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Alberto edited this page Jan 18, 2025 · 164 revisions


This is a quick guide for programmers who want to use Transient.

Additional Resources

  • README - For a description of the internals for Haskell programmers
  • Transient Execution Model - Alternative tutorial on how to get things done with Transient libraries

Core Concepts

Transient provides the heavy-lifting effects necessary for solving the problem at hand. Even a beginning Haskell programmer can concentrate on the problem without dealing with the Haskell language proper.

Operator Overloading

The Haskell operator <|> is typically used to manage optional values (Maybe types). In Transient, it gains additional capabilities:

  • Express parallel or distributed computations
  • Compose widgets in web applications
  • Combine console IO programs
-- Example usage of <|> in Transient
main = keep $ do
    r <- async (return "hello") <|> async (return "world")
    liftIO $ print r

Note: This doesn't change the fundamental nature of <|>. Instead, it adds appropriate behaviors for multi-threaded and distributed contexts.

General-Purpose Design

Transient's general-purpose nature means it includes capabilities that might seem unusual to programmers from different domains:

  • Front-end web developers may find it strange to have server-side capabilities
  • Server-side programmers might be surprised by console input primitives and distributed computing
  • Distributed computing experts may be unfamiliar with built-in map-reduce
  • Console application developers might find multi-threaded console input unusual

However, modern applications increasingly require all these components. While a Facebook-scale application might need everything, most applications will use a subset of these features.

Key Benefits

  1. Code Complexity Reduction: Transient's unified approach simplifies complex systems
  2. Compact Code: High-level abstractions lead to more concise implementations
  3. Executable Specifications: The language serves as both specification and implementation
  4. Flexible Results: Primitives can return zero, one, or many results as needed

Combining Effects

Transient allows free combination of various effects:

  • Multi-threading
  • Distributed computing
  • Event handling
  • Early termination
  • State management
  • Web interfaces
  • Console IO
  • Backtracking

Additional effects can be created as needed.


Finalizations generalize exceptions for multi-threaded programs. Recent implementations include:

  • Logging execution state to files
  • Recovery of execution state from logs

Language Design Philosophy

  1. General-Purpose: Transient isn't domain-specific, allowing unrestricted effect usage
  2. Extensible: Can be restricted to create domain-specific languages using standard Haskell techniques
  3. Practical Focus: Emphasizes Haskell's strengths as an imperative language rather than pure functional programming

"90% of computer engineering involves programming effects (excluding number crunching). Transient is designed for these practical problems - and number crunching too."

Consider this program, written in Haskell: (if you have stack installed, you can paste it to a file and execute it in the command line)

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc --package transient
import Control.Monad (forM_)

main = do
    putStrLn "What is your name?"
    name <- getLine
    forM_ [1..10 :: Int] $ \n -> do
        print name
        print n

This program prints your name ten times. It uses the IO monad. That means that the do block runs IO computations. Haskell has no loop keywords so forM is a normal routine. It takes ten integers in succession and calls an expression (an action, since it performs IO) with each one of the values.

Neither [1..10] is a language construction. It is a list of one to ten Integers.

Let's look at how this program should look like using the Transient monad:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc --package transient
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base

main :: IO ()
main = keep $ do
    name <- input (const True) "What is your name? " :: TransIO String
    forM_ [1..10 :: Int] $ \n -> liftIO $ do
        putStrLn name
        print n

Almost exactly the same. Since the do block now run the Transient monad, I use keep to convert it to IO, which is what main expects:

keep :: TransIO a -> IO a

input is a Transient primitive for console IO. It uses a validation expression (const True), meaning that it accepts any string. You could read more about it later.

Since print and all the rest of the computations run in the IO monad, I must use liftIO to lift them to the Transient monad.

I had no advantage using TransIO here. It is a chain of liftings and un-liftings between TransIO and IO to do things that IO could do alone.

What if I wanted to run the loop in ten parallel threads?

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base
import Transient.Indeterminism

main = keep $ do
    name <- input (const True) "What is your name? " :: TransIO String
    n <- choose' [1..10 ::Int] 
    liftIO $ do
        print name
        print n

Now this is another story: this time choose' is a Transient primitive. It stops the current thread and launches a new thread for each of the elements in the list. Since the main thread dies, the computation could finish before the launched threads complete. This is the reason for the name "transient": because it manages transient threads. This is why keep is used. It prevents the program from exiting when the main thread dies.

This premature death of the main thread is one of the unique characteristics of transient. Usually a program "hang by a thread", the main thread, which is initiated at the beginning of the program and controls everything. It may schedule other threads and execute the backbone of the computation. In transient, the backbone is executed by many threads that are created and die along the computation.

exit escapes the keep block:

main= do
   r <- keep $ do
           -- in some thread:  
           exit "hello"
   print r 

That will print "hello" and finish. This solution is not definitive since is not type safe, but it is simple.

Asynchronous primitives

Asynchronicity is at the heart of Transient. It was explicitly done to allow full composability in presence of asynchronous or blocking IO. That means that you don't have to break your program in pieces, just because it receives asynchronous inputs like events, network requests, hardware interrupts or console input or because you have blocking IO calls.

How is choose defined? It uses async. To get an idea of what async does, look at this program:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc --package transient
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base
import Control.Concurrent

main = keep $ do
    th <- liftIO myThreadId
    liftIO $ print th
    r <- async $ do
        threadDelay 1000000
        return "hello"
    th' <- liftIO myThreadId
    liftIO $ print th'
    liftIO $ print r

async stops the initial thread and spawns another that runs what is after it. This includes his parameter (an IO computation) and continues with the rest of the computation. The great advantage of async is that it is composable:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Applicative
import Transient.Base
import Control.Concurrent

main = keep $ do                                                 -- thread 1
    r <- (,) <$> async (do threadDelay 1000000; return "hello")  -- thread 2
             <*> async (return "world")                          -- thread 3
    liftIO $ print r                                             -- thread 2

prints ("hello","world") .

The operators <$> and <*> are standard in Haskell. THey are loosely called "applicative" operators. the (,) compose two operands and generate a 2-tuple. To give a simpler example:

(+) <$> return 2 <*> return 2                              === return 4

since return 2 is 2 within a monad constructor, it can not be summed to itself with (+) directly, and this is the purpose of applicative operators: to allow it.

This can be expressed as return 2 + return 2, since the trnasient monad is a instance of the class Number and the former is the definition of (+) in that class. Actually it can be expressed as 2+2, since the number instance convert any integer to the monad:

result <- 2 + 2 :: TransIO Int
liftIO $ print result

Any binary operator can be constructed with this combination of applicative operators. This means that any combination of binary operators that can be created in pure code, can be executed within the transient monad without any change. The huge advantage is that each term could be executed in parallel. More on that later.

This is an example of how transient can express concurrency in a composable way.

In this applicative expression, both async operations run in parallel, within different threads. When 2 finishes, it inspect the result of 3. If it has no result yet, the inspecting thread stores its result and dies. When 3 finishes, it sees the result of 2. Then, it completes the expression and prints the result. The computation brought to async runs in the IO monad:

async :: IO a -> TransIO a

what if, in the above composition, one of the async statements were suppressed?

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Applicative
import Transient.Base
import Control.Concurrent

main = keep $ do                                                    -- thread 1
    r <- (,) <$> async (do threadDelay 1000000; return "hello")     -- thread 2
             <*> liftIO (return "world")                            -- thread 1
    liftIO $ print r                                                -- thread 2

It produces the same result, but this time, the original thread (1) is the one that runs the IO computation of the second term. Since 1 find that the other operation has not finished, it dies in peace. When 2 finishes, it completes the applicative and print the result.

Let's see the difference of the former expression with this other expression:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))

main = keep $ do
    th <- liftIO myThreadId                                   -- thread 89
    r <- async (do threadDelay 1000000; return "hello")       -- thread 90
         <|> async (return "world")                           -- thread 91
    th' <- liftIO myThreadId                                  -- thread 90 and 91
    liftIO $ print (th, th', r)                               -- thread 90 and 91


(ThreadId 89,ThreadId 91,"world")
(ThreadId 89,ThreadId 90,"hello")

Notice that there are two responses instead of one. I included the thread IDs to show what happens here: The alternative expressions trigger two parallel independent threads: 90 and 91. The first that finishes is the one of "world" since it has no delay.

But if we suppress the second async (and put liftIO, which has the same type):

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))

main = keep $ do
   th <- liftIO myThreadId                              -- thread 91
   r <- async (do threadDelay 1000000; return "hello")  -- thread 92
        <|> liftIO(return "world")                      -- thread 91 
   th' <- liftIO myThreadId                             -- thread 91 and 92
   liftIO $ print (th, th', r)                          -- thread 91 and 92

The output is slightly different:

(ThreadId 91,ThreadId 91,"world")
(ThreadId 91,ThreadId 92,"hello")

Now the thread that prints "world" is the original thread (91) that initiated the computation.

Thus, the operator <|> (called Alternative operator) can express parallelism with async.

Note that, unlike other libraries, there is no main thread exectuting an "await" primitive. As seen in the example with applicative (<*>) any thread can continue the backbone of the computation or all of them, as seen in the examples with the alternative operator <|>.

