A gulpfile.js and associated package.json for use in WordPress projects, (although it can easily be used independently of WP, just plug desired src and dest directories into the config object).
Uses Gulp 4 and processes SCSS and JS into minified, concatenated files, with support for globbed SCSS imports, CSS autoprefixing, Babel preset-env, sourcemaps, BrowserSync, and a watch task.
Gulp 4 includes support for parallel tasks, so it's quick since it can process SCSS and JS asynchronously.
Requires that you have 'gulp-cli' installed globally, if you are still using the 'gulp' package globally and haven't updated to gulp-cli, you'll need to remove that and install gulp-cli instead.
- Drop the contents of this repository into your WordPress theme.
- Run
npm install
in your theme directory to install dependancies. - Edit the config object in gulpfile.js to match your desired input files and destinations for the processed files.
That's it!
- The source file for compilation that contains your final import statements, should import everything that you want in the final file.
- The directory which contains all your SCSS files, this is the dir that the watch task watches for file changes to recompile automatically.
- The directory where you want your final CSS file to end up.
- The source file/files which gulp will process and watch for changes.
- The directory where you want your processed JS file to end up.
- Determines whether BrowserSync will run, true or false, false by default.
- This has to match the URL you are viewing the local site with.
const config = {
styles: {
src: 'assets/styles/styles.scss',
srcDir: 'assets/styles',
dest: 'dist/styles'
}, scripts: {
src: 'assets/scripts/**/*.js',
dest: 'dist/scripts'
}, browserSync: {
active: true,
localURL: 'mylocalsite.dev'