- Improved style and workflow
- Cleaned up the config
- Corrections on Coc.nvim's behavior
- and many more ...
- Replaced vim-css plugin with vim-hexokinase due to vim-css's inability to highlight colors in C files properly (you need go for this new plugin which the installation script will take care of)
- Improved easy motion bindings
- Added Catpuccino theme
- Updated and improved the installation script
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wolandark/wim/main/Wim_Arch_Install.sh)
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wolandark/wim/main/Wim_Debian_Install.sh)
Otherwise satisfy the dependencies and grab the wim-3.1.vimrc and rename it to .vimrc and start vim. Plugins will install automatically
Watch the script work here
The purpose of this project is to not only provide an IDE-like vimrc, but also to teach you how it is constructed. It is made from the ground up from the vanilla Vim with the help of plugins and .vimrc configurations.
- Vim 8+ upto latest (Tested and also works on vim 7)
- vimplug (Will be installed automatically as of version 2. Unix and Linux Only! for windows you must use the windows curl command of vimplug)
- nodejs and npm (For coc completion)
- Figlet & boxes (For the start menu ascii art)
- Out of the box plugin installation
- Tab Completion and snippets for fast coding
- Easy tab and split navigation
- Start Screen with bookmarks and file history
- Beautiful built in base16 colorschemes
- Nerdtree-like configuration of Netrw
- Customized Lighline statusline
- Customizability! It is lightweight and extensible without having to learn a whole new software or language
On Arch Linux and other derivatives use the provided installation script, otherwise continue manually
Windows users must delete the statement that auto installs vimplug at the beggining of the vimrc and proceed with the manual installation of vimplug, then launch vim with the new vimrc so that the plugins can be installed. Naturally you must use another editor to alter the vimrc.
As of version 2, once you start vim with my .vimrc. vimplug and plugins will be installed automatically. Don't panic and let it work
Refer to the release page for easy download. Remember to rename the file to .vimrc
Place the .vimrc file in your home directory
You can rename your already existing .vimrc or move it to another directory. this way; you can always bring it back if you dont like Wim
Place the roman.flf font in
Install boxes from repositories or compile it.
Refer to the list of autocompletion languages and add the ones you'd like with
- Example:
:CocInstall coc-css
- Example:
:CocInstall coc-explorer
for using the coc-explorer file manager instead of netrw- to start netrw
- to start netrw
Once the downloads are finished you can start using Vim normally
Leader key is naturally space
Refer to the table below for a list of key bindings
- Ranger. See mine
- Vifm
- It was tested on multiple devices and distros with Vim from the terminal on linux and Gvim on Arch and Windows and it works perfectly. If anyone happens to use this on OSX please provide me with your feedback.
- Please keep in mind that in case your terminal emulator takes charge of some of your keys, its up to you to figure it out. Some terminals do hold unto your Ctrl or Alt or shift key for their own functions
- You can review the list of plugins and comment out or delete the lines about the ones you dont want. This must be done before running
- If you want to delete any plugins later, delete the lines about them and run:
- If you want to delete any plugins later, delete the lines about them and run:
- Open your CocConfig by typing
into vim's command mode - add the following lines to improve Coc's Tab behavior
"suggest.noselect": true
to save and quit
Keys | Function |
leader v | Vifm Floating |
leader r | Ranger Floating |
leader e | Coc-Explorer On The Left Side |
leader t | Terminal |
leader i | Pop Start Menu |
leader T | NewTab |
leader d | Duplicate Cleaner |
leader 1-9 | Go To Tab |
leader tm | Move Tab |
leader x | Close Tab |
leader c | Fuzzy Colorschemes |
leader b | Fuzzy Buffers |
leader s | Fuzzy File Search |
leader W | Fuzzy Windows |
leader H | Fuzzy History |
leader Hc | Fuzzy Command History |
leader h | chmod +x current file |
leader M | Fuzzy Mappings |
leader w | Quick Save w! |
leader op | Source Current File |
leader z | Fix Spelling For 1 word |
leader l | Fix Spelling On 1 Line |
leader ww | VimWiki |
leader \ | Border Current line using Toilet |
leader mk | mkview |
leader [ | Add Empty Line Above |
leader ] | Add Empty Line Below |
leader S | Add Empty Line Above And Below |
leader u | Move Current Line A Paragraph Up |
leader k | Move Current Line One Line Up |
leader j | Move Current Line One Line Down |
leader ' | Open Vim Terminal |
Shift Arrows | Resize Splits |
Ctrl hjkl/Arrows | Focus Between Splits |
F6 | SpellCheck |
Ctrl j | Trigger Snippets |
Ctrl j k | Move Within Triggered Snippet |
Ctrl PGDNN | List Available Snippets |
gcc | Comment Out |
yss(char) | Surround line |
ysiw(char) | Surround word |
fy | find char across splits |
fl | find lines across splits |
ml | Move to LIne |
fw | find word across splits |
s | find two chars across splits |
jj | escape |
; | : |
Ctrl m | Center Cursor |
bs | #!/bin/bash |
be | #!/usr/bin/env bash |
br | <br> |
Ctrl h/Arrows | Move Between Splits |
Ctrl j/Arrows | Move Between Splits |
Ctrl k/Arrows | Move Between Splits |
Ctrl l/Arrows | Move Between Splits |
leader R | Rotate Splits |
Alt hjkl | Move With hjkl In Insert Mode |
Alt Arrows | Go Tabs Right Or Left |
New Catpuccino theme
Default Gruvbox Colorscheme. Netrw & TagBar
Startify Dashboard with history and shortcuts
Completion and language support
Press Leader+c to chose a new colorscheme
- Customizability! It is lightweight and extensible without having to learn a whole new software
- Easy tab and split navigation
- Start Screen with bookmarks and file history
- Beautiful built in colorschemes
- Easy completion ctags, syntax check and more
- Lighline, Vim statusline
- Choices! It is all about choices
- Choices! It is all about choices
Because Vim is the one I use and frankly Vim is fine.
Yes! and it does only one thing, adding an easier integration for installing plugins.