Open Calais attaches intelligent metadata-tags to your unstructured content, enabling powerful text analytics. The Open Calais natural language processing engine automatically analyzes and tags your input files in such a way that your consuming application can both easily pinpoint relevant data, and effectively leverage the invaluable intelligence and insights contained within the text. Please refer to the complete documentation here.
$ npm install opencalais-tagging
- Get your free opencalais key from here.
A promise is returned if a callback function is not provided.
const calais = require('opencalais-tagging'),
options = {
content : 'The content to tag',
accessToken : 'opencalais-key'
const response = await calais.tag(options)
console.log('Response : ', response)
An optional callbck function can also be provided.
const calais = require('opencalais-tagging'),
options = {
content : 'The content to tag',
accessToken : 'opencalais-key'
calais.tag(options, (error, data) => {
console.log('Response : ', data)
####The following query parameters can be provided.
Options | Description | Values | Default Value |
content (MANDATORY) | Content to be tagged. | string | none |
accessToken (MANDATORY) | Obtained access token | string | none |
Content-Type | Indicates the input mime type. | text/html, text/xml, text/raw, application/pdf | text/raw |
omitOutputtingOriginalText | Excludes the original text from the output. Highly recommended for large input files. | boolean | true |
outputFormat | Defines the output format. | xml/rdf, application/json, text/n3 | application/json |
x-calais-contentClass | Specifies the genre of the input document. Highly recommended for optimal extraction when input files are news stories or research reports. | news, research | none |
x-calais-language | Indicates the language of the input text. | English, French, Spanish | none |
x-calais-selectiveTags | Lets you specify a custom set of metadata tag types to be included in the output. | additionalcontactdetails, company, country, deal, company, industry, person, socialtags, topic | none |
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details