This library interacts with the Alastria Identity smart contracts which are in the alastriaID-hardhat-contracts repository (
This library has three different modules:
- User Functions: It helps to manage the wallet and the identity user
- Blockchain Functions: It encapsulates Alastria Identity Smart Contracts
- Tokens Functions: It manages JWTs, AlastriaSession...
If you want to deploy Alastria Identity Smart Contracts on a local network and try this library, please follow the steps described here
If you want to use the library, you must follow the steps of the in Alastria-identity-example
We recommend you to clone both repositories in your working directory.
git clone
git clone
Then, you must go to the alastria-identity-example's folder and run the following command
npm install --save github:alastria/alastria-identity-lib.git#develop
This command creates the node_module´s folder.
Now cd node_modules/alastria-identity-lib/src
You can modify the library and go back to the directory "node_modules/alastria-identity-lib" once you are done.
Transpile the library
Once you have finished you must go to alastria-identity-example's directory.
Now, you can use it from any JavaScript file in your working directory.
You can execute some of our examples by running:
node file_name.js
This library is using functionality from others.
Lib | URL |
web3 | |
web3-utils | |
ethereumjs-tx | |
jsontokens-npm | |
Or create yours.
npm test
This library is using functionality from others.
Lib | URL |
web3 | |
web3-utils | |
ethereumjs-tx | |
jsontokens-npm | |
Enjoy and contribute!
The project uses ESLint as Javascript and Typescript linter and Prettier as code formatter
We strongly recommend using VSCode as code editor due to the plugins available to install, witch will make us work better and easier
The recommended plugins to use these tools are
- ESLint:
- Prettier:
The repository already has configuration files for both, so you won't have to configure anything after the plugins installation
- ESLint: running
npm run lint
will show any linter errors. Some errors may be automatically fixed if the flag--fix
is added to the script execution. Also, thanks to the ESLint plugin, VSCode will mark linter errors with red color and warnings with yellow color - Prettier: with a file open,
(macOS) to open VSCode execution menu, writeFormat document with...
and choose Prettier or configure your VSCode workspace to automatically use Prettier if you chooseFormat document
: in your VSCodesettings.json
"[javascript]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
"[typescript]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
To automatically format Javascript and Typescript code
If you have installed some plugin that add keyboard shortcuts, like IntelliJ IDEA Keybindings ( you will be able to format documents with Prettier with shortcuts like cmd+alt+l
Contribution made by Inetum during 2024 in this document has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101084071. (Dome project