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Merge branch 'development' into time_dependent_injection
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RemiLehe committed Jun 21, 2023
2 parents ada6031 + 089f0e0 commit 9511a02
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Showing 32 changed files with 747 additions and 44 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/cuda.yml
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Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ jobs:
which nvcc || echo "nvcc not in PATH!"
git clone ../amrex
cd ../amrex && git checkout --detach 41a6700392400bab9a688ca6892a6d638483f6e0 && cd -
cd ../amrex && git checkout --detach d28b9ab1cd64e648372ae679a6be01c733899525 && cd -
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86 changes: 84 additions & 2 deletions Docs/source/developers/python.rst
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@@ -1,7 +1,89 @@
.. _development-python:

Python interface
Processing PICMI Input Options

The input parameters in a WarpX PICMI file are processed in two layers.
The first layer is the Python level API, which mirrors the :ref:`C++ application input structure <running-cpp-parameters>`; the second is the translation from the PICMI input to the equivalent :ref:`app (AMReX) input file parameters <running-cpp-parameters>`.

The two layers are described below.

Input parameters

In a C++ input file, each of the parameters has a prefix, for example ``geometry`` in ``geometry.prob_lo``.
For each of these prefixes, an instance of a Python class is created and the parameters saved as attributes.
This construction is used since the lines in the input file look very much like a Python assignment statement,
assigning attributes of class instances, for example ``geometry.dims = 3``.

Many of the prefix instances are predefined, for instance ``geometry`` is created in the file ``Python/pywarpx/``.
In that case, ``geometry`` is an instance of the class ``Bucket`` (specified in ``Python/pywarpx/``),
the general class for prefixes.
It is called ``Bucket`` since its main purpose is a place to hold attributes.
Most of the instances are instances of the ``Bucket`` class.
There are exceptions, such as ``constants`` and ``diagnostics`` where extra processing is needed.

There can also be instances created as needed.
For example, for the particle species, an instance is created for each species listed in ``particles.species_names``.
This gives a place to hold the parameters for the species, e.g., ``electrons.mass``.

The instances are then used to generate the input parameters.
Each instance can generate a list of strings, one for each attribute.
This happens in the ``Bucket.attrlist`` method.
The strings will be the lines as in an input file, for example ``"electrons.mass = m_e"``.
The lists for each instance are gathered into one long list in the ``warpx`` instance (of the class ``WarpX`` defined in
This instance has access to all of the predefined instances as well as lists of the generated instances.

In both of the ways that WarpX can be run with Python, that list of input parameter strings will be generated.
This is done in the routine ``WarpX.create_argv_list`` in ``Python/pywarpx/``.
If WarpX will be run directly in Python, that list will be sent to the ``amrex_init`` routine as the ``argv``.
This is as if all of the input parameters had been specified on the command line.
If Python is only used as a prepocessor to generate the input file, the list are the strings that are written out to create the
input file.

There are two input parameters that do not have prefixes, ``max_step`` and ``stop_time``.
These are handled via keyword arguments in the ``WarpX.create_argv_list`` method.

Conversion from PICMI

In the PICMI implementation, defined in ``Python/pywarpx/``, for each PICMI class, a class was written that
inherits the PICMI class and does the processing of the input.
Each of the WarpX classes has two methods, ``init`` and ``initialize_inputs``.
The ``init`` method is called during the creation of the class instances that happens in the user's PICMI input file.
This is part of the standard - each of the PICMI classes call the method ``handle_init`` from the constructor ``__init__`` routines.
The main purpose is to process application specific keyword arguments (those that start with ``warpx_`` for example).
These are then passed into the ``init`` methods.
In the WarpX implementation, in the ``init``, each of the WarpX specific arguments are saved as attributes of the implementation
class instancles.

It is in the second method, ``initialize_inputs``, where the PICMI input parameters are translated into WarpX input parameters.
This method is called later during the intialization.
The prefix instances described above are all accessible in the implementation classes (via the ``pywarpx`` module).
For each PICMI input quantity, the appropriate WarpX input parameters are set in the prefix classes.
As needed, for example in the ``Species`` class, the dynamic prefix instances are created and the attributes set.

