This project explores the integration of a neural network and an evolutionary genetic algorithm with the Star Craft II API. The goal of this project was to successfully control a StarCraft II agent via a neural network, and maximize its fitness through a genetic evolutionary algorithm. The agent uses the PySC2 API to connect with StarCraft II, and a neural network to control its actions. The fitness function is defined as the survival duration for an agent in a sandbox environment with hostile units, where surviving for longer is better. The action space of the agent was limited to movement in order to achieve a realistic scope for the project. The fitness of an individual is evaluated by running multiple simulation episodes and averaging the performance (survival time) for each episode. The neural network uses an explicit topologically unrestricted implementation. This implementation provides high degrees of freedom while minimizing the network size. The genetic algorithm uses tournament selection to select the most fit neural network (individuals) to breed. Each successive generation of neural networks is slightly better at surviving in the hostile sandbox environment. After 50 iterative generations, our resulting neural network had increased the average survival time of an agent by 288%.
After AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie, the artifical intelligence community has been looking for the next problem domain to apply learning techniques to. A potentially surprising candidate for artificial intelligence testing has emerged in the form of real time strategy games. Real time strategy games work by having a player make critical descisions in real time against an enemy player. The game StarCraftII, released by Blizzard entertainment in 2010, is a real time strategy game that has captured the interest of the artificial intelligence community. The game presents several challenges for artificial intelligence, the biggest of which is the magnitude of possible game states.
We present a method of teaching an agent to avoid enemy players for as long as possibly by using genetic algorithms to evolve neural networks. We interface our neural network agents using the PySC2 library and evolve an agent that shows a measurable increase in its ability to run away.
This project combines two proven artificial intelligence paradigms, neural networks and gentetic algorithms. These methods are traditionally orthogonal, but there has been a growing body of work in recent years with regards to evolving neural networks using genetic algorithms.
Neural networks are a method of computing any computable function by using a network of nodes called neurons connected by a series of edges. This representation is inspired by the human brain, and has been proven over and over as a heavy hitter in the world of machine learning. These networks are typically differentiable, and by calculating error, they can be trained using a method called backpropogation that changes the strength of the connections between neurons.
There are two main ways to represent neural networks in software, implicitly and explicitly. Implicit neural networks use linear algebra and a consistent layered structure to propogate inputs forward (called feeding forward). With numerical linear algebra libraries avaliable for almost every major programming language, this method of representing neural networks allows for incredibly fast processing of neural networks. However, this representation's greatest strength, its speed, is the source of its greatest weakness. Implicilty defined neural networks suffer from the inflexibility of their layered structure. In the human brain, neurons are not limited to any specific structure, and are free to make connections that could not be possible in a layered model.
This leads us to explicitly defined neural networks. These networks allow the specification of new nodes that are disconnected from the traditional layered model. While this can be advantagous, it can also present problems for the implementer. Because these models are represented by graphs, we can no longer use linear algebra libraries to feed forward through the network. This causes an increase (often significant) in running time. For small networks this is not an issue, but for larger network this becomes (sometimes prohibitivly) problematic.
In a similar line of though that led researcher to build neural networks by looking to nature for inspiration, genetic algorithms exploit natural selection to create optimal solutions to problems. Research into genetic algorithms started when researchers realized that there is nothing inherint in evolution that limits the process to nature. In fact, by thinking of evolution as an algorithm in and of itself, we can extend the principle of evolution to digital systems. This is commonly done by defining what an "individual" and "fitness function" mean in the digital evolution landscape. The algorithm proceeds as evolution does in nature by picking the most well adapted individuals to "breed", and evaluating their "offspring" on the same problem. This technique has yielded several fascinating results, and often the algorithm generates novel solutions to difficult problems.
Our approach involves combining genetic algorithms and neural networks to create an agent that learns through evolution how to evade antagonistic agents. We chose this method as the problem space closely resembles nature's predator/prey motif. By modeling our agent as an evolving neural network we can get results that mimic generational evolution in nature.
Initially, the neural network is untrained and makes completely random action choices, as seen here. The controlled (green) units make random decissions and are quickly eliminated by the hostile (red) units. Note: The friendly units are initally instructed to move toward the hostile units in order to engage them in combat and pursuit.
Eventually, the neural network is trained through iterative generations via our genetic algorithm. While far from optimal, the resulting top individual (neural network) in the final generation survives longer as it has learned to evade the hostile enemy units.
Reference documentation on setting up the DeepMind PySC2 environment here:
The RunAwAI agent can be run by entering the following directory:
And executing either one of the follow commands:
python -m pysc2.bin.agent --map DefeatRoaches --agent pysc2.agents.RunAwAI_Agent.RunAwAI