The purpose of the villain API is to provide users and score functionality. The API is run on nodejs express hosted in Heroku and connects to an ElephantSQL postgress DB.
- node 20x due to Dyna support
- postgres
- ElephantSQL postgress account
- Sendgrid account
In order to run your application localy and without affecting the production DB, you need to create a local DB to connect to. Folow the below steps.
- Navigate to and follow the instructions
- Navigate to and follow the instructions
open your terminal and follow the below steps
- clone repo
git clone
- run the init script file to create your DB
- mac/linux run
sh setup/
- windows run
bash ./setup/
- NOTE: Also make sure your shell script is formatted with Unix style, or there can be errors.
- mac/linux run
- run
npm install --force
- set
variable with the postgress URL of the instance that you what to use - set
with your SENDGRID API KEY, or you can set it tooff
so the function to send emails is not called - run
npm start
ornode app/index.js $PORT
- example:
source .env
- Navigate to http:localhoat:3000/api-docs to view the swagger documentaiton of the API
to run in production
srouce .env
- must start the server with port 3000
- run
npm test
Navigate to and follow the instructions
We have set up 4 test to validate the performance of the API.
- e2e // seems to break the app DO NOT RUN
- smoke (k6.spec.js)
- Load (userJourneyLoad.spec.js)
- Spike (userJourneySpike.spec.js)
You can run the above by running
MY_HOSTNAME= k6 run test/userJourneyLoad.spec.js
or by updating the ci.load_test.yml file with the name of the branch you can test run the load test.
If you are making major changes to the DB queries or changes to the DB, we recommend you run the load test to validate the performance of the API.
After starting the service localy, refer to localhost:3000/api-docs endpoint
Please ensure you update the functinality as you fo using, just updaload the openapi.json file from the swagger fordel into the editor ( you will be prompted to change to yaml). Then make the relevant changes and dowload the as JSON file.
The replace openapi.json and comimt the changes in a Pull request.
We use sendgrid for sending authentication keys over email, as part of our 2FA system. To get the sendgrid API key you need to register.
Current account for this project is under creation.
We use the free tier of ElephantSQL to host our database. To get access to the database you need to register.
Log into your account and get the URL from the instance
Ensure you have requested the .env
file with the relevant keys and run the below commands
source .env
Build application base on the architecture
docker build --build-arg DT_PAAS_TOKEN=${DT_PAAS_TOKEN} -t morsisdivine/villan-api:latest .
docker build --build-arg DT_PAAS_TOKEN=${DT_PAAS_TOKEN} -t morsisdivine/villan-api:arm . -f Dockerfile.m2
Run Image with the below command
docker run -p 3000:3000 -e SENDGRID_API_KEY=${SENDGRID_API_KEY} -e NODE_ENV=production -e ELEPHANT_URL=${ELEPHANT_URL} morsisdivine/villan-api:arm
docker run -p 3000:3000 -e SENDGRID_API_KEY=${SENDGRID_API_KEY} -e NODE_ENV=production -e ELEPHANT_URL=${ELEPHANT_URL} morsisdivine/villan-api:latest
We use Heroku to host our application.
To deploy to Heroku you need to have an account and be added to the project.
To deploy to Heroku you need to have the Heroku CLI installed. Refer to
source .env
heroku login
heroku container:login
heroku container:push web --arg DT_PAAS_TOKEN=${DT_PAAS_TOKEN} -a supervillan
heroku container:release web -a supervillan
minikube start minikube dashboard
kubectl create namespace dynatrace kubectl apply -f kubectl -n dynatrace wait pod --for=condition=ready, --timeout=300s kubectl apply -f dynakube.yaml
kubectl proxy
kubectl create deployment villan --image=morsisdivine/villan-api:latest export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}') echo Name of the Pod: $POD_NAME
kubectl rollout restart -n default deployment villan
kubectl delete deployment villan