Alex's notes and slides for teaching Ruby
Alex Chaffee [email protected]
We use a Ruby app called deck
to generate and serve the slides. Install deck like this:
gem install deckrb
And of course, before you can see these slides, you need to clone this repo and change into its directory:
git clone
cd ruby_notes
deck showoff.json
This will launch a local web server on port 4333. Open your browser to localhost:4333
On a Mac you can run:
open http://localhost:4333
On Windows I think you can run:
start http://localhost:4333
Use arrow keys to navigate slides. Press '?' to see a help window.
Same as above, but specify the slide files you want, e.g.
deck ruby-basics/
deck ruby-objects/ ruby-objects/
Slides are in Markdown format.
Image files should be in, or relative to, the same directory as the slide source file that refers to them.
- Ruby Quickstart for Refugees
- ruby for programmers from Railsbridge Open Workshops
- The Well-Grounded Rubyist by David A. Black
- Learn to Program by Chris Pine
This project is under an open source license. We're not sure exactly which one... probably MIT.