Some recapitulation: Presenting a synchronous interface to something inherently asynchronous is a great abstraction in computing. This is what the OS does with files: When a program reads a file, one pretends that the program waits for the output of the file system. But really, the program was stopped. It is the OS (or the GHC runtime) that stops your thread and resumes it when the data is available. That is what async does, but since it has no ownership of thread management, it restarts it as another thread. The OS, or the GHC runtime does a monadic friendly composition for IO operations, but it does not allow the same for applicative and alternative operations. As seen from a single thread, IO operations block, so they can't compose well. This implies that your program can't compose, and at the same time perform parallelism and concurrency. This is the problem that async et al solves; It allows composing expressions that manage thread parallelism and concurrency.

Usually, when doing concurrency by means of forkIO or with some higher level packages like async, a controlling thread waits for other spawned threads, so the resulting component is inherently single-threaded. Transient is inherently multi-threaded and can generate multi-threaded components that are composable.

If you know how to manage folds, now you can imagine how to define choose with foldl async and <|>

Note that in the alternative operator <|> by definition, if the first term does not fail, the second never runs. async forces the failure of the current executing thread so it gives the opportunity to run the second. This allows <|> to compose an arbitrary number of async computations.

Failure in the alternative computation is expressed with empty.

stop is a synonym. It interrupts the current execution sequence. This effect is called "early termination"

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
main = keep $ do
     liftIO $ print "hello"
     liftIO $ print "world"

never prints "world"

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base

main = keep $
    do liftIO $ print "hello"
       liftIO $ print "world"
    <|> (liftIO $ print "another world")


"another world"

async is a form of asynchronous execution. But there are more asynchronous primitives. waitEvents performs async repeatedly:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Concurrent(treadDelay)
import Transient.Base

main = keep $ do
    r <- waitEvents $ do
             threadDelay 1000000
             return "hi"
    liftIO $ print r

prints "hi" once each second.

imagine how waitEvents could be used to spawn blocking IO calls that wait for input coming through a communication channel.

The general form of parallelism is parallel. All the asynchronous primitives use parallel.

Let's see for example how an implementation of choose is implemented in terms of parallel:

import Transient.Base

choose  ::  [a] -> TransIO a
choose [] = empty
choose xs = do
    evs <- liftIO $ newIORef xs
    r <- parallel $ do
        es <- atomicModifyIORef' evs $ \es -> let !tes = tail es in (tes,es)
        case es of
            [x] -> return $ SLast x
            x:_ -> return $ SMore x
    return $ toData r
    toData r = case r of
        SMore x -> x
        SLast x -> x

parallel creates threads that continue the monadic sequence, like waitEvents. But it also tells the computation if the current result is the last, or if there are more. It also may signal errors or the "done" condition. In the above example, only "more" and "last" are used. The types are:

parallel :: IO (StreamData b) -> TransientIO (StreamData b)

data StreamData a = SMore a | SLast a | SDone | SError String deriving (Typeable, Show,Read)

SLast SDone and SError prevent parallel from spawning the IO computation again.

In the other side, a SMore result forces the re-execution of the IO computation. Parallel re-execute the IO computation either in a new thread or when a previous thread finishes his work. That depend on the limit of threads that you have assigned to the branch (see thread management).

Now you may understand the definition of choose above.

On the other hand, waitEvents spawns the IO computation endlessly:

waitEvents :: IO b -> TransIO b
waitEvents io = do
    SMore r <- parallel (SMore <$> io)
    return r

Since asynchronicity in transient is not based on a mutable data structure that must be passed on to finally wait for the result (a promise), transient is endlessly composable. Promises-based components can not be combined to create bigger units.

To summarize: when called, a transient component can return zero or more responses in different threads that continue the execution after the call. But also can reuse a single thread for many responses. This can be controlled with thread primitives.

Thread control

choose spawns a thread for each entry. That may be not optimal in case of light work, like in the above examples. It may be good to use choose to process a list of values with moderate parallelism, without spawning a thread for each result . To limit the number of threads, use threads:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Concurrent(threadDelay)
import Transient.Base
import Transient.Indeterminism
main = keep $ do
    name <- input (const True) "What is your name?" :: TransIO String
    n <- threads 2 $ choose [1..10 ::Int] 
    liftIO $ do
        threadDelay 1000000
        print name
        print n

You can see how the number of threads change the way the results are printed: With no thread limit, all threads spawn at the same time. After a second, all the results are presented simultaneously. With threads 1 you'll have one result each second and so on.

A different thread control primitive is oneThread: If a new thread is spawned, it kills all the living threads that were spawned previously by the current computation and all their children. It has a reasonable use with parallel and waitEvents rather than with choose, since the latter produces bursts of threads that would try to kill between themselves, while the former ones produce them in sequence.

Factoring out events and behaviours

One of the good thing about transient is that it deals with asynchronicity using the simple and intuitive model of normal, synchronous programs. The complexity that is saved for the programmer is illustrated by this paragraph. If you know nothing about Functional Reactive Programming (FRP), please skip this paragraph. If you know and you are interested about the relation of transient with concepts of FRP, here it is the place to read:

What this (complete, executable) program do?

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc  runghc  --package transient 

import Transient.Base
import Transient.Indeterminism
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)

fast  =  do 
     r<- choose [1..]    
     liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000
     return r

slow= do 
     r<- choose $ mconcat $ repeat ["cat","dog"]   
     liftIO $ threadDelay 5000000
     return r

main = keep' $ do
    r <-  threads 1 $ (,) <$> fast <*>  slow
    liftIO $ print r

$ ./prog.hs

The program prints an infinite stream of 2-tuples, since there are two choose expressions within an applicative expression that construct such tuples. The task is done with two threads: the main one, already running in the monad and the new one of threads 1. Then, there is a single thread for each asynchronous choose sentence. Since the first term give results every second but the other does it every five seconds, the whole expression does not produce any duple until both terms have results. this is after five seconds. Then, the first element continues producing results once every second. Conceptually the fastest term perform a sample of the slower one, which return the value of his last event. This is not all, but it is enough to clarify what I want to say next:

In (discrete) Functional Reactive Programming, the elements that store and compute event values and arrival times are called behaviours. For performance reasons, it is a common optimisation to store and handle only the last value. The Applicative operators of Transient behaves much like these kind of behaviours, since they store the last event value, but the program as a whole is not forced to change the execution model to another specialised for functional reactive programming. Transient does not use special data types to deal with events or behaviours.

The complication associated with the management of events and behaviours have been eliminated!

looking with more detail, note that the first two results appear simultaneously: Therefore when catis returned by the thread in the second term, it reads '4' in the first term and return (4,"cat"). Simultaneously, '5' arrives to the first term and read also cat from the second, so it return (5, "cat"). The same duplicity appears when both streams of events arrive simultaneously every five seconds. So not only the faster term samples the slowest one, but also the slowest term samples the fastest one.

Console Input/Output

To allow composability and multi-threading in console applications, console input must be non-blocking. This is a characteristic of the transient input primitives. You saw input, which waits for one string. option is another input primitive:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base
main = keep $ do
    r <- option "op" "choose this option"
    liftIO $ print r

which outputs

Enter  "ps"     to: show threads
Enter  "log"    to: inspect the log of a thread
Enter  "end"    to: exit
Enter "op"  to: choose this option"

option: "op"

The first three lines are default options, introduced by keep to end the keep block. The fifth is the input, the seventh tells that "op" has been detected and the last is the result.

option can be composed:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))

main = keep $ do
    r <- option "op1"  "op1" <|>  option "op2" "op2"
    liftIO $ print r

you can enter either of the two options. If you don't enter either of them, the computation does not continue.

optionuses waitEvents and it is feeded by a background thread spawned by keep.

options can create menus and sub-menus. This code:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))

main = keep $ do
    option "ops" "see the two options"
    r <- option "op1" "op1" <|> option "op2" "op2"
    liftIO $ print r

shows the two options only if you enter "ops":

Enter  "end"    to: exit
Enter  "ops"    to: see the two options
"ops" chosen
Enter  "op1"    to: op1
Enter  "op2"    to: op2
"op1" chosen
"op2" chosen
"ops" chosen
Enter  "op1"    to: op1
Enter  "op2"    to: op2

But also note that whenever you enter "ops" the two options are displayed again.

Note that all the options are active simultaneously. If you have complex trees and you want to make active a single branch, use oneThread associated with the alternative expression. It disables (kills) the options that don't correspond with the current branch that is being executed. Remember that option and other repetitive asynchronous primitives like waitEvents, never die, so each time you press ops two new option process are created that superpose with the older ones. That is the reason oneThread is necessary when options are in cascade.

oneThread $ option "ops" "see the  options"
oneThread $ option1 <|> option2 <|> option3....

What happens if in the previous example I add <|> return "" to the first option?

