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Models used here are pretrained on ImageNet dataset ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) with python and keras deep learning library.
1.Resnet50 model
- Classifying input image with probabilities notebook link
- Visualizing resnet50 model notebook link
2.VGG16 model
- Classifying input image with probabilities notebook link
- Visuvalizing vgg16 model notebook link
3.VGG19 model
- Classifying input image with probabilities notebook link
- Extracting last layer of vgg19 and using them to predict notebook link
- Visuvalizing model extracted model notebook link
4.InceptionV3 model
- Classifying input image with probabilities notebook link
- Extracting last layer of vgg19 and using them to predict notebook link
- Visuvalizing model extracted model notebook link
What is a pretrained model?
Models that has been already trained on a particular data set with number of classes
Use of pretrained model: Instead of training from scratch/starting with random weight initialiation pre-trained models can be used with other datasets. [keywords: fine tuning-transfer learning]
Resnet50 model Architecture speciality:Use of residual blocks(skip connections) enabled training much deeper network by handling vanishing and exploding gradient problems https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.03385
VGG16 model Architecture speciality: Use of 3x3 convolution filters with depth of 16 weight layers https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.1556
VGG19 model Architecture speciality: Use of 3x3 convolution filters with depth of 19 weight layers https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.1556
InceptionV3 model Architecture speciality:1x1,3x3,5x5,max pooling convolutions performed with less computation cost-sparsely deep connected network-Hebbian principle(neurons that fire together wire together) https://arxiv.org/pdf/1409.4842.pdf