BORSH, binary serializer for security-critical projects.
Borsh stands for "Binary Object Representation Serializer for Hashing". It is meant to be used in security-critical projects as it prioritizes consistency, safety, speed; and comes with a strict specification. In short, Borsh is a non self-describing binary serialization format. It is designed to serialize any objects to canonical and deterministic set of bytes.
General principles of Borsh serialization:
- Integers are encoded in little-endian format.
- The size of dynamic containers (such as hash maps and hash sets) is written as a 32-bit unsigned integer before the values.
- All unordered containers are ordered lexicographically by key, with a tie breaker of the value.
- Structs are serialized in the order of their fields.
- Enums are serialized by storing the ordinal as an 8-bit unsigned integer, followed by the data contained within the enum value (if present).
This is Elixir implementation of the Borsh serializer and deserializer. Official specification:
A little article on Medium about Borsh serializer in more details:
If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding borsh
to your list of
dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:borsh, "~> 0.1"}
use Borsh,
schema: [
signer_id: :string,
public_key: {:borsh, PublicKey},
nonce: :u64,
receiver_id: :string,
block_hash: [32],
actions: [
{:borsh, ActionOne},
{:borsh, ActionTwo}
In this example ActionOne
, ActionTwo
and PublicKey
are structs that implement Borsh
: Borsh schema itself, structure of fields for serialisation with serialisation formats described below.
- string, encoded as utf-8 bytes
and [64]
- A string with 32/64 chars length.
- unsigned 8-bit integer
- unsigned 16-bit integer
- unsigned 32-bit integer
- unsigned 64-bit integer
- signed 8-bit integer
- signed 16-bit integer
- signed 32-bit integer
- signed 64-bit integer
- 32-bit float
- 64-bit float
To define custom types for serialization, we can use the syntax {:borsh, StructModule}
in a parent struct, when we
want to serialize another struct within it. There are single and arrays of borsh types.
{:borsh, Module}
- The syntax represents a single struct of a borsh-encoded module. When this struct is passed to the
serializer, the serializer will execute the .borsh_encode
method of the struct's module on the struct.
- has the same effect as {:borsh, Module}
, but the resulting serialized data cannot be decoded back into the
original struct. Using :borsh
for serialization is safe for sending transactions to the NEAR blockchain, as the main
concern is just the serialization itself.
[{:borsh, Module}]
- represents an enumeration of borsh-encoded structs, where each element of the list must have a
Borsh schema.
- has the same effect as [{:borsh, Module}], but the resulting serialized data cannot be decoded back into
the original structs. It can only be used for encoding, not decoding.
[{:borsh, Module1}, {:borsh, Module2}]
- represents an enumeration of borsh-encoded structs, where each element
of the list must have a Borsh schema. Each element in the list can belong to a different module, and the sequence of
elements is important. This syntax can be used for both encoding and decoding.
Copyright © 2021-present Alex Filatov <[email protected]>
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.