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))

main = keep $ do
    option "ops" "see the two options again" <|> return ""
    r <- option "op1" "op1" <|> option "op2" "op2"
    liftIO $ print r

Yes, the three options are displayed at the first shot, since return "" makes the computation progress beyond the first option:

Press end to exit
Enter  "ops"    to: see the two options again
Enter  "op1"    to: op1
Enter  "op2"    to: op2
"op1" chosen
"op2" chosen
"ops" chosen
Enter  "op1"    to: op1
Enter  "op2"    to: op2

option does not only return strings. It can return anything that has Read/Show instances:

option :: (Typeable b, Show b, Read b, Eq b) => b -> String -> TransientIO b

This is a Haskell "boutade":

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base
import Control.Applicative 

main= keep $ do
   r<- foldl  (<|>) empty [option (i :: Int) ("return this number")| i<- [1..5 :: Int]]
   liftIO $ print r

It displays five integer options to choose from.

when input is invoked, it ask for an expression until it validates, but once it is validated, it does not ask again.

input :: (Typeable a, Read a) => (a -> Bool) -> String -> TransIO a

As any transient primitive, it is not blocking. While input is running the options are active and watching, so you can interrupt the current branch by activating an option.

You can enter two or more inputs for option and input in the same line using the character slash as separator:


In future versions, space will also behave as separator and double quotes are used to scape spaces and slashes

Command-line input

The initialization primitives also read the command line and takes the -p option as the path that contains the first inputs for the program. This is a real example:

./distributedApps.hs -p start/localhost/8080/add/localhost/2000/y/add/localhost/2001/y

it start the example program, initializes the server in the port 8080. Then it connects with two nodes at ports 2000 and 20001 respectively. Video

This program uses option and input to read the command line. Since these primitives work in parallel with the rest of the functionalities of the program, I can also add more servers at run-time too.

Programmer defined State

You can define your own data types, store them using setData (or the synonym setState) and read them later using getSData (or getState).

Session state is handled like the state in a state monad (so state is pure), but you can store and retrieve as many kinds of data as you like. The session data management uses the type of the data to discriminate among them. But the semantic is the same. This means that if you add or update some session data, the change is available for the next sentences in the execution, but not in the previous ones. state in transient is pure. There is no global state at all.

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base
import Data.Typeable

data Person = Person{name :: String, age :: Int} deriving Typeable

main= keep $ do
     setData $ Person "Alberto"  55

processPerson= do
     Person name age <- getSData
     liftIO $ print (name, age)

I like how getSData return the data, apparently out of thin air! It uses the type of the result to locate the data in the global state of the Transient monad. For this reason it needs to be Typeable.

getSData :: Typeable a => TransIO a

What happens if there is no such data? The computation simply stops. If doSomething finds no Person data it stops the current branch.

This may be good specially when there are alternative computations:

processPerson <|> processOther

This runs processOther if there is no Person data.

If the type system can't deduce the type of the data that you want to recover, you can annotate the type:

getSData :: TransIO Person

Sometimes you need to be sure that there is data available.

The line below returns p if there is not data stored for the type of p:

getSData <|>  return p

This other does the same than above, but sets the session data for that type:

getSData <|> (setData p >> return p)

This one produces an error if the data is not available:

getSData <|> error "Person data not avilable"  :: TransIO Person

This one produces a message, but continues execution if an alternative branch is available:

getSData <|> (liftIO (putStrLn "Person data not avilable") >> stop) :: TransIO Person

Finally, if we are insecure, this is the strongly typed, manly state primitive get defined in terms of getSData. This is for an Int state, but it can be used for any kind of data:

 -- defined one time
 get :: TransIO Int
 get= getSData <|> return 0  -- 0 equivalent to the seed value in the state monad, 
                             -- when runStateT is called.

You can define one different for each of your data types: getMyNiceRegister getMyNewNewtype etc.

State data does not pass trough node boundaries unless you use normal variables, or copyData:

    dat <- local $ getSData <|> myUserDataDefault
    r <- runAt node do
              use dat
    copyData $ myUserDataDefault
    r <- runAt node $ do
          dat <- getSData
    continuelocally r

This assures that the remote code has the user data. In the first case, it is a normal variable. In the second one, it is copied in the remote node as an state variable.

Impure State

Impure state is introduced with newRState, setRState and getRState.

I hope that the difference between pure and impure state may be illustrated by this example:

    setState ("hello" :: String)
    newRState (1 :: Int)
    job1 <|> job2
    job1= do
       option "j1"  "execute job1"
       setState ("world":: String)
       setRState (2 :: Int)

    job2= do
       option "j2" "execute job2"
       s <- getState
       liftIO $ print (s :: String)
       i <- getRState
       liftIO $ print (i :: Int)

if we excute job1, when we execute job2, it will print "hello" and 2. The first has not been changed. the second has, because the String state is pure and the Int state is not.

for connaaiseurs, impure state is equivalent to a STRef in a State monad. It is used when we want to communicate state upstream. Pure state only communicates state changes downstream. The session state of a given user in a web application is an example of impure state.

newRState creates a brand new state for that type. If there was a previous one, it is overshadowed. setRState in the other side, only modify an existent state. Only creates it if does not exist.

Technically a RState is just pure state with an IORef. You can recover the IORef if you want to.

De-inverting callbacks

With the react primitive:

       x <- react  addCallback  (return ())
       continue x
       more continue

Will set the continuation of react as handler, using the addCallback provided by the library (substitute it by your real primitive name). x is the parameter passed to the callback and becomes what reactreturn to the continuation.

The second parameter return () is just in case addCallback need some return value. That happens with HTML DOM events, which need true of false to either stop propagating the event or not.

This is real code used by transient-universe to process incoming messages to the browser from the server. It uses the GHCJS callback framework and the websocket API for javascript, which, as always, is callback-based:

wsRead :: Loggable a => WebSocket  -> TransIO  a
wsRead ws= do
  dat <- react (hsonmessage ws) (return ())
  case JM.getData dat of
    JM.StringData str  ->  return (read' $ JS.unpack str)                

hsonmessage ::WebSocket -> (MessageEvent ->IO()) -> IO ()
hsonmessage ws hscb= do
  cb <- makeCallback MessageEvent hscb
  js_onmessage ws cb

foreign import javascript safe
    "$1.onmessage =$2;"
   js_onmessage :: WebSocket  -> JSVal  -> IO ()


Using backtracking for undoing actions was one of the first effects that I programmed in Transient, and I gave not much attention since then. I did not realize how good and general it is until you need it.

Imagine that you do make a reservation, open a file, update a database or whatever you need to do before doing another action, but this action either fails or it is not finally performed. Imagine that there is not one but n actions of this kind that you must undo, since step n+1 is aborted by whatever reason internal or external to the program. Then is when the powerful mechanism of transient backtracking can be used.

Backtracking in Transient is within monadic code. The example below illustrate a typical problem: a product is reserved, then a second database is updated, and then, the payment is performed. But the payment fail. Then it executes undo. This initiates backtracking. This execute the onUndo sections of the previous sentences in reverse order. first, the database update is undone, and second, the product is un-reserved.

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base
import Transient.Backtrack

main= keep $ do

       liftIO $ print "done!"

productNavigation = liftIO $ putStrLn "product navigation"

reserve= liftIO (putStrLn "product reserved,added to cart")
                 `onUndo` liftIO (putStrLn "product un-reserved")

updateDB=  liftIO  (putStrLn "update other database necesary for the reservation")
                 `onUndo` liftIO (putStrLn "database update undone")

payment = do
           liftIO $ putStrLn "Payment failed"

The execution of further undoing actions can be stopped in any undoing action if it calls backCut. This would stop backtracking and would finish execution. retry would stop backtracking and would resume execution forward from that backtracking point on.

This has application not only for undoing IO actions but also for freeing resources at finalization, or it can emulate a generalized form of exception management.

In the last version undo, onUndo, retry and undoCut have a generalized form which receive and additional parameter of a programmer-defined type: these generalizations are called onBack, back, forward, backCut respectively.

By managing different parameter types it is possible to manage different kinds of backtracking and the onBack method can be informed about the reason of the backtracking action.

in the last version, undo actions use the () type:

x `onUndo` y= x `onBack` () y
undo= back ()
retry = forward ()

Exception handling

In a heavily multithreaded programs, exceptions are of little help since often the exceptions must be communicated between threads and typically in long running programs, for example in servers, the exception code makes programs hardly readable. This is because the exception mechanism makes the code imperative and non-composable.

onException uses the backtracking mechanism describe above, but yet uses the same exception definitions of Control.Exception. If an IO computation produce an exception, it triggers the backtracking mechanism described above, so any handler that match the exception type will be executed in reverse order. There is also throwt that triggers an exception in the transient monad. The basic syntax is:

onException $ \(e :: IOError) -> handler...
rest of
the code
that is, the continuation

In the example above, an exception of the type IOError in ANY THREAD of the continuation will execucute the handler.

This pseudocode is used in Transient. restart a node in case it does not respond:

     onException $ \ (e :: ConnectionError) {restart_the_node; continue}
     connect node

continue abort the execution of further exception handlers and resume the execution, so it tries to connect again.

As always happens with backtracking, onException handlers can not escape the main execution flow. Once all exception handlers have been executed, if there is no continue in any of them, the thread stop. This is a guarantee that avoid exception hell.

Another nice feature is that it works with multi-threading. It means that the continuation can spawn threads and all of them will backtrack. Also a handler can spawn threads by calling other transient primitives.

