Connect suppliers (ie. farmers), distributors (ie. co-ops) and consumers (ie. local food lovers) for the sale and purchase of local produce.
- Rails 3.x
- Ruby >= 1.9.2
- PostgreSQL database
- See Gemfile for a list of gems required
The source code is managed with Git (a version control system) and hosted at GitHub.
You can view the code at:
You can download the source with the command:
git clone [email protected]:eaterprises/openfoodweb
For those new to Rails, the following tutorial will help get you up to speed with configuring a Rails environment: .
First, check your dependencies: Ensure that you have Ruby 1.9.x installed:
ruby --version
Install the project's gem dependencies:
bundle install
Create the development and test databases, using the settings specified in config/database.yml
. You can then load the schema and some seed data with the following command:
rake db:schema:load db:seed
At long last, your dreams of spinning up a development server can be realised:
rails server
Tests, both unit and integration, are based on RSpec. To run the test suite, first prepare the test database:
bundle exec rake db:test:load
Then the tests can be run with:
bundle exec rspec spec
The site is configured to use Zeus to reduce the pre-test startup time while Rails loads. See the Zeus github page for usage instructions.
Deployment is achieved using Heroku. For access, speak to Andrew Spinks.
- Andrew Spinks (
- Rohan Mitchell (
- Rob Harrington (
Copyright (c) 2012 Eaterprises, released under the AGPL licence.