Simulation class

The ``Simulation`` class ties it all together.
In a PICMI input file, all information is passed into the ``Simulation`` class instance, either through the constructor
or through ``add_`` methods.
Its ``initialize_inputs`` routine initializes the input parameters it handles and also calls the ``initialize_inputs``
methods of all of the PICMI class instances that have been passed in, such as the field solver, the particles species,
and the diagnostics.
As with other PICMI classes, the ``init`` routine is called by the constructor and ``initialize_inputs`` is called during
The initialization happens when either the ``write_input_file`` method is called or the ``step`` method.
After ``initialize_inputs`` is finished, the attributes of the prefix instances have been filled in, and the process described
above happens, where the prefix instances are looped over to generate the list of input parameter strings (that is either written
out to a file or passed in as ``argv``).
The two parameters that do not have a prefix, ``max_step`` and ``stop_time``, are passed into the ``warpx`` method as keyword

Python runtime interface

The Python interface provides low and high level access to much of the data in WarpX.
With the low level access, a user has direct access to the underlying memory contained
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39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions Docs/source/install/batch/lsf.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Job Submission

* ``bsub your_job_script.bsub``

Job Control

* interactive job:

* ``bsub -P $proj -W 2:00 -nnodes 1 -Is /bin/bash``

* `details for my jobs <>`_:

* ``bjobs 12345`` all details for job with <job id> ``12345``
* ``bjobs [-l]`` all jobs under my user name
* ``jobstat -u $(whoami)`` job eligibility
* ``bjdepinfo 12345`` job dependencies on other jobs

* details for queues:

* ``bqueues`` list queues

* communicate with job:

* ``bkill <job id>`` abort job
* ``bpeek [-f] <job id>`` peek into ``stdout``/``stderr`` of a job
* ``bkill -s <signal number> <job id>`` send signal or signal name to job
* ``bchkpnt`` and ``brestart`` checkpoint and restart job (untested/unimplemented)
* ``bmod -W 1:30 12345`` change the walltime of a job (currently not allowed)
* ``bstop <job id>`` prevent the job from starting
* ``bresume <job id>`` release the job to be eligible for run (after it was set on hold)


38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions Docs/source/install/batch/pbs.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Job Submission

* ``qsub your_job_script.qsub``

Job Control

* interactive job:

* ``qsub -I``

* details for my jobs:

* ``qstat -f 12345`` all details for job with <job id> ``12345``
* ``qstat -u $(whoami)`` all jobs under my user name

* details for queues:

* ``qstat -a queueName`` show all jobs in a queue
* ``pbs_free -l`` compact view on free and busy nodes
* ``pbsnodes`` list all nodes and their detailed state (free, busy/job-exclusive, offline)

* communicate with job:

* ``qdel <job id>`` abort job
* ``qsig -s <signal number> <job id>`` send signal or signal name to job
* ``qalter -lwalltime=12:00:00 <job id>`` change the walltime of a job
* ``qalter -Wdepend=afterany:54321 12345`` only start job ``12345`` after job with id ``54321`` has finished
* ``qhold <job id>`` prevent the job from starting
* ``qrls <job id>`` release the job to be eligible for run (after it was set on hold)


45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions Docs/source/install/batch/pjm.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
.. note::

This section is a stub and improvements to complete the ``(TODO)`` sections are welcome.

Job Submission

* ``pjsub your_job_script.pjsub``

Job Control

* interactive job:

* ``pjsub --interact``

* details for my jobs:

* ``pjstat`` status of all jobs
* (TODO) all details for job with <job id> ``12345``
* (TODO) all jobs under my user name

* details for queues:

* (TODO) show all jobs in a queue
* (TODO) compact view on free and busy nodes
* (TODO) list all nodes and their detailed state (free, busy/job-exclusive, offline)

* communicate with job:

* ``pjdel <job id>`` abort job
* (TODO) send signal or signal name to job
* (TODO) change the walltime of a job
* (TODO) only start job ``12345`` after job with id ``54321`` has finished
* ``pjhold <job id>`` prevent the job from starting
* ``pjrls <job id>`` release the job to be eligible for run (after it was set on hold)


44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions Docs/source/install/batch/slurm.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Job Submission

* ``sbatch your_job_script.sbatch``

Job Control

* interactive job:

* ``salloc --time=1:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=4 --cpus-per-task=8``

* e.g. ``srun "hostname"``
* GPU allocation on most machines require additional flags, e.g. ``--gpus-per-task=1`` or ``--gres=...``

* details for my jobs:

* ``scontrol -d show job 12345`` all details for job with <job id> ``12345``
* ``squeue -u $(whoami) -l`` all jobs under my user name

* details for queues:

* ``squeue -p queueName -l`` list full queue
* ``squeue -p queueName --start`` (show start times for pending jobs)
* ``squeue -p queueName -l -t R`` (only show running jobs in queue)
* ``sinfo -p queueName`` (show online/offline nodes in queue)
* ``sview`` (alternative on taurus: ``module load llview`` and ``llview``)
* ``scontrol show partition queueName``