The state is not rolled back when backtracking is done, so you have the state as was when the exception was raised:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc  --package transient 

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Transient.Base
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

import Control.Exception hiding (onException)

main= keep' $ do
    setState "hello"
    oldState <- getState
    onException $ \(e:: ErrorCall) -> do
                          liftIO $ print e
                          newState <- getState <|> return "no state!"
                          liftIO $ putStrLn newState
                          liftIO $ putStrLn oldState
    setState "world"
    throwt  $ ErrorCall "error text" 
     -- try the following instead of throwt, and see the difference: 
     -- liftIO $ print $ head ([] :: [String])
    return ()

This program would print "world" and then "hello". If you want the previous state, put it in a variable and use it inside the handler, like oldState. The exception preserves the state of the computation when the exception was triggered. This allows performing sophisticated backtracking also with exceptions, like the case described in the previous paragraph.

Note that this is not the onException from Control.Exception. It is a transient primitive.

to exit the execution flow and execute an alternative branch catcht has the semantics of catch but it works in the Transient monad. So it works with multi-threading and other transient effects.

throwt trigger an exception in the transient monad.

throwt :: Exception e => TransIO a

If the exception is triggered outside of the Transient monad, for example in pure code (like head []) or in the IO monad the handler is called but the state is not preserved. See this discussion for details.


There is an special type of backtracking triggered with finish (for lack of better name) that is used for finalization purposes. onFinish will subscribe a programmer-defined computation that will be called when finish is called. It may be used to close resources after a process. It does not mean to be an error or an exception so it has separate interface to make the code more readable.

finalizations use the backtracking mechanism described above.

In the latest versions, finish has been defined in terms of exceptions:

newtype Finish= Finish String deriving Show

instance Exception Finish

finish :: String -> TransIO ()
finish reason= throwt $ Finish reason <|> return ()

After executing all the onFinish handlers, the execution resumes normally.

finish is used internally by transient to release resources. You can invoke onFinish to finalize computations and free your own resources too.

Unless you create a new and isolated finish event with initFinish your finalization logic will be called when the communication is finalized normally or anormally (The string parameter can carry on such information).

onFinish handlers above initFinish will not be executed. So you can reuse the finalization mechanism as much as you like for local treatments.

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base
import Transient.Backtrack

main= keep $ do
  onFinish $ \Finish reason -> liftIO $ print $ "finish called, reason: " ++ show reason
  liftIO $ print "hello"
  finish "ok"
  return ()

The above program print the message: "hello" finish called, reason: "ok"

finish invoke any other onFinish registered previously in reverse order. To isolate it, call initFinish before onFinish.

noFinish would stop executing finalizations and will resume to normal execution from this point on. If in the previos example we insert noFinish in the onFinish parameter, the result will be an infinite loop where doSomething will be executed continuously.

it will run the node and re-execute connect if the first invocation failed.

Note that the execution model of backtracking -used for exceptions and finalizations- is different from the normal treatment of exceptions in Haskell: it run across different threads transparently. It can be raised by any code that continues the execution, it backtracks to previous handlers automatically without the need of throw and this backtracking can be stopped and reversed.

this has more information about backtracking.

Multi-threaded non-determinism

choose was mentioned earlier. It is a basic multi-threaded non-deterministic primitive. Any combination of async and <|> can perform multi-threaded non-determinism either. You can see some examples above, in the introduction.

Any example of non-determinism that works for the list monad can run in the Transient monad. (For newcomers: Think in non-determinism and the list monad as a kind of routine that return many results instead of a single one)

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Transient.Base
import Transient.Indeterminism
import Control.Concurrent

main=  keep $ do
      x <- choose  [1,2,3 :: Int]
      y <- choose  [4,5,6 :: Int]
      th <- liftIO myThreadId
      liftIO $ print (x,y,th)

This prints all the combinations of x and y and the thread that produced the output.

NOTE: be careful with choose since it executes each result within a different thread. A very long list would generate an excessive number of threads that make the computation inefficient. To avoid this, see the thread control primitives paragrap below.

Each result is printed in a different line, unlike the case of the list monad.

If you want the results all together in a list, collect does it:

collect :: Int -> TransIO a -> TransIO [a]

It gathers the number of results indicated by the first parameter. Then, it finishes with the rest of the active threads. If the number is 0, it waits until there are no active threads.

The transient monad is multi-threaded and can perform IO, unlike the list monad. Therefore, non-determinism can be used to perform complex divide-and-conquer computations by slightly modifying single-threaded programs.

A more detailed description of the non-deterministic effects of transient is here where you can see how a multi-threaded file search can be performed by slightly modifying a single-threaded program, so that the transient program has less lines of code.

Event variables: publish/subscribe

A transient computation can return an arbitrary number of results. from zero to many. So it is a natural way to pipeline events with >>= and other operators.

But sometimes we want to transport events non locally, to other parts of the computation where other threads are waiting to process them.

There is a general mechanism to let a thread to subscribe to different events.

Look at this:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class(liftIO)
import Control.Applicative
import Transient.Base
import Transient.EVars

main= keep $ do
  var <- newEVar
  comp1 var <|>  comp2 var
  liftIO $ putStrLn "world"

comp1 var= do
   r <- readEVar var
   liftIO $ putStrLn r

comp2 var= writeEVar var "hello" >> empty

Would print:


What happens If i remove empty (== stop) from comp2?

EVars are event vars. They allows the communication of two different branches of a transient computation. When an EVar is updated anywhere with writeEVar, all the branches that are reading that EVar -with readEVar- are executed.

newEVar will create a new EVar. All the EVar continuations are executed in parallel, unless the parallelism is limited with a threads N prefix.

For example, with:

threads 1 $ readEVar ... 

In this case, if there are events queued,the processing of the events will be sequential.

cleanEVar deletes all the subscriptors (readEVar's) for this EVar. So they will not be invoked by writeEVar anymore.

EVars use unbounded channels provided by Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan

To eliminate the magic on that, essentially readEVar is:

readEVar (EVar chan) = waitEvents . atomically $  readTChan chan

There are a variety of channel libraries in Haskell for different needs. All of them than be used with transient using parallel primitives.

This example summarizes very well many of what you have read upto now: concurrency example with worker threads

Logging and recovery

Logging is a very important effect. Here I mean not simply trace for debugging, but logging the intermediate results of computations so that a computation can be re-executed to recover the execution state. It allows the reproduction of bugs in another machine without the need of reproducing the environment. It allows also the re-execution after accidental or intended shutdown. In combination with continuations, it allows for transferring execution of programs among computers with different architectures.

The logging implementation is very efficient since it drop intermediate results. Once a routine is completed, his log is simply a single entry: the result, no matter the number of intermediate results it may have (It may have been running in many nodes too).

The basic primitive is logged:

logged :: TransIO a -> TransIO a 

It perform both tasks: logging and recovery. It transparently store in the state the result of the parameter, and recover the value if the value is already in the state. It also does whatever necessary for shortening the log when intermediate computations are finished. Also it manages the complexities associated with asynchronous and multi-threaded programs.

checkpoint, suspend and restore

The last versions of Transient include these new primitives. If the execution is being logged, suspend will save the logs and finalize, checkpoint will save and continue, and restore will re-execute a program from the log written by suspend and checkpoint.

Since the monad is multi-threaded many threads may have been logged within a single checkpoint. restore will continue execution of them from this point on.

The logs are deleted when re-executed. Make a copy if you want to keep them for debugging.

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class(liftIO)
import Transient.Base
import Transient.Indeterminism
import Transient.Logged
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

main= keep $ restore  $ do
     r <- logged $ choose [1..10 :: Int]
     logged $ liftIO $ print ("hello",r)
     suspend ()
     logged $ liftIO $ print ("world",r)
     logged $ liftIO $ print ("world22222",r)

If executed three times, this program will first print hello as many times as they can until the first thread reach suspend, which will kill the threads and exit.

The second time, it will print "world" and "world22222" and will stop, but it will not exit.

The third time that it is executed, it only present "world22222" messages.

In each step the previous logs are deleted and the program execute from the last checkpoints on.

logged also can be used in cloud computing as you could see below:

Remote execution : The Cloud monad

Some technical detail: transient cloud computing currently is implemented in the "transient-universe" package. it uses heavily all the above transient primitives for thread scheduling, HTTP and socket message parsing, event propagation, closure serialization, closure management and exception handling. It has no major dependency but Transient, so having cloud computing working is the best test of all the above primitives.

The basic primitives of Transient cloud computing are wormhole and teleport. The first opens a connection with a remote node. The second uses this opened connection to translate the computation back and forth between the local and remote nodes. Each time that teleport is called, the computation changes from a node to the other.

For example, to run something in a remote node, there is derived primitive runAt defined as:

runAt :: Loggable a => Node -> Cloud a -> Cloud a
runAt node something= 
      wormhole node $ atRemote something

atRemote something= do
           r <- something
           return r

In that example teleport is invoked two times; one translates the computation to the remote node, the other translates the result to the initial node again. The result is what we intended: the execution of something in the remote node and get the result back.

When the computation moves from a node to another, all the previous variables remain in scope. It is not necessary to pass the variables explicitly. teleport has no parameters. it transport the closure information and re-create it in the destination node. It is not in the scope of this to detail the mechanism. Just think about teleport as a translation of the execution state from one program in one machine to the same program in another one.

subsequent teleports do not re create closures from scratch, but build upon the previous ones. They communication only transport what is new. Also, closures are reused to send different results at different times.

The two primitives wormhole and teleport allow using a single connection to migrate execution. It can migrate back and forth at different places without breaking composability reusing a single connection. This means that code that uses these two primitives is fully composable.

