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AWS Elastic Beanstalk Deployment Boilerplate

Do you deploy to AWS Elastic Beanstalk? Do you need to run application in multiple environments? If both answers are yes, read on.

This is a starting point repository for web application. You can use the included scripts to customize application building and AWS deployment processes. You are required to have some knowledge of AWS and bash scripting to be able to configure and add on your custom code, however I have made this boilerplate really simple and easy to understand.

Included scripts automate tasks below for you:

  • Create or update an application in AWS
  • Create or update an Elastic Beanstalk environment base on your GIT branch
  • Archive application files in S3, also purges old files after configurable days
  • Seamlessly deploy your production(master branch) code to EBS without downtime. See AWS Blue/Green deployment and beware of the DNS caveat noted in the documentation.

You're required to:

  • Add your own web content
  • Add on your own custom logics for application building. For examples, you might need to move files around or configure database credentials
  • Modify deployment processes to fit your needs


In this demo, I created a new application with 3 environments in AWS Elastic Beanstalk using commands only.

Alt Text

Click here to see a high resolution video of the demo.


  • master This is the branch you want to start fresh
  • wordpress This is the branch I experiment with Wordpress
  • beta This is the branch I commit and test features

Quick Start

  • Install awscli, jq, gdate (macOS only) and configure awscli. See installation instructions below
  • Change these values in APP_NAME, SECURITY_GROUP, EC2_KEY_NAME and S3_BUCKET. See value descriptions below
  • Run ./ deploy



Ubuntu Linux

apt-get install awcli


brew install awcli

For installation instructions, go to

Configure awscli

$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: [YOUR ACCESS KEY ID]
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: [YOUR SECRET ACCESS KEY]
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: json

For configuration instructions, go to


jq is used to parse JSON data in bash.

Ubuntu Linux

apt-get install jq


brew install jq

gdate (macOS only)

gdate is an GNU verion of date for macOS

brew install coreutils

How to use

Web Content

Put all your web content inside /public_html. Content will get served by web server of the stack of your choice. As long as the web server supports, you can have a PHP, or completely static site.

You might also have a seaprate process that builds the content in the directory. For example: Webpack build of a React application.

Whatever and however you want to put the content there, it's up to you.


You can further configure a Elastic Beanstalk envionrment using the configuration files in .ebextensions directory.

For more details, go to


Below are the variables you can customize in

Name Description Default Value
APP_NAME Application name MUST CHANGE
APP_BRANCH GIT branch name The script auto detects the branch name
APP_FILE Application file name Concatenation of APP_FILE and APP_BRANCH
ENV_NAME Elastic Beanstalk domain name (CNAME). It's possible that your CNAME might be taken, if so you have to name it differently Same as APP_FILE
BUILD_NUMBER A unique number for the build Timestamp in YYMMDD-HHMMSS format
APP_FILE_VERSIONED The unique file name Concatenation of APP_FILE and BUILD_NUMBER
PUBLIC_WEB_DIR Web content directory public_html
STACK Web server statck, run ./ to get a list of most current stacks 64bit Amazon Linux 2017.09 v2.6.0 running PHP 7.1
INSTANCE_TYPE EC2 instance type. Available instance types can be found here: t2.micro
S3_BUCKET S3 bucket. It must exists in S3 MUST CHANGE
S3_BUCKET_DIR S3 directory for applications apps/${APP_NAME}/${APP_BRANCH}
S3_DELETE Whether or not to delete old appliation files 1
S3_DELETE_DAYS_OLD Delete old application n days old 7
OPEN_IN_BROWSER_AFTER_UPDATE Whether or not to open browser after update has been made, only works in Desktop environments. 1 = Yes, 0 = No 1

./ deploy

This command deploys current branch to a Elastic Beanstalk environment.

If application doesn't exists, it creates the application. If environment doesn't exist, it creates the environment. If environment exists, it updates the environment.

./ terminate

This command terminates the environment of current branch.

./ terminate app

This command terminates the application and also terminates all of its environments.


Example: ./ "s3://mys3bucket/apps/my-app/master" "7 days"


This return a list of most current stacks available in AWS.

Tested Platforms

  • Ubuntu 16 LTS
  • macOS High Serria


MIT - See included