* communicate with job:

* ``scancel <job id>`` abort job
* ``scancel -s <signal number> <job id>`` send signal or signal name to job
* ``scontrol update timelimit=4:00:00 jobid=12345`` change the walltime of a job
* ``scontrol update jobid=12345 dependency=afterany:54321`` only start job ``12345`` after job with id ``54321`` has finished
* ``scontrol hold <job id>`` prevent the job from starting
* ``scontrol release <job id>`` release the job to be eligible for run (after it was set on hold)


72 changes: 64 additions & 8 deletions Docs/source/install/hpc.rst
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ HPC
On selected high-performance computing (HPC) systems, WarpX has documented or even pre-build installation routines.
Follow the guide here instead of the generic installation routines for optimal stability and best performance.

.. _install-hpc-profile:


Expand All @@ -18,30 +21,83 @@ Ideally, store that file directly in your ``$HOME/`` and source it after connect
We list example ``warpx.profile`` files below, which can be used to set up WarpX on various HPC systems.

HPC Systems

.. _install-hpc-machines:

HPC Machines

This section documents quick-start guides for a selection of supercomputers that WarpX users are active on.

.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1


.. tip::

Your HPC system is not in the list?
`Open an issue <>`__ and together we can document it!

.. _install-hpc-batch:

Batch Systems

HPC systems use a scheduling ("batch") system for time sharing of computing resources.
The batch system is used to request, queue, schedule and execute compute jobs asynchronously.
The individual HPC machines above document job submission example scripts, as templates for your modifications.

In this section, we document a quick reference guide (or cheat sheet) to interact in more detail with the various batch systems that you might encounter on different systems.


Slurm is a modern and very popular batch system.
Slurm is used at NERSC, OLCF Frontier, among others.

.. include:: batch/slurm.rst


LSF (for *Load Sharing Facility*) is an IBM batch system.
It is used at OLCF Summit, LLNL Lassen, and other IBM systems.

.. include:: batch/lsf.rst


PBS (for *Portable Batch System*) is a popular HPC batch system.
The OpenPBS project is related to `PBS, PBS Pro and TORQUE <>`__.

.. include:: batch/pbs.rst


PJM (probably for *Parallel Job Manager*?) is a Fujitsu batch system
It is used at RIKEN Fugaku and on other Fujitsu systems.

.. include:: batch/pjm.rst
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Docs/source/install/hpc/adastra.rst
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Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ And since Adastra does not yet provide a module for them, install c-blosc and AD
git clone -b v2.8.3 src/adios2
rm -rf src/adios2-pm-build
cmake -S src/adios2 -B src/adios2-pm-build -DADIOS2_USE_Blosc=ON -DADIOS2_USE_Fortran=OFF -DADIOS2_USE_Python=OFF -DADIOS2_USE_ZeroMQ=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/sw/adastra/gpu//adios2-2.8.3
cmake -S src/adios2 -B src/adios2-pm-build -DADIOS2_USE_Blosc=ON -DADIOS2_USE_Fortran=OFF -DADIOS2_USE_Python=OFF -DADIOS2_USE_ZeroMQ=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/sw/adastra/gpu/adios2-2.8.3
cmake --build src/adios2-pm-build --target install -j 16
Then, ``cd`` into the directory ``$HOME/src/warpx`` and use the following commands to compile:
Expand All @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Then, ``cd`` into the directory ``$HOME/src/warpx`` and use the following comman
cd $HOME/src/warpx
rm -rf build
cmake -S . -B build -DWarpX_COMPUTE=HIP
cmake -S . -B build -DWarpX_DIMS="1;2;3" -DWarpX_COMPUTE=HIP -DWarpX_PSATD=ON -DWarpX_QED_TABLE_GEN=ON
cmake --build build -j 32
The general :ref:`cmake compile-time options <building-cmake>` apply as usual.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Docs/source/install/hpc/crusher.rst
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Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Then, ``cd`` into the directory ``$HOME/src/warpx`` and use the following comman
cd $HOME/src/warpx
rm -rf build
cmake -S . -B build -DWarpX_DIMS=3 -DWarpX_COMPUTE=HIP -DWarpX_PSATD=ON
cmake -S . -B build -DWarpX_DIMS="1;2;RZ;3" -DWarpX_COMPUTE=HIP -DWarpX_PSATD=ON
cmake --build build -j 10
The general :ref:`cmake compile-time options <building-cmake>` apply as usual.
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