But there is more: Since a transient routine can return many results at different times, it is possible to perform streaming in both directions. More on that later.

Cloud is a monad on top of TransIO that I added just to force the programmer to log the results of the computations. local does this logging.

local :: Loggable a => TransIO a -> Cloud a

-- the something of the previous example:
something= local <any TransIO expression>

The name evokes the fact that once the computation is logged, teleport recovers the value of this computation in the remote node. More on this later.

There are values that are not serializable, the Cloud monad can run it in the remote node too:

onAll :: TransIO a -> Cloud a

A computation with onAll is executed in both nodes, the local and the remote one, when the computation pass trough teleport.

Note that onAll does not trigger a cloud operation in all the nodes as its name may suggest (To do so see clustered or mclustered). it simply means that the data is not logged.

v <- onAll foo means that if there is a remote call, the value will be obtained executing foo in each node since the remote call do not transport v. while v <- local foo means that if there is a remote call, v will be executed in the local node and will be transported and copied in the remote node.

onAll is not a good name, but I didn't find a better one in relation with local

localIO or lliftIO execute an IO computation and log it in the Cloud monad:

localIO, lliftIO :: Loggable a => IO a -> Cloud a

The nice and unique thing about these primitives is that they produce composable components, as always in transient. It means that runAt can be combined with monadic, applicative and alternative combinators. runAt (also called callTo) is in fact a composable primitive of transient.

For examaple, monadic composition can be used to orchestrate a process using different nodes:

   x <- runAt node1 calc
   y <- runAt node2 calc2

In the first example, there may be further teleport sentences, so the computation goes back and forth as many times as you like. Also, the body of a wormhole can invoke further wormholes to other nodes. So a process executing on the cloud can get as complex and use as many nodes as you may need. That means that calc and calc2 in the above example could invoke computations in other nodes and so on. Nice. Isn't?

Used with runAt, the applicative, monadic and alternative operators permit parallel and concurrent executions among different nodes. They can be combined to create complex cloud operations:

    r <- runAt (node1) (return "hello ") <> runAt (nodes2) (return "world")
    lliftIO $ putStrLn r

This program returns "hello" from the first node and "world" from the second one. Then it composes both using the monoid instance, that in the case of strings is the composition of the strings, and prints

 > hello world

This program returns two results:

helloWorld= do
   runAt node1 (return "hello ") <>  (runAt node2 (return "world1") <|> runAt node3 (return "world2")
   lliftIO $ putStrLn r

With return two results:

> hello world1
> hello world2

In whatever order.

It can be used to implement resilience: we can stack alternative computations and get the first response:

resilientWorld= collect 1 $ runCloud helloWorld

It takes the first response whatever node it comes from, and discards the second.

To make also the first call resilient, simply add another alternative node that returns "hello".

runCloud :: Cloud a -> TransIO a

Is the opposite type of local . Actually, a Cloud computation is a transient one, with a thin layer that makes the type system force either logging each action with local, or being aware that the action will be executed in the other node with onAll.

A process watches for remote request using listen:

listen ::  Node ->  Cloud ()

The Node data has information about the host and the port. listen open the port and wait for requests. It spawns a thread asynchronously for each request, using parallel.

Unlike Cloud Haskell and other distributed frameworks that use static closures, Transient distributed programs don't need to be identical in all nodes, neither do the nodes have to share the same CPU architecture or compiler version. The condition is that they have the same Cloud primitives (wormhole, local etc) and are in the same order.


The above snippets of code won't work if we don't connect to the nodes in the first place. There are different ways to do that.

For debugging purposes, we can simulate two or more nodes in the same program:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc   --package transient --package transient-universe
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Applicative
import Transient.Base
import Transient.Move
import Transient.Move.Utils

main= do
     let numNodes = 2
     keep . runCloud $ do
        runTestNodes [2000 .. 2000 + numNodes - 1]
        nodes <- local getNodes
        result <- (,) <$> (runAt (nodes !! 0) $ local getMyNode) <*>  (runAt (nodes !! 1) $ local getMyNode) 
        localIO $ print result

will print:


runTestNodes uses a fold of <|> with listen sentences If you know how foldl works, you can deduce that, for two nodes:

runTestNodes ports= do
    nodes <- onAll $  mapM (\p -> liftIO $ createNode "localhost" p) ports
    foldl (<|>) empty (map listen nodes) <|> return()

in this case, the second line is the same than:

  listen (nodes !! 0) <|> listen (nodes !! 1) <|> return ()

Since there are only two nodes.

That means that runTestNodes create three threads: two are listen'ing and a third is the original thread, according with what we talked about parallel composition. That last one runs the runAt sentences. These sentences wake up the listen'ing threads, and they run the calculations "remotely". They return the results and run the continuations. All is run in the same program, but the communications, serialization, deserialization and socket operations take place as if they were distributed. In the last version, local nodes do not need serialization neither communications.

The way to connect with real remote nodes is either manually, if you know the hostnames and the ports of the remote nodes, or you can ask for them with connect.

connect ::  Node ->  Node -> Cloud ()

The first node is the local one, and the second is the remote. The local node information is necessary, since connect also start the listen'ing of the local node.

Simple, but is not as simple as it seems, since connect return the list of nodes connected to the remote node, that is, all the known nodes in the cloud, and the local node stores this response, with addNodes in the state of the computation.

After connect is executed the list of nodes is received. To get the list of nodes, use getNodes. It includes at least the local node and the remote node that we connected to.

main= keep . runCloud $ do
    connect  (createNode "" 8000)  
             (createNode "" 8000)
    nodes <- onAll getNodes
    r <- runAt (nodes !! 0) (return "hello ") <> runAt (nodes !! 1) (return "world")
    lliftIO $ putStrLn r

This program returns "hello" from the local node and "world" from the remote one. Then both compose using the monoid instance, that in the case of strings is the composition of the strings, and print

 > hello world

connect is more useful for creating programs that run in flexible clouds, where the nodes are not known in advance.

Clustered operations

a cluster is the list of nodes that a node may know.

connect' mix two clusters: the cluster one where the node is (that may be itself only) and the cluster where the other node is. So connect' is the way to make grow a cluster of nodes.

Currently, once a node detect a failed connection, it deletes the node from his list of nodes.

If we ask for the nodes, run the same operation in all of them and sum up the results then we have mclustered:

mclustered :: (Monoid a, Loggable a)  => Cloud a -> Cloud a
mclustered proc=  do
     nodes <-  onAll getNodes
     foldr (<>) mempty $ map (\node -> runAt node proc) nodes  

it is like the composition that generates "hello world" above but with an arbitrary number of nodes.

All the executions in the different nodes are performed in parallel.

An alternative to returning all the results together is to get them as soon as they arrive without waiting for the rest. using the alternative <|> operator:

clustered :: Loggable a  => Cloud a -> Cloud a
clustered proc= do
     nodes <-  onAll getNodes
     foldr (<|>) empty $ map (\node -> runAt node proc) nodes 

clustered uses the <|> operator. In Transient, this returns the result coming from each node in a different thread, that run the rest of the computation in parallel.

Clustered primitives can be used for many kinds of distributed computing, without knowing the real topology of the cloud.

Remote streaming

Looking at the above definition of runAt, it can run a remote Cloud program and return the result back. But a Cloud program include Transient computations, that produce results in different threads, right?

If you looked at the parallelism section you would know that waitEvents choose etc can produce many results. What if the remote process returns many results? They are forwarded by teleport one by one to the other node and continue execution in the new node, in a different thread.

If you run this program in different nodes, this program forwards what you enter in the remote console to the display of the local console:

runAt remoteNode ( local $ waitEvents getLine) >>= lliftIO . print

This is equivalent to:

wormhole remoteNode $ do
    r <- local $ waitEvents getLine
    localIO $ print r

localIO runs an IO computation in the local node.

localIO = local . liftIO

What if I want the other way around, to forward from my local console to a remote console?

wormhole remoteNode $ do
   r <- waitEvents getLine
   lliftIO $ print r

Since this time waitEvents... is before teleport, it is executed locally, and the results are streamed to the remote node, where they are printed. A second teleport is not necessary since this time we don't need anything back.

Streaming Contention

This ability to stream back and forth can be used by the receiver to control the sender.

wormhole remotenode $ do
         op <-  startOrCancel
         teleport          -- translates the computation to remote node
         r <- local $ case op of
                   "start"  ->  killChilds >> waitEvents someSource
                   "cancel" ->  killChilds >> stop

         teleport          -- back to the original node again
         lliftIO $ print r

startOrCancel :: Cloud String
startOrCancel= local  $   (option "start"  "start")
                      <|> (option "cancel" "cancel")

This program starts and stops a remote stream; When start is pressed, waitEvents someSource is initiated. This forwards results to the calling node through the second teleport, and they are printed.

An asynchronous primitive waitEvents spawns sibling threads. When canceled, killChilds kills them.

Note that killChilds is also necessary in the start thread. Since each new "start" event execute teleport and spawns a different waitEvents, so the streaming would duplicate if we do not stop the previous one.

