Built with Tauri + Leptos
1. Change state path to "./"
BOLD signifies priority tasking
- Work on Custom Titlebar with buttons
- Need to figure out way to integrate LSP server for document-wide error checking
- Testing framework?
- Add way to open multiple windows/app instances
- Figure out way to add warning message when exiting app
- Integrate Git
- Add hover names for sidebar icon buttons?
- Persistant state between closing and reopening the app
- Persistant state is challenging due to little support for Leptos + Tauri combo
- Need to save state each time any of the items change
- State should be:
- Session/directory name
- TODO: open_files
- TODO: selected_file
- TODO: cached_files
- TODO: saved_files
- accounts
- open_directory
- Session/directory name
File System:
- Add way to delete files
- Changing directories
- Check for unsaved open files -> send warning if true
- Close all open files
- Reload window with new filesystem open?
- Add hover filepaths for file buttons
- Creating files/directories
- Add check for conflicting file and directory names
- Add better auto sorting to FS when files/directories are created
- Add screen if file cannot be found
- Handle in FileTabs as Well
- Add more features?
- Add way to edit API endpoint
- Add authentication/authorization for accounts when either loading from persistant state or creating transactions?
- Add background async function to periodically scan and update saved account balances, also should run whenever transactions are sent out
- Saved Accounts
- Add field showing account balance
- Hide PK and VK by default (password protected?)
- Add way to save records?
- Add sub-icon on sidebar icon to indicate success,failure, or pending
Deploy and Execute:
Deploy Program
- Add fee estimation functionality
- Need better way to check if transaction fails due to low balance or fee not being large enough
Deployed/Loaded Program:
- Add function output
- Disable function button when call is pending
- Separate Async Functions from Non-Async?
- Figure out how compressed and expanded inputs are connected/separated and rest when function is switched between compressed and expanded
Figure out how to migrate leo.exe stuff to underlying snarkVM code for platform agnostic support?
- Figure out how to migrate leo.exe stuff to underlying snarkVM code for platform agnostic support?
- Reset all output fields when environment is changed
- Get Account Balance:
- Private Balance: Is there a better way to do this other than brute-force searching for record?
Transaction History:
- add this
- Dynamic error checking (red squiggle with error description) (See LSP task above)
- Better file state tracking (Ctrl + Z Undo doesn't work once you switch to another file)
- Highlight current line of text with gray?
- Add highlighting conditional on file type (.leo vs .aleo vs. everything else)
- Maintain scroll level and cursor position when switching between file tabs and reopening files
- Maintain indent level when entering newline character (VSCode-like)
- Start work on this