- AIM: To recreate the classic snake game for educational and fun purposes
- Project name: Snake game in python using turtle
- Date of completion: 17-10-2024
- TYPE: Solo project
- To run and use the program download all the files
- Keep all of the files in the same directory in your system
- Run/Open/Execute 'SNAKE_GAME_EXECUTABLE_17_10_2024_by_Aishik_Mukherjee.py' to play the game. Enjoy :)
- Don't touch other files if you don't know what you are doing.
- email me at [email protected] for support / any querry.
- To check if your system has python installed or not, visit: https://www.naukri.com/code360/library/how-to-check-python-version-in-cmd
WARNING: YOUR SYSTEM MUST HAVE Python installed for this program to work. [ RECOMENDED: Python3 ]
Developer/Creator: Aishik Mukherjee