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Sprint 1

QuiqueGL edited this page Nov 12, 2018 · 10 revisions


Sprint 0 has been completed successfully and now it is time to go ahead and continue with sprint 1. The team has grown and has included one more member with a product owner, management profile. In addition, over the next sprint, one extra person with a devops profile will be included with the aim of automation and securing the platform.

In addition, each week, one of the team members is in charge of responding to any issues and requests brought up by the community via github or slack. The team is as well actively reviewing new quorum updates to stay tuned to important fixes.

User stories completed in Sprint 0

User Story Title Description
New test-net Telsius The new test-net called Telsius has already been deployed in local and it is currently working and under test of the core team. This new network was created so that to deal with contract nested calls problems in Arrakis network.
Addition of requested nodes An active follow-through of the requests and issues in Alastria-core Github has been done and new regular nodes has been added to the test-net
Node monitoring Node monitoring is now possible for any partner of the Alastria network. A python script that checks the syncing status of nodes has been developed. It triggers alerts with the status of the node. As a consequence, every node needs to have a Python 2.7 working environment, including a websocket-client library and a scheduled application execution system.
Bender Bot – Alerts in non-functioning validator nodes Via our created bot, named Bender, validator nodes are restarted if they have 5 or more catch-ups during 5 consecutive minutes. In this way it is assured that the network is kept healthy
Alastria validator restart The restart frequency of validator nodes have been modified from 72 to 96 hours. This has been changed due to memory leak
Netstats* Starting from the eth-netstats developed by the community as a base, the Alastria eth-netstasts has been created with the appropriate front-end to deal with Instanbul BFT consensus.
Block Explorer* Official Alastria Block Explorers have been released. There are two available. One with and another one from CouncilBox
Documentation A new Alastria Wiki has been created including important information to help the community on the Alastria on boarding. The documentation includes a fully detailed step by step guide of how to set up regular and validator nodes, it shows the links to access the NetStats and the Block Explorers, and it has a wide FAQ covering typical issues.
Alastria Github follow-through* In addition of creating an easy to follow documentation, the Alastria Github has been put to date and a lot of past issues and pull-requests have been attended and solved.
Private Gitlab repo A private gitlab repo for the core team has been created so that to store core platform scripts, certificates and security keys.

* User story not finished and to be continued in next sprint

Backlog for sprint 1:

User Story Title Description
Alastria Access Point * For security reasons, access to the nodes cannot be granted to all types of operations. RPC requests are filtered by using Envoyproxy so that only calls of web3, eth and net families are allowed. Envoy has been selected for its ease of integration with docker-compose. During this sprint, the solution to adopt will be ideated, defined
Netstats Complete and deploy the Netstats. One of the changes to be made is that since we did not have available the official DNS for Alastria, the NetStats developed has an ioBuilders domain. Change this and redirect it to an Alastria domain.
Block Explorer Continue with the modifications to have a personalized Block Explorer with Alastria logo and colors in the frontend.
Internal documentation: how to approve new nodes Internally, in the private Gitlab, it is going to be documented how to approve new requests of nodes addition so that any member of the core team can accomplish the task
Node parameters update Due to the Arrakis network problems with the genesis block, it was not possible to nest contracts. With Telsius network, this problem is solved. However, there are some nodes parameters that have to be updated and agreed on with JP Morgan so that to be compatible with Quorum
Alastria Github follow-through the Alastria Github issues and pull-requests will be attended and solved as they come. Always having in mind that the load of work does not compromise the rest of the sprint tasks
Documentation Private contracts Include in the Alastria Github documentation repository how to execute private smart contracts or transactions in the testnet so that it can be followed step by step and it does not generate that many issues. This task is left as last priority of the sprint and will be completed if there is enough time. Otherwise, it will be included in next sprint’s backlog

* User story not finished and to be continued in next sprint

Backlog for next sprints:

User Story Title Description
Alastria Access Point Implement into the testnet the defined solution to restrict Alastria nodes access point
Bootnodes As a future task, it is intended to include Bootnodes in Telsius network. Since validator nodes have to visualize all regular nodes, they have a high computing load and they might collapse. Bootnodes will be positioned between validators and regular nodes so that to prevent this problem.
Logs rotation During the period of operation of a node, it can happen that the size of the logs is very high. Study how to manage logs that are no longer used to avoid this
Automation Include and use tools that allow the automation of processes so that it is required less manual actions of the core team: 1. Travis Cl to do open source testing, 2. Improve an add more functionalities to Bender bot 3. Ansible for cloud provisioning, configuration management and application deployment
Latam Alastria coordination Coordinate with Alastria Latam team to work together towards the same goals
Traceability and analytics Use analytic tools as ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) to understand and follow the performance of the test-net