. Stacking is the process of reducing this dimensionality to only 2 dimensions, which induces some ambiguity but is easier to visualize.

  • Stacking in range reduces the dimensionality to a Range-by-Ping array.
  • Stacking in depth reduces the dimensionality to a Depth-by-Ping array.
  • Stacking in fan reduces the dimensionality to an Across-distance-by-Depth array (that is, wedge display).

In CoFFee, you can use CFF_stack_WCD to operate these three stacking operations.

Note that vertical echo-integration is also effectively a stacking process (that is, displaying the data as an Easting-by-Northing array) but is not operated by this function, nor covered in this tutorial.

2. Data preparation

Start from a clean slate:

clear all
close all

Set location of CoFFee code root folder and add to path:

coffeeFolder = 'C:\Users\Schimel_Alexandre\Code\MATLAB\CoFFee';

Select a raw data file with water-column data and convert it. For Kongsberg data acquired in file pairs (i.e. *.all and *.wcd, or *.kmall and *.kmwcd), ensure the pair of files are in the same folder.

dataFolder = 'C:\Users\Schimel_Alexandre\Data\MBES\Kongsberg all\EM2040C\Deakin_2014_EM2040c_Kelp-Pilot-Study\300kHz';
rawFile = CFF_list_raw_files_in_dir(dataFolder, 'filesType', '.all/.wcd', 'nFilesWanted', 1);
rawFileName = CFF_file_name(char(CFF_onerawfileonly(rawFile)));
fData = CFF_convert_raw_files(rawFile,'conversionType','WCD',...

To use CFF_stack_WCD, it is necessary to first process the navigation and georeference the bottom detect:

fData = CFF_compute_ping_navigation_v2(fData,'comms','multilines');
fData = CFF_georeference_bottom_detect(fData,'comms','multilines');

3. Stack in range

To use CFF_stack_WCD, first create a structure defining the desired parameters. For example, to stack in range only the pings 20 to 120, create a structure params as:

params = struct();
params.stackMode = 'range'; % this is the default mode so this could be omitted
params.iPingLims = [20,120]; % to specify all pings use [1,inf] (or do not specify this parameter at all)

Other parameters are available, such as specifying the range of beam numbers and sample numbers with iBeamLims and iSampleLims, respectively.

Then you can call CFF_stack_WCD, specifying params as parameters:

[rangeStack,rangeStackX,rangeStackY] = CFF_stack_WCD(fData,params,'comms','multilines');

The function returned the stack array and the vectors for the axes. With this new information, we can display the stack in range:

grid on; colorbar; colormap jet
xlabel('ping #'); ylabel('range from sonar (m)');
titleStr = sprintf('%s water-column (dB)\npings %i-%i (stacked in %s)',rawFileName,params.iPingLims(1),params.iPingLims(2),params.stackMode);
water-column data stacked in range

4. Stack in depth

For stacking in depth, set stackMode to 'depth'. You can also specify a desired depth resolution with resDepthStackY:

params = struct();
params.stackMode = 'depth';
params.iPingLims = [20,120];
params.resDepthStackY = 0.01; % in m
[depthStack,depthStackX,depthStackY] = CFF_stack_WCD(fData,params,'comms','multilines');

With this new information, we can display the stack in depth:

grid on; colorbar; colormap jet
xlabel('ping #'); ylabel('depth below sonar (m)');
titleStr = sprintf('%s water-column (dB)\npings %i-%i (stacked in %s)',rawFileName,params.iPingLims(1),params.iPingLims(2),params.stackMode);
water-column data stacked in depth

5. Stack in fan

For stacking in fan, set stackMode to 'fan'. You can also specify a desired resolution with resFanStack:

params = struct();
params.stackMode = 'fan';
params.iPingLims = [20,120];
params.resFanStack = 0.05; % in m
[fanStack,fanStackX,fanStackY] = CFF_stack_WCD(fData,params,'comms','multilines');

With this new information, we can display the stack in fan:

grid on; colorbar; axis equal; colormap jet
xlabel('across distance (m)'); ylabel('depth below sonar (m)');
titleStr = sprintf('%s water-column (dB)\npings %i-%i (stacked in %s)',rawFileName,params.iPingLims(1),params.iPingLims(2),params.stackMode);
water-column data stacked in fan

6. CFF_stack_WCD parameters

The complete list of parameters available to CFF_stack_WCD is as follows:

Parameter Description
'stackMode' String code for the mode of stacking. Possible values are 'range' (default), 'depth', or 'fan'. When stackMode is set to 'depth', the resolution in the Y-dimension (depths) is equal to twice the inter-sample distance (see the param field resDepthStackY to modify this default behaviour). When stackMode is set to 'fan', the resolution in both the X-dimension (across-track distance) and Y-dimension (depth) is equal to the distance between two beams at the max depth (see the param field resFanStack to modify this default behaviour).
'dataField' Name of the fData field to use as the (memmaped file) WCD data to stack. Default is 'WC_SBP_SampleAmplitudes'.
'angleDegLims' Two-values vector of beam angles (in degrees) to which the stacking is to be limited. Default is [-inf,inf] to conserve all beam angles.
'minStackY' Starting value for the stack's Y-dimension, aka minimum range (for range-stacking) or minimum depth (for depth-stacking and fan-stacking). Must be 0 (default, i.e. stacking starts at sonar face) or positive.
'maxStackY' End value for the stack's Y-dimension. Must be 0 (default) or positive. The value 0 (default) is a special code to indicate stacking is to go as far as the deepest bottom-detect in the data. Use the value inf to stack as far as data goes.
'resDepthStackY' Desired depth resolution when depth-stacking. Must be 0 (default) or positive. The value 0 (default) is a special code to indicate the default resolution (see previously for default value). This parameter is ignored in other stacking modes.
'resFanStack' Desired resolution in depth and across-track distance when fan-stacking. Must be 0 (default) or positive. The value 0 (default) is a special code to indicate the default resolution (see previously for default value). This parameter is ignored in other stacking modes.
'iPingLims' Two-values vector of the indices of pings to which the stacking is to be limited. Default is [1,inf] to conserve all pings. If requested values are outside the range available in the data, the function will automatically adjust them.
'iBeamLims' Two-values vector of the indices of beams to which the stacking is to be limited. Default is [1,inf] to conserve all beams. Note that this parameter does not over-ride the parameter angleDegLims. Instead, both parameters are taken into account to limit beam contributions to the stack.
'iSampleLims' Two-values vector of the indices of samples to which the stacking is to be limited. Default is [1,inf] to conserve all samples. Note that this parameter does not over-ride the parameters minStackY and maxStackY. Instead, all three parameters are taken into account to limit sample contributions to the stack.