(There are more civilized ways to stop transient computations trough the use of Event vars)

This same mechanism can be used to reduce or augment the frequency of the streaming. Transient is push based, so it need a way to send feedback to the sender and this is the way to do it. Instead of starting and stopping, a node can send messages upstream to reduce or augment the number of threads or increase the delay between messages.


Threads in a node can communicate through EVars. But there is a well-known EVar initialized by listen, that can be used for communication among all the threads spawned by it.

putMailbox :: Typeable a =>   a -> TransIO ()
putMailbox' :: Typeable a =>  Int -> a -> TransIO ()

getMailbox :: Typeable a =>  TransIO a
getMailbox' :: Typeable a => Int -> TransIO a

The mailbox primitives can be used when there are different groups of data to be interchanged. The semantics are the one of EVars (since it use EVars in the background). This means, that the get* primitives run immediately, once the set* primitives run and the type of data/mailbox identifier matches.

Writing to a mailbox is a local operation. How to write in the mailbox of another node? With runAt:

putRemoteMailBox node mbox value= runAt node $ local putMailBox mbox value >> empty

In a certain way this allow an "actor model" of programming using Transient. But getMailBox is much more flexible since it can be at any place in a computation and can be composed, while in conventional actor models they are not composable. They are event handlers.


Up to now we have been talking about distributed programs that share the same codebase. Services are programs that communicate among them, but have completely different codebases. For example a program, maybe distributed among many machines, can communicate with a database, also distributed. The good thing about transient communications is that they are composable and seamless. and also reactive: Any side can send to the other and trigger the execution of code without special constructions. Ideally the communication among programs with different codebases would retain these properties. It would be good that the program could communicate with the database, but also that the database could send data to the program at any moment. For example, when a register is modified by another node.

Services allows this kind of reactivity among completely different programs. That would reduce drastically the code necessary for many kind of interactive applications. Another goal is to keep strong composability at the application level, using the same haskell combinators.

   reg <- newRegister
   reg' <- callService database reg
   liftIO $ "register changed, coming from database: ", reg'

look at this: each time that newRegister return a register callService is the primitive that invokes the database service and reactively return back 0, 1 or many, a stream of results to the calling program. If the database service return the new registers that match the query entered by other nodes, both ways of the communication are done with a single call, as we intended.

An special service is the monitor service. It is a service of services: It is in charge of installing and executing code in the computer when another program request it. This is a description of the monitor service:

monitorService= [("service","monitor")
                ,("executable", "monitorService")

Any other distributed program or service has a similar description. A service can have the "docker" field too. If the executable is not found in the path, the monitor try to compile, install and execute it or execute the docker image.

Let's see how a program request a service:

 [node1, node2] <- requestInstance "PIN1" service 2

the PIN is an one-of key, which is optional. Then is the service description and then the number of nodes requested. If the monitor is not running in the machine, requestInstance will spawn it. A monitor may be connected with the monitors of other machines. The monitor is started with:

$ monitorService.exe  -p start/localhost/3000
Enter  "ps"     to: show threads
Enter  "log"    to: inspect the log of a thread
Enter  "end"    to: exit
Enter  "start"  to: re/start node
Executing: "start/localhost/3000"

option: "start"
hostname of this node (must be reachable) ("localhost"): "localhost"
port to listen? (3000) 3000
Enter  "auth"   to: add authorizations for users and services
Enter  "add"    to: add a new monitor node

The last option allows the connection with monitors of other nodes. The monitor try to spread the instances among all machines that are connected by talking with the other monitors and asking for permissions. Then the instances are executed and returned to the calling program.

Once the program has the node instances it can call them with distributed primitives like runAt if they run the same program. if they run a different program, they use callService'.

   database <- requestInstance "" databaseService 1
   reg <- newRegister
   reg' <- callService' database reg
   liftIO $ "register changed, coming from database: ", reg'

callService' invoke a node that implement the service directly while callService (no quote) look for this service in the list of nodes, call the monitor if does not find it and wait until it is available. Then it uses callService' to invoke it.

Distributed Computing: Map-Reduce

An example of distributed map-reduce is at DistribDataSets.hs and can be executed directly from source if docker is installed.

For best use of cloud resources, not only the program must be distributed, but also the data. The processing is done in each node with each portion of data. To allow this, a kind of structure for distributed data is necessary. The data can be seen in the Cloud monad as a single entity.

In transient the DDS (Distributed Data Sets) are data partitioned among the nodes, similar to the RDS (Resilient Data Sets) used in spark. Map-reduce primitives in transient are very similar in philosophy to the ones of spark, which is a Java VM framework for distributed computing.

However, while spark is a framework, transient is a pure library. Its primitives are first class in the language, and map-reduce is a particular operation in transient, but it is not hard-coded in a rigid framework.

On the other side, Map-reduce with Distributed Data Sets in in the infancy in transient. Although it implement boxed and unboxed vector operations.

Transformations of the data are done in memory. They can swapped to disk and can be cached, but the interface for the latter is not yet ready.

Like in the case of spark, reduce is the operation that runs everything, while map is declarative. Let's see an example:

   runCloud $ initNode $ inputNodes <|> do
        r <- reduce  (+) . mapKeyB (\w -> (w, 1 :: Int))  $ getText  words text
        lliftIO $ putStrLn r

This program gets a text and distributes it to all the nodes connected . It then returns a list of words and the number of times that the word appear in the text, in a map, to the localnode. look here for a description of initNode and inputNodes

For example, if text is "hello world hello", the program prints:

fromList [("hello",2),("world",1)]

getText convert a text into a DDS:

getText  :: (Loggable a, Distributable vector a) => (String -> [a]) -> String -> DDS (vector a)

Distributable vector a is a class constraint that restrict vector to either Data.Vector or Data.Vector.Unboxed.

The first parameter is the parser, that convert the text into a list of elements that we want to manage. In the case of the example, I used words that split the text in a list of words.

There are similar primitives to get content form URls, or files and convert them into Distributed Data Sets: getUrl and getFile respectively.

All these get* primitives assume that each node can access to the content, the file and the URL respectively. for files, all the nodes must have mounted the file in the same path (That is also the way spark works).

mapKeyB :: (Loggable a, Loggable b,  Loggable k,Ord k)
     => (a -> (k,b))
     -> DDS  (Data.Vector.Vector a)
     -> DDS (M.Map k(Data.Vector.Vector b))

mapKeyB works with unboxed vectors. Variable length data like text need unboxed vectors. A boxed vector manage pointers, while unboxed vectors store the data of each element directly.

A vector in Haskell is also called array in other languages. It is a blob of memory with several elements of the same type. Unlike lists, that are linked by means of pointers, vectors occupy contiguous memory. They can be processed by a single core in the L2 cache with few page faults.

mapKeyU :: (Loggable a, DVU.Unbox a, Loggable b, DVU.Unbox b,  Loggable k,Ord k)
     => (a -> (k,b))
     -> DDS  (Data.Vector.Unboxed.Vector a)
     -> DDS (M.Map k(Data.Vector.Unboxed.Vector b))

mapKeyU is the boxed version, for Unbox-able data types like numbers. Both are pure, declarative operations that transform DDSs according to different keys. They also transform the values according to a indexed map operation. The result in each node is a set of vectors associated with different keys in structure called Map. You can query for the key and obtain the corresponding vector very fast.

reduce ::  (Hashable k,Ord k, Distributable vector a, Loggable k,Loggable a)
             => (a -> a -> a) -> DDS (M.Map k (vector a)) ->Cloud (M.Map k a)

reduce is the primitive that runs the expression and produce a normal result in the calling node, within the Cloud monad. It accept a result of mapKeyX . It uses the first parameter to, well, reduce each vector to a single value, by repeatedly applying the operation. In the case of the example, by summing all the values of the vector.

There are still many things to do. Optimizations, test with really big data, more primitives, implement resilience, caching, DataFrames, and some standard data analysis and machine learning algorithms.

But data analysis and machine learning in the style of spark is not the only application. Since map-reduce can be used to implement NoSQL queries in distributed systems more in the line for Hadoop. A DDS or a DataFrame can be the database of a distributed system in a web application, since transient also may run in a web browser, and can also provide a web interface.

Additionally a web node can present the data analysis results of map-reduce requests. I want to create an standard web notebook for the execution of interactive map-reduce queries.

However, the execution of map-reduce with a full shuffle stage is a complex choreography. It tests almost all the transient primitives and I'm quite satisfied with the results. Since map and reduce primitives are first class, that is, they're simple haskell primitives in a monadic computation, it is easy to port algorithms. Like algorithms made for single haskell nodes for other monads in other packages.

For a real example of multinode map-reduce, use the distributedApps.hs example.

It can be executed directly from source using a docker image. Otherwise, if you have installed ghc and ghcjs you can compile the program with the two compilers:

 ghcjs -o static/out  distributedApps.hs
 ghc distributedApps.hs

(Yes, transient can be used for web applications)

Run three instances, for example:

 ./distributedApps  -p start/localhost/8080 &
 ./distributedApps  -p start/localhost/8081/add/localhost/8080/y &
 ./distributedApps  -p start/localhost/8082/add/localhost/8080/y &

access to any of the three instances with a web browser and select the map-reduce option.

Here you can see how to run it in the cloud9 environment.

Transient in the Web Browser

transient nodes running in a Web browser are fully functional, and they can run the same primitives thanks to the completeness of the GHCJS compiler.

