Install the demo.
$ git clone
$ cd bindo-test && npm install
// generate data
$ cd data && ruby generate_data.rb
$ cd .. && npm start
Visit with your browser.
According to Flux, an application should be divided into four parts.
- Views: the UI layer
- Actions: messages sent from Views (e.g. mouseClick)
- Dispatcher: a place receiving actions, and calling callbacks
- Stores: a place managing the Application's state, and reminding Views to update
- User interacts with Views
- Views propagate an Action triggered by user
- Dispatcher receives the Action and updates the Store
- Store emits a "change" event
- Views respond to the "change" event and update itself
Used package react-datagrid: show the list data react-bootstrip: some tooltips lodash: deal with objects jquery: deal with json file to get data
Don't get it? Take it easy. I will give you the details soon.