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Dotfiles for my Arch Linux machine managed using GNU Stow

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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo in the $HOME directory.
  2. Run stow . from the root of the repo.
# Change directory to user's home directory
$ cd

# Install GNU Stow
$ paru -S stow

# Change directory to repo's root directory
$ cd dotfiles

# Create symlinks to configuration files
$ stow .


OS Specific (Arch Linux)

Paru (AUR Helper)

Enable colors in /etc/pacman.conf to enable colors in Paru.

# Install required packages
$ sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel

# Clone the repo in your home directory
$ git clone

# Change directory to the root of the repo
$ cd paru

# Compile and install the package
$ makepkg -si


Grab your's from NextDNS or use any other DNS resolver

# Paste the following text into the config file
# Should be like format below

# [Resolve]
# DNS=
# DNS=
# DNS=2606:4700:4700::1111
# DNS=2606:4700:4700::1001
# DNSOverTLS=yes

$ EDITOR=helix sudoedit /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

# Restart the systemd-resolved service
$ sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved


Append Defaults insults in the /etc/sudoers.

# Open /etc/sudoers using visudo
$ EDITOR=helix sudo sudoedit

Git (VCS)

# Install Git Credential Manager
$ paru -S git-credential-manager-bin

# Set GCM as credential helper (globally)
$ git config --global credential.helper manager

Helix (Text Editor)

Refer to the following: helix/docs, helix/fmt and helix/lsp.

# Install the text editor
$ paru -S helix

# Install the LSPs
$ paru -S ansible-language-server bash-language-server clang gopls lua-language-server marksman python-lsp-server rust-analyzer taplo texlab typescript-language-server vscode-css-languageserver vscode-html-languageserver vscode-json-languageserver yaml-language-server

# Install the formatters
$ paru -S prettier shfmt

Kanata (Key Mapper)

Assuming you have created symlinks for the configuration file, follow the steps as mentioned in kanata/linux-setup for more info.

Yazi (File Manager)

Refer to the following: yazi/resources.

# Install the file manager
$ paru -S yazi

# Install all yazi plugins
$ ya pack -i

# Install the previewers
$ paru -S 7zip ffmpeg poppler imagemagick chafa

# Install other utils
$ paru -S fd ripgrep fzf zoxide

ZSH (Shell)

Install thefuck and starship and you're good to go.

# Install ZSH
$ paru -S zsh

# Install The Fuck and Starship
$ paru -S thefuck starship

# Change default shell to ZSH (logout for changes to take effect)
$ sudo chsh -s $(which zsh)

User Apps

# Enable flatpaks in Arch Linux
$ paru -S flatpak

# Install the following flatpaks
$ flatpak install flathub app.zen_browser.zen com.github.tchx84.Flatseal com.mattjakeman.ExtensionManager com.usebottles.bottles es.danirod.Cartero io.github.kelvinnovais.Kasasa it.mijorus.whisper me.iepure.devtoolbox net.pcsx2.PCSX2 org.localsend.localsend_app org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita org.kde.WaylandDecoration.QAdwaitaDecorations

# Install the following GUI packages
$ paru -S chromium discord foliate fragments gimp ghostty gnome-boxes gnome-calculator gnome-font-viewer gnome-logs impression kitty newsflash obfuscate obs-studio reapack reaper sws zed

# Install the following TUI packages
$ paru -S android-tools base-devel bat btop cowsay curl dust entr eza fastfetch fd figlet fzf git helix hexyl httpie lazygit lolcat macchina miller npm openssh ouch paru-bin pass reflector ripgrep starship stow thefuck tldr tmux trash-cli ttf-fira-code ttf-fira-sans wget yarn yazi yt-dlp zellij zoxide zsh


Dotfiles for my Arch Linux machine managed using GNU Stow




