This repository contains PHP topics and their notes to learn from beginner level to advanced level.
Refer the below contents, To kick start the learning of important concepts in PHP for web application development. which gives you step by step approach to the concepts.
- Introduction:
- Basic Syntax:
- Display Statements:
- Comments:
- Control flow:
- Functions:
- Function Definition
- Function Calling
- Function Arguments and Parameters
- Function Return Values
- Pass by Value
- Pass by Reference
- Scope of Variables
- Variable Length Argument Lists
- Anonymous Functions
- Recursion
- Variable Functions
- Type Hinting
- Return Type Declarations
- Generators
- Arrow Functions
- String Functions
- Mathematical Functions
- Date and Time Functions
- File and Directory Functions
- Array Functions
- Other Common Functions
- Arrays:
- Enums:
- Short-Hand Syntax:
- Type Hints:
- Super globals:
- Forms and Data Handling:
- Date and Time:
- Numbers and
- Headers:
- HTTP Status Code:
- Sessions:
- Need and Usage
- Creating Session
- Storing Data in Session
- Retrieving Data from Session
- Removing Session Data
- Destroying Session
- Pros
- Cons
- Functions Related To Session
- Constants Related To Session
- Configuration Flags Related To Session
- Different Session Handling Techniques
- Secure Session Handling
- Strong Session Name
- Session Handlers
- Example For Custom Session Handlers
- Protecting Against Session Fixation
- Cookies:
- File Handling:
- Include and Require Statements:
- Error Handling and Debugging:
- Classes and Objects:
- Inheritance:
- Polymorphism:
- Encapsulation:
- Abstraction:
- Reflection Class:
- Dependency Injection:
- Namespace:
- Autoload in PHP:
- Composer:
- Remember Logged In User:
- Configuring Apache Server:
- Web Frameworks:
- MVC Architecture:
- Security Best Practices:
- Regular Expressions:
- Cryptographic Functionalities:
- XML and JSON:
- RESTful API:
- CLI with PHP:
- Performance optimization:
- Design Patterns:
By following this road map and consistently practicing, you can develop a strong foundation in PHP and build impressive web applications. For better understanding and double check with Official PHP manual, Before proceed in real-time implementations.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Make sure to follow the existing coding style and provide clear documentation for your changes.
This reference licensed under the MIT license. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it as per the terms of the license.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach me by referring My Github Profile
Thanks for reviewing this reference notes!