How is the application setup to run in in a Web Browser? You have to compile it too with the GHCJS compiler with the option -o ./static/out . The static folder must be in the same folder where the program is executed.

By default listen port, when invoked with the HTTP protocol, tries to find the javascript sources in the folder "./static.out.jsexe" . If they are there, the browser loads them and runs a new transient node. This node may connect with the server using normal transient connection primitives like connect, wormhole etc.

One way to initialize a server node that accepts browser nodes and allows transient server/client distributed primitives is

  simpleWebApp port app :: IO ()

app is the Cloud expression with wormholes, teleports etc.

An even simpler way to use simpleWebApp is initNode

initNode app

initNode ask the user to start, then ask for the hostname and the port using option and input. More on that below.

simpleWebApp relies on cloud primitives:

simpleWebApp :: Integer -> Cloud () -> IO ()
simpleWebApp port app = do
   node <- createNode "localhost" port
   keep $ initWebApp node app

initWebApp :: Node -> Cloud () -> TransIO ()
initWebApp node app=  do
    conn <- defConnection
    setData  conn{myNode = node}
    serverNode  <-   getWebServerNode  :: TransIO Node

    mynode <- if isBrowserInstance
                    then liftIO $ createWebNode
                    else return serverNode

    runCloud $ do
        listen mynode <|> return()
        wormhole serverNode app 
        return ()

getWebServerNode use JavaScript tricks to obtain the server node. Then it detects if it is running as server or as browser (since both the server and each node run the same code). Then, in the Cloud monad, listen is called, the the browser node connect with the server trough a wormhole and the user application is executed in this context.

simpleWebApp is executed by the server and the clients, but in the server, all the DOM primites are equated to stop so the server stop executing as soon as it detect DOM code.

onBrowser prohibits the server to execute the code after it. Since this simpleWebApp is executed both in the server and the client, this precludes the server to continue. However the server will execute teleportations.

since there is a wormhole between client and server, then teleport can be used to move computations back and forth:

within a wormhole atRemote if invoked from the server or browser, run the computation in the other node:

atRemote proc= do
     r <- proc
     return r

atRemote can be used either from the browser to call the server or the other way around. It is possible to create applications controlled by the server:

  teleport -- now we are on the server
  r <- atRemote  displayAndInputSomething   -- do something in the browser
  doOtherThings r   --- we follow in the server. The server is the master
  teleport  -- now we are in the client
  ....  -- here the browser is master and executes the logic

The computation start in the browser, that act initially as master, but teleport can change this at any moment.

Recommended for node initialization:

initNode is even a simpler way to initialize any node, either a pure transent node with or without web application. And is the recommended way to do it:

initNode :: Cloud () -> TransIO ()
initNode app= do
   node <- getNodeParams
   initWebApp node  app
  getNodeParams :: TransIO Node
  getNodeParams =
      if isBrowserInstance then  liftIO createWebNode else do
          oneThread $ option "start" "re/start node"
          host <- input (const True) "hostname of this node (must be reachable): "
          port <- input (const True) "port to listen? "
          liftIO $ createNode host port

It asks for the hostname and the port in the command line. Then it initializes the node and the possible web clients if the program is compiled to Javascript.

Look at this program:

  main= keep $ initNode $ onBrowser webapp <|> onServer inputNodes

onBrowser and onServer tell the program to continue executing the code exclusively in browser and server instance respectively, but the other node can execute teleportations.

inputNodes allows the connection of other server nodes.

inputNodes= do
   onServer $ do
          local $ option "add"  "add a new node at any moment"
          host <- local $ do
                    r <- input (const True) "Host to connect to: (none): "
                    if r ==  "" then stop else return r

          port <-  local $ input (const True) "port?"

          connectit <- local $ input (\x -> x=="y" || x== "n") "connect to get his list of nodes?"
          nnode <- localIO $ createNode host port
          if connectit== "y" then connect'  nnode
                             else local $ addNodes [nnode]

It asks for nodes and optionally connect' then.

Fot the above main program. the parameters can be given interactively or in the command line:

 myProgram -p start/myserver/2001/add/otherserver/2000/y

it initializes the node as myserver:2001 and connects with otherserver:2000

Web Programming: Axiom

Transient computations can create reactive widgets in the browser using HPlayground. the package is called ghcjs-hplay. The Web functionality of transient will be called Axiom, like the cruise starship of Wall-e. Axiom is made to let you navigate the universe of nodes in the cloud trough your browser while you are comfortably seated in your hoverchair.

Axiom is based on HPlayground, a client side framwork that run using the Haste compiler and ran purely client based applications. See this online IDE/Demo for some examples and to try hplayground. Now with transient, it can run full Haskell client and server applications using GHCJS in the client. It will be ported to Haste too, since Haste produces shorter code that is convenient for some applications.

See This issue for how to transform a client side Hplayground application to a full stack Axiom (formerly called ghcjs-hplay) application.

A widget can have browser and Server code, and being fully composable at the same time. A full-stack "widget" may be a complete application. It can utilize distributed computing and map-reduce. And it will will be ever composable.

This is a simple example of a web application that asks for your name, sends it to the server, where it is displayed and a message is returned to the browser:

main= simpleWebApp 8080 app

app= do
   local . render $ rawHtml $  p "In this example you enter your name and the server will salute you"
   name <- local . render $ inputString (Just "enter your name") `fire` OnKeyUp
             <++ br                                        -- new line

   r <- atRemote $ lliftIO $ print (name ++ " calling") >> return ("Hi " ++ name)

   local . render . rawHtml $ do
                      p " returned"
                      h2 r

The program works as follows: simpleWebApp initialize the server node as well as any browser node that connects to it. It includes a listeninvocation that, in the server, watch both for requests from other nodes (as usual), but also watch for HTTP requests from Web browsers and also watch for websocket requests. Transient has his own web server, made using parallel primitives and parsing, implemented also within the transient monad.

Once an HTTP request arrives from a browser, the node send the HTML+Javascript produced by the GHCJS compiler. This code configures a transient node in the browser, that issue a webSocket connection. This connection will `trasport back and forth all the communications between server and browsers.

All of this happens within the simpleWebApp primitive.

The user program has a message first, that is displayed in a paragraph in the browser.

Then, there is an input box. It sends the content to the server each time you release one key. Each time you change the input, the server prints your name in the server console. The server returns a new message to the browser, which is printed with H2 formatting.

It is a Cloud computation in the Cloud monad as always, but this time something is rendered in the browser. render is the primitive that display HTML DOM elements. When a render statement is executed, it first deletes all content generated by this statement and all the subsequent ones, and then it redraw this branch. So an event produced by a Dynamic HTML event or by communications or whatever will redraw the sub-branch where the event happens, but it does not modify the rest of the rendering.

In this case, the atRemote return a new result, so render delete the previous one and display it.

As ever, the good news is that this snippet, that runs code in the browser and the server, can be combined with any other. To see this and other two examples together, look at the webapp example.

atRemote is the one defined above in the paragraph about cloud computing. The communication browser-server uses the cloud primitives. This time webSockets are used instead of sockets. As a consequence, only the browser can initiate the communication, but once this is done with simpleWebApp, the server or the browser can control the execution. All depends on which nodes has the control, and this is established with teleport. See the previous section.

Initially the control is for the browser as in the case of the above program. But this schema:

   teleport     -- transfer control to the server
   -- control is now in the server
   r <- atRemote  $ something        -- something is executed in the browser
   -- back running in the server again  

Is the schema for having programs controlled by the server, instead of the browser.

Since atRemote is like a sandwich of teleports with some Transient computation to do in the middle, that can return zero, one or more than one result. In the latter case we have remote streaming. this can be used to do implicit websocket streaming.

This snippet stream the Fibonacci numbers from the server to the browser:

demo= do
   name <- local . render $ do
       rawHtml $ do
          p "this snippet captures the essence of this demonstration"
          p $ span "it's a blend of server and browser code in a composable piece"

          div ! id (fs "fibs") $ i "Fibonacci numbers should appear here"

   local . render $ wlink () (p " stream fibonacci numbers")

   -- stream fibonacci

   r <-  atRemote $ do
               let fibs= 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs) :: [Int]  -- fibonacci numb. definition
               r <- local  . threads 1 . choose $ take 10 fibs
               lliftIO $ print r
               lliftIO $ threadDelay 1000000
               return r

   local . render . at (fs "#fibs") Append $ rawHtml $  (h2 r)

fs= fromString

HTML rendering

In this code, the atRemote computation has a non-deterministic primitive, choose that produces the ten first Fibonacci numbers. As you saw under the paragraph "thread control", the threads 1 and the threadDelay 1000000 modifies the choose block to return a number each second.

Since this code is after the first teleport, that gives control to the server, and before the second one (they are implicit in atRemote) it executes in the server and the result is streamed to the browser. This is done in the last line.

This time the last render has the at primitive. at insert the rendering in the location/s specified by the first parameter, that is an "xpath" selector (like the jQuery selectors). In this case the identifier is "#fibs" that refer to the element with "fibs" identifier, that was created above.

Append tells at to append each next result to the previous one.

data UpdateMethod= Append | Prepend | Insert deriving Show

Observe that the rawHtml block accept a sublanguage for HTML-DOM creation in the browser that is almost identical to a well known DSL for producing HTML rendering in the server: blaze-html. This EDSL is implemented in the package ghcjs-perch. Really it is a superset, since besides rendering, it also has DOM manipulation capabilities.

