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Welcome aboard! This is the introduction page for the Artwork Marketplace project designed and composed by Anh Tran, Zihan Zhang, and Chloe Hawkins.
Our project would be the first online trading platform specifically designed for amateur artists to get exposure and feedback from customers. Most current E-commerce companies reward sellers who have a large pre-existing customer base and who sell their products on a mass scale, such as Etsy. Other artists-oriented platforms, like Jean Lurssen, Amira Rahim, this makes it difficult for artists who create art themselves, piece by piece (not en mass), or artists who are just starting out, to get exposure and be successful selling their art in these markets.
So, our product would help juvenile artists to better initiate and progress their early careers. With the added functionality for users to follow and connect with each other, artmarket will help users find people with similar interests and seek opportunities for further collaboration.
It is hard to make it as an artist - it's a tough world out there and chances for success in the art world often seem bleak. With artmarket, we aim to encourage young creators to follow their dreams by giving them the exposure they need to help grow their businesses and brand early on in their careers.
Similar to existing ecommerce platforms, users will be able to choose to be artists and/or customers in registration. Artists will be able to add and manage their artwork easily with an individual profile page and featured items. Consumers will be able to view and purchase artworks, while the system will also provide recommendations of "rising stars" and categorizations of arts into various genres. We are also interested in implementing individual messages and public discussions (e.g. forums, comments) in the future.