- micro_api_countries
- micro_db_countries
To start:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
To stop:
$ docker-compose down
Build and push images to ECR (Elastic container registry)
For micro_api_countries:
$ aws ecr get-login --region <region>
$ docker login -u AWS -p eyJwY.....zonaws.com
$ cd micro-api-countries/
$ docker build -t micro_api_countries .
$ docker tag micro_api_countries:latest <ecr>.amazonaws.com/micro_api_countries:latest
$ docker push <ecr>.amazonaws.com/micro_api_countries:latest
For micro_db_countries:
$ aws ecr get-login --region <region>
$ docker login -u AWS -p eyJwY.....zonaws.com
$ cd micro-db-countries/
$ docker build -t micro_db_countries .
$ docker tag micro_db_countries:latest <ecr>.amazonaws.com/micro_db_countries:latest
$ docker push <ecr>.amazonaws.com/micro_db_countries:latest
For micro_state_tracker:
$ aws ecr get-login --region <region>
$ docker login -u AWS -p eyJwY.....zonaws.com
$ cd micro-state-tracker/
$ docker build -t micro_state_tracker .
$ docker tag micro_state_tracker:latest <ecr>.amazonaws.com/micro_state_tracker:latest
$ docker push <ecr>.amazonaws.com/micro_state_tracker:latest
For micro_stress_cpu:
$ aws ecr get-login --region <region>
$ docker login -u AWS -p eyJwY.....zonaws.com
$ cd micro-db-countries/
$ docker build -t micro_stress_cpu .
$ docker tag micro_stress_cpu:latest <ecr>.amazonaws.com/micro_stress_cpu:latest
$ docker push <ecr>.amazonaws.com/micro_stress_cpu:latest
Variables :
- Replace the {{account-id}}
- Replace the {{region}}
- Replace the {{docker-auth-base64}}
Running the build.sh to generate the yml files :
$ ./build.sh 71727277 us-west-2 ehAi82...9= a27b2d....8db
Using the kubectl to deploy the application :
# creating the base64 for the aws-ecr-credentials.yml
$ cat ~/.docker/config.json | base64 -w 0
# creating the aws ecr credentials in the cluster (login first with $ docker login ...)
$ kubectl create -f aws-ecr-credentials.yml
# creating the secrets for the deploy
$ kubectl create -f kubernetes/countries-secret.yml
# sample output
$ kubectl get secrets
default-token-cn7zv kubernetes.io/service-account-token 3 1h
mini-db-country-secret Opaque 4 5m
aws-ecr kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson 2 5m
# launch a deployment
$ kubectl create -f kubernetes/countries-deployment.yml
# sample output
deployment "countries-deployment" created
# launch a service
$ kubectl create -f kubernetes/countries-service.yml
# working with volumes
$ kubectl create -f kubernetes/countries-volume-efs.yml
Testing the public api via ELB:
$ curl http://<your-elb>.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com/
$ curl http://<your-elb>.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com/v1/countries
$ curl http://<your-elb>.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com/v1/countries/1/cities
$ curl http://<your-elb>.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com/v1/countries/1/populations
Replace the {{elb}} and {{region}} (manually in the operations/jmeter.test/micro-api-country.jmx)
# jmeter for micro api countries
$ jmeter -n -t operations/jmeter.test/micro-api-country.jmx
# stress test to autoscaling
$ jmeter -n -t operations/jmeter.test/stress-test.jmx \
-Jusers=<users> \
-Jperiod=<period> \
-Jcount=<count> \
-Jelb=<elb> \
-Jcpu=<cpu> \