This project is a first on my own project after following some online courses about web developement in the process of acquiring new skills. This project is composed of two parts today. A back end developed with Symfony 4 to build an API, and a React fron-end to consume and use this API.
The basic idea was to refresh a very old application I did for my personal use to follow my budget monthly and keep track of operations I knew but was not on my account yet, or that would come monthly but have not yet arrived on the real account. All of this to get at any point in time a knowledge of what's really remaining on my account, and also the most important, how much money would remain at the end of the month.
It is not a immensely complex application, but I did my best to make it a good application. And that I'll try to keep updating in the future. If you got on my Github following an application to a position for your company, do not hestitate to contact me by email or phone so I can provide you access to an actual functioning live version of the tool.
I do not presume this to be the perfect code, but to be good enough to show my quick adaptability to new technologies. As I'm sure I would learn even more things inside a real team in the future.
This Back End is developed using the latest Symfony version at this time (4.3). It also makes uses of the following additional libraries :
- friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle
- jms/serializer-bundle
- lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle
- nelmio/cors-bundle