Browser Events

Elements like inputString and wlinkare "active". This means that they may return values when an event happens inside the element. They are in the Widget monad. This is the TransIO monad with slight variations for handling the <*> operator. The main purpose of the Widget monad is to make the programmer aware that widgets should be rendered explicitly with render:

render :: Widget a -> TransIO a

wlink :: (Show a, Typeable a) => a -> Perch -> Widget a

inputString  :: Maybe String -> Widget String

wlink renders an HTML link and return the value of the first parameter. inputString is an input field that may accept an string as initial value and return the string edited.

They return a result when an event is triggered. the kind of event can be defined by the user with fire. In the examples above you can see some examples of the use of fire.

The events available are the standard ones:

data BrowserEvent= OnLoad | OnUnload | OnChange | OnFocus | OnMouseMove | OnMouseOver |
 OnMouseOut | OnClick | OnDblClick | OnMouseDown | OnMouseUp | OnBlur |
 OnKeyPress | OnKeyUp | OnKeyDown deriving Show

The programmer can add new events (for example, touch events) by creating instances of IsEvent:

class IsEvent a where
   eventName :: a -> JSString
   buildHandler :: Elem -> a  ->(EventData -> IO()) -> IO()

But this is beyond the scope of this introduction.

Events can be added to arbitrary raw HTML code with pass:

    evdata <-  render $ p "hello"  `pass`  OnDblClick
    nextStatement evdata

pass will return the event data when the event occurs within the "hello" paragraph.

These are the signatures:

pass :: IsEvent event => Perch -> event -> Widget EventData
data EventData= EventData{ evName :: JSString, evData :: Dynamic} deriving (Show,Typeable) 

EvData is defined as Dynamic to allow programmer-defined events. Again, this is not in the scope of this introduction.

Input elements

An example using the main input elements running contained in the file widgets.hs

main= simpleWebApp 8081 $ onBrowser $ local $   buttons  <|> linksample
    linksample= do
          r <-  render $ br ++> br ++> wlink "Hi!" (toElem "This link say Hi!")`fire` OnClick
          render $ rawHtml . b  $ " returns "++ r

    buttons :: TransIO ()
    buttons= do
           render . rawHtml $ p "Different input elements:"
           radio <|> checkButton  <|> select

    checkButton :: TransIO ()
           rs <- render $  br ++> br ++>  getCheckBoxes(
                           ((setCheckBox False "Red"    <++ b "red")   `fire` OnClick)
                        <> ((setCheckBox False "Green"  <++ b "green") `fire` OnClick)
                        <> ((setCheckBox False "blue"   <++ b "blue")  `fire` OnClick))
           render $ rawHtml $ fromString " returns: " <> b (show rs)

    radio :: TransIO ()
    radio= do
           r <- render $ getRadio [fromString v ++> setRadioActive v
                         | v <- ["red","green","blue"]]

           render $ rawHtml $ fromString " returns: " <> b ( show r )

    select :: TransIO ()
    select= do
           r <- render $ br ++> br ++> getSelect
                          (   setOption "red"   (fromString "red")
                          <|> setOption "green" (fromString "green")
                          <|> setOption "blue"  (fromString "blue"))
                  `fire` OnClick

           render $ rawHtml $ fromString " returns: " <> b ( show r )

With slight differences, you can see it running here using the HPlay version for the Haste Haskell-to-Javascript compiler. The main difference is that the running example is a pure client side application, while this example is a full stack application. Also, getRadio has been simplified and does not use lambda expressions. See This issue for how to transform a client side Hplayground application to a full stack ghcjs-hplay application.

Wait.. What all these operators means? You should know about the standard Haskell operators $ <|>, <>. But ++> and **> are new.

++> simply add perch rendering to active elements in the Widget monad, for example, links and input boxes. it should be read as "add this HTML to the next element".

(++>) :: Perch -> Widget a -> Widget a
(<++) :: Widget a -> Perch -> Widget a

**> append a Widget element to another and return the latter. <** does the same but return the first one.

There is also <<< that encloses an active element within a "container" perch tag:

(<<<) :: (Perch -> Perch) -> Widget a  -> Widget a
   r <- render $ div <<< (inputString ..... <|> wlink ...)
   dosomething r

Encloses both active elements within a div. The operator is transparent in relation with the result returned r. This way to mix rendering and computation assures the possibility to create complex widgets with complex behaviours that are fully self contained and can be inserted anywhere using the standard haskell operators. Each one of these components can be a full stack application.

Events and rendering

The good news is that transient rendering in the browser does not need something like the virtual DOM, since it only refresh the zone of the screen being modified locally by each event.

Other client-side frameworks use the React mechanism: Since they bubbles up all events to the top, the events loose locality. They do not treat the event locally, so they need to re-execute everithing and use a virtual DOM to determine the zones of the page that need an update. They also lack a notion of sequence. In Transient, rendering and results of the computation flows from one widget to another in clear and composable ways that are defined by the programmer.

The dependencies are defined directly by your monadic code. It is supposed that, if you connect widgets in a do sequence, it means that events at step N affect the display of the widgets at the next steps. The next widget receive the results of the previous steps and recompute their rendering. If that is not your desire, you can avoid such dependency easily using the operations <> <|> or <*> to connect them, instead of do (the sintactic sugar of >>= and >>). In whose case, they will be independent and no refreshing will occur when the adjacent widgets have events.

For example:

lr= local . render

do  x <- lr w1 ; lr $ w2 x

suppose that w1 is a text input box that is triggered once a key is entered (OnKeyDown) In the above case, each event in w1 would return a new x which will be the content of the text box. Therefore, w2 will be executed with the new value of x as his parameter. Suppose that w2 display the value of x with some formatting. This new rendering that will be refreshed. This means that the previous rendering of w2 will be deleted and the new one will be displayed.

But w1, where the event has happened, will not be refreshed (except the input entered).

The same happens if after w2 there is an w3 and so on.

in the cases below both widgets are independent; No refresh of one happens if the other has an event.

lr $ w1 <|> w2       -- w1 and w2 are independent, w1 and w2 compose in the Widget monad

lr w1 <|> lr w2      -- w1 and w2 are independent, compose in the Cloud monad

lr $ w1 <> w2        -- results of w1 and w2 are appended

(,) <$> w1 <*> w2    -- generates a 2-tuple with the values of w1 and w2 widgets when an event in w1 or w2 happens

The examples below shows more complicated combinations. You can see that updates are only performed when necessary

do x <- lr $ w1 <|> w2 ; lr $ w3 x       -- w3 will be updated if either w1 or w2 have events

do   x <- lr w1
     if x==a then empty else lr $ w2 x  -- w2 will be changed only if the result of w1 is different from w2

As you know, empty stop the execution of the monad

Aha ok.. I did not mention something more. Perch can do off-the-flow modifications to any DOM element. This is important when we need small modifications in a widget somewhere else instead of a complete redraw.

if you have this somewhere

rawHtml  div ! id "elemid"  $ do
                           p "content"

You can modify it from whatever other widget with this:

rawHtml $  forElem "#elemid" $ this ! atr "attribute" "newvalue"

That will change the attribute of the element/s that match the selector "#elemid". Just like JQuery

This code can add child elements to it:

rawHtml $  forElem "#elemid" $ this $ do
                                   p "new paragrah".
                                   p "Another new paragraph"

So you can have pretty independent widgets arranged in hierrarchies:

          w1 <|> w2...

          where w1= w3 <|> w4...
                    w2= w5 <|> w6...

while they can interact off-band by modifying content or attributes mutually from/to any level without refreshing everything.

It is possible also to put the rendering of a widget at some location:

local $ render $ at "#elemid"  Append $  do   -- widget rendering is appended 

This is another way, more powerful, of modifying DOM elements located at any place on the page by inserting Widgets, not only Perch code.


A new addition of ghcjs-hplay support templates. Up to now the rendering was generated dinamically in the web browser using Perch. Now there is a mechanism for adding static HTML code that enable the edition of that rendering. This works as follows:

You need to do a page with a lot of static content but it ha some interactive code and you don´t want to program perch cod to create it all, you prefer to create it with an editor. No problem. You program just the interactive widgets with no static content. Then add editW to the widget:

main= initNode $ editW $ widgets

This launch the widget under the browser in a editor context, in which you can enrich the page with your static content. Don´t delete the code created by the widget. Then you save the page. Then this content will be presented to the user when he access that URL. Now you can create wathever static content with this mechanism.

The Transient monads

The three monadd: TransIO, Cloud and Widget are basically the same. The only purpose of having three monads is to force the programmer to call render to display widgets and to force it to log all actions if he need to invoque remote primitives.

Widget monad --> render/norender --> TransIO monad --> local/onAll --> Cloud monad

Widget monad <-- Widget <-- TransIO monad <-- runCloud <-- Cloud monad

The only difference is how Applicative is executed in the Widget monad, which has a separate definition.

There is a fourth monad: Perch, used for rendering DOM elements.

rawHtml accept any expression in the Perch monad. Thee are also operators like ++> and <++ in order to prepend and append short DOM expressions to widgets.

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