GeoTiles provides tooling to handle table compatible data that is separated into geographic tiles to support global-scale workflows.
Global scale processing of large datasets often requires implementing some form of geographic tiling schema to facilitate efficient data access and processing. GeoTiles.jl provides tooling to help create and manage such tiling schemes.
GeoTiles.jl relies on a defined file-prefix naming convention to avoid needing a separate file catalogue or database. GeoTiles.jl current only supports reading of Arrow files but it would be trivial to modify for other DataFrame supported file formats.
load packages
julia> using GeoTiles;
julia> using DataFrames;
julia> using Extents;
Define a global 2-degree GeoTile grid
julia> geotiles = GeoTiles.define(2.)
16200×3 DataFrame
Row │ id extent geometry ⋯
│ String Extent… Polygon… ⋯
1 │ lat[-90-88]lon[-180-178] Extent{(:X, :Y), Tuple{Tuple{Flo… Polygon{fa ⋯
2 │ lat[-90-88]lon[-178-176] Extent{(:X, :Y), Tuple{Tuple{Flo… Polygon{fa
3 │ lat[-90-88]lon[-176-174] Extent{(:X, :Y), Tuple{Tuple{Flo… Polygon{fa
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱
16198 │ lat[+88+90]lon[+174+176] Extent{(:X, :Y), Tuple{Tuple{Flo… Polygon{fa
16199 │ lat[+88+90]lon[+176+178] Extent{(:X, :Y), Tuple{Tuple{Flo… Polygon{fa ⋯
16200 │ lat[+88+90]lon[+178+180] Extent{(:X, :Y), Tuple{Tuple{Flo… Polygon{fa
1 column and 16194 rows omitted
Make a DataFrame with columns of latitude and longitude and some data
julia> df = DataFrame(latitude = [70.2, 71.4, 80.], longitude = [50.1, 50.5, 30.], data = [4.5, 8.1, 20.])
3×3 DataFrame
Row │ latitude longitude data
│ Float64 Float64 Float64
1 │ 70.2 50.1 4.5
2 │ 71.4 50.5 8.1
3 │ 80.0 30.0 20.0
Group data into geotiles
julia> gts =, geotiles)
2-element Vector{DataFrame}:
2×3 DataFrame
Row │ latitude longitude data
│ Float64 Float64 Float64
1 │ 70.2 50.1 4.5
2 │ 71.4 50.5 8.1
1×3 DataFrame
Row │ latitude longitude data
│ Float64 Float64 Float64
1 │ 80.0 30.0 20.0
Check that returned dataframes are geotile compliant to be compliant the dataframe must have latitude & longitude columns and contain geotile_id in metadata
julia> GeoTiles.isgeotile.(gts)
2-element BitVector:
Save geotiles to disk
julia> folder = "/Users/gardnera/Downloads/Test";
julia> suffix = "_test.arrow";
julia>, Ref(suffix), gts)
2-element Vector{String}:
Load only geotiles that intersect extent
julia> extent = Extent(Lat=(70.,71.), Lon=(50.,51.));
julia> GeoTiles.readall(folder; extent=extent)
1-element Vector{DataFrame}:
2×3 DataFrame
Row │ latitude longitude data
│ Float64 Float64 Float64
1 │ 70.2 50.1 4.5
2 │ 71.4 50.5 8.1