This repo contains a collection of experiments related to text coherence. In particular we explored whether neural entity grid models can be used to give a passage of text a meaningful coherence score. The model is trained using ranking loss, in which a entity grid of the original text is ranked higher than a grid with some noise added to it. An example of noise could be randomly moving an entity to a different place in the text, or adding a random entity mention.
# Install dependencies
pip install docopt StanfordDependencies pycorenlp tqdm allenlp ptvsd
# To get half-precision support, install apex. GPUs with device capability at
# least 7 (e.g. Titan V) have support for half-precision training.
git clone
cd apex && python install --cuda_ext --cpp_ext
# Install BERT server
pip install -U tf-nightly-gpu bert-serving-server bert-serving-client
# Download Stanford CoreNLP from
# Ensure that stanford-corenlp-3.9.2.jar is in PATH.
CORENLP_DIR=$HOME/lib/corenlp # Change this to directory where CoreNLP is installed
for file in `find $CORENLP_DIR -name "*.jar"`; do
export CLASSPATH="${CLASSPATH:+${CLASSPATH}:}`realpath $file`"; done
# Install this coherence repo
python develop
# Remember to run all of the commands below from the root project directory,
# i.e. the directory containing this README file.
# Download the Reddit writing prompt dataset
# Ensure that the CoreNLP server is running
java -mx64g edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer \
-port 9000 \
-timeout 900000 \
# Annotnate reddit data (this could take 2 days). This will generate annotation
# files in JSON format inside data/writing-prompts/annotations/
python -m coherence.annotate.generate_corefs \
--ann data/writing-prompts/annotations \
--corenlp http://localhost:9000
# Generate entity grids. This will create data/writing-prompts/entity_grids.pkl
python -m coherence.annotate.generate_grids
# Ensure that the BERT server is running
bert-serving-start \
-model_dir cased_L-12_H-768_A-12 \
-num_worker 1 \
-device_map 0 \
-gpu_memory_fraction 0.1 \
-max_seq_len 128 \
-max_batch_size 64
# Get BERT embeddings. This will create data/writing-prompts/entity_grids_with_embeds.pkl
python -m coherence.annotate.generate_grid_berts
# Training entity grid model
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m coherence.commands train experiments/entity_grid_ranking/config.yaml -fb
# Evaluate the model
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m coherence.commands evaluate experiments/entity_grid_ranking/model.tar.gz
In the table below, each row is a possible type of noise that we could add to the grid. The second column shows the percentage of grids in each category that are ranked lower than the original grid. All examples are taken from the validation set. These results match what we would like to happen. That is, the more noise we add to the grid, the lower the score it would get, compared to the original grid.
% that ranked lower (validation) | |
Add 5 mentions of existing entities | 90% |
Add a mention of an existing entity | 73% |
Swap two sentences | 65% |
Turn off one random entry | 58% |
Turn off two random entries | 63% |
Noisy Grid (5% randomised) | 75% |
Noisy Grid (10% randomised) | 87% |
Noisy Grid (20% randomised) | 93% |
Noisy Grid (30% randomised) | 96% |
Randomly Shuffled Sentences | 92% |