Teensy 3.2 code for a simple 12 knob, 3 button midi controller.
- Hardware
- teensy 3.2 board
- 12 10K linear pots
- 3 momentary on arcade style buttons
- Wiring knobs (with pot pins facing down):
- Connect rightmost leg to AGND.
- Connect leftmost leg to 3.3V.
- Connect middle leg to A0 pin.
- Et voila, voltage divider across Teensy analog pin. Rinse and repeat for pins A0-A11.
- Wiring buttons
- Connect switch lugs to AGND, digi pins 0-2.
Space PCB mount Alpha pots (or similiar) evenly on perfboard, and use attached drill guide to drill a hammond 1590BBS enclosure to mount the pot board easily inside the enclosure.
Install the buttons_knobs.ino firmware using the arduino development environment.