Create under src/hears a js file. You can use src/hears/test.js as example.
- msg: The string to react to.
- env: Envs to hear on. See for environments/events.
- responseCallback: The function to execute when msg is received. It MUST accept the params bot and message and send its reply as
bot.reply(message, <yourReplyHere>).
- init: (optional) This function will be called with controlle (botkit bot controller for donramos) and db (jfs module storage object). This function is called before registering the hear, so you may you use to interact with the controller and the data storage to retrieve data needed for your hear callback.
- usage: Explains how to use your hear.
- whatItDoes: Explains what your hear does.
let config = require('../config');
module.exports = {
init: init,
msg: '(test)*'+'(.*)',
usage: '@donramos quien va a [tu accion]',
whatItDoes: 'Elige un presente en RG aleatoriamiente para hacer lo que indiques',
responseCallback: responseCallback
let enteradoCount = 0;
let usersInRG = [];
function init(controller, db) {
usersInRG = users;
function responseCallback(bot, message) {
if (enteradoCount > 2) {
bot.reply(message, "Hay, creo que le habla a Ud.!");
enteradoCount = 0;
} else {
bot.reply(message, "Enterado!");