This package defines mechanisms to partially recover from errors when decoding Decodable
types. It also aims to provide an ergonomic API for inspecting decoding errors during development and reporting them in production.
More details follow, but here is a glimpse of what this package enables:
struct Foo: Decodable {
@Resilient var array: [Int]
@Resilient var value: Int?
let foo = try JSONDecoder().decode(Foo.self, from: """
"array": [1, "2", 3],
"value": "invalid",
""".data(using: .utf8)!)
After running this code, foo
will be a Foo
where foo.array == [1, 3]
and foo.value == nil
. In DEBUG, foo.$array.results
will be [.success(1), .failure(DecodingError.dataCorrupted(…), .success(3)]
and foo.$value.error
will be DecodingError.dataCorrupted(…)
. This functionality is DEBUG
-only so that we can maintain no overhead in release builds.
In your Package.swift:
dependencies: [
.package(name: "ResilientDecoding", url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
In your Podfile
platform :ios, '12.0'
pod 'ResilientDecoding', '~> 1.0'
The main interface to this package is the @Resilient
property wrapper. It can be applied to four kinds of properties: Optional
, Array
, Dictionary
, and custom types conforming to the ResilientRawRepresentable
protocol that this package provides.
Optionals are the simplest type of property that can be made Resilient
. A property written as @Resilient var foo: Int?
will be initialized as nil
and not throw an error if one is encountered during decoding (for instance, if the value for the foo
key was a String
can also be applied to an array or an optional array ([T]?
). A property written as @Resilient var foo: [Int]
will be initialized with an empty array if the foo
key is missing or if the value is something unexpected, like String
. Likewise, if any element of this array fails to decode, that element will be omitted. The optional array variant of this will set the value to nil
if the key is missing or has a null value, and an empty array otherwise.
can also be applied to a (string-keyed) dictionary or an optional dictionary ([String: T]?
). A property written as @Resilient var foo: [String: Int]
will be initialized with an empty dictionary if the foo
key is missing or if the value is something unexpected, like String
. Likewise, if any value in the dictionary fails to decode, that value will be omitted. The optional dictionary variant of this will set the value to nil
if the key is missing or has a null value, and an empty array otherwise.
Custom types can conform to the ResilientRawRepresentable
protocol which allows them to customize their behavior when being decoded as a Resilient
property (it has no affect otherwise). ResilientRawRepresentable
inherits from RawRepresentable
and is meant to be conformed to primarily by enum
s with a raw value. ResilientRawRepresentable
has two static properties: decodingFallback
and isFrozen
A ResilientRawRepresentable
type can optionally define a decodingFallback
, which allows it to be resiliently decoded without being wrapped in an optional. For instance, the following enum can be used in a property written @Resilient var myEnum: MyEnum
enum MyEnum: String, ResilientRawRepresentable {
case existing
case unknown
static var decodingFallback: Self { .unknown }
Note: Array
s and Dictionary
s of ResilientRawRepresentable
s always omit elements instead of using the decodingFallback
controls whether new RawValues
will report errors to ResilientDecodingErrorReporter
. By default, isFrozen
is false
, which means that a RawValue
for which init(rawValue:)
returns nil
will not report an error. This is useful when you want older versions of your code to support new enum
cases without reporting errors, for instance when evolving a backend API used by an iOS application. In this way, the property is analogous to Swift's @frozen
attribute, though they achieve different goals. isFrozen
has no effect on property-level errors.
provides two mechanisms for inspecting errors, one designed for use during development and another designed for reporting unexpected errors in production.
builds, Resilient
properties provide a projectedValue
with information about errors encountered during decoding. This information can be inspected using the $property.outcome
property, which is an enum with cases including keyNotFound
and valueWasNil
. This is different from errors since the aformentioned two cases are actually not errors when the property value is Optional
, for instance.
Scalar types, such as Optional
and ResilientRawRepresentable
, also provide an error
property. Developers can determine if an error ocurred during decoding by accessing $foo.error
for a property written @Resilient var foo: Int?
array properties provide two additional fields: errors
and results
. errors
is the list of all errors that were recovered from when decoding the array. results
interleaves these errors with elements of the array that were successfully decoded. For instance, the results
for a property written @Resilient var baz: [Int]
when decoding the JSON snippet [1, 2, "3"]
would be two .success
values followed by a .failure
In production, ResilientDecodingErrorReporter
can be used to collate all errors encountered when decoding a type with Resilient
properties. JSONDecoder
provides a convenient decode(_:from:reportResilientDecodingErrors:)
API which returns both the decoded value and the error digest if errors were encountered. More complex use cases require adding a ResilientDecodingErrorReporter
to your Decoder
's userInfo
as the value for the .resilientDecodingErrorReporter
user info key. After decoding a type, you can call flushReportedErrors
which will return an ErrorDigest
if any errors are encountered. The digest can be used to access the underlying errors (errorDigest.errors
) or be pretty-printed in DEBUG
The pretty-printed digest looks something like this:
Index 1
- Could not decode as `Int`
Index 3
- Could not decode as `Int`
- Unknown novel value "novel" (this error is not reported by default)
Note: One difference the errors available on the property wrapper and those reported to the ResilientDecodingErrorReporter
, is the latter does not report UnknownNovelValueError
s by default (UnknownNovelValueError
is thrown when a non-frozen ResilientRawRepresentable
's init(rawValue:)
returns nil
). You can alter this behavior by calling errors(includeUnknownNovelValueErrors: true)
on the error digest.
No. If you have a type that is generic over <T>
and specify @Resilient var someResilient: T
it will not matter if T
is an array or dictionary, it will be treated as a single value.
We don't explicitly conform Resilient
to Encodable
because the encoding may be lossy in the presence of errors. If you are sure that this isn't an issue for your use case, it should be simple to provide an Encodable
conformance in your own module.
For more information about what how exactly a particular Resilient
field will behave when it encounters a particular error, I recommend consulting the unit tests.