The current repo contains project called network which is Twitter-like social network website for making posts and following userse built with Django framework.
This project is built as Project 4 for CS50W 2020 course provided by edX platform.
The project meets the following requirements.
- New Post
Users who are signed in are able to write a new text-based post by filling in text into a text area and then clicking a button to submit the post.
- All Posts
The "All Posts" link in the navigation bar takes the user to a page where they can see all posts from all users, with the most recent posts first.- Each post includes the username of the poster, the post content itself, the date and time at which the post was made, and the number of "likes" the post has.
- Profile Page
Clicking on a username loads that user’s profile page. This page should:- Display the number of followers the user has, as well as the number of people that the user follows.
- Display all of the posts for that user, in reverse chronological order.
- For any other user who is signed in, this page should also display a "Follow" or "Unfollow" button that will let the current user toggle whether or not they are following this user’s posts. This only applies to "other" users: a user is not be able to follow themselves.
- Following
The "Following" link in the navigation bar takes the user to a page where they see all posts made by users that the current user follows.- This page behaves just as the "All Posts" page does, just with a more limited set of posts.
- This page is only available to users who are signed in.
- Pagination
On any page that displays posts, posts are only displayed 10 on a page. If there are more than ten posts, a "Next" button appears to take the user to the next page of posts (which should be older than the current page of posts). If not on the first page, a "Previous" button appears to take the user to the previous page of posts as well.
- Edit Post
Users are able to click an "Edit" button or link on any of their own posts to edit that post.- When a user clicks "Edit" for one of their own posts, the content of their post is replaced with a textarea where the user can edit the content of their post.
- The user is then able to "Save" the edited post.
- "Like" and "Unlike"
Users are able to click a button or link on any post to toggle whether or not they "like" that post.
The app is built using Django framework. To install Django via terminal, use the following command.
$ pip3 install Django
To run network locally,
- Clone this repo.
into project directory.- Start the Django web server.
$ python runserver
- Access
in your browser.
The repo contains test database. To reset database,
- Delete db.sqlite3 file.
- Run the following command.
$ python flush
Alexandra Baturina