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Gentelella is a free to use Bootstrap admin template.
This project integrates Gentelella with Flask using:
- Blueprints for scalability.
- flask_login for the login system (passwords hashed with bcrypt).
- flask_migrate.
Flask-gentelella also comes with a robust CI/CD pipeline using:
- The Pytest framework for the test suite (see the
folder). - A PostgreSQL database (optional; see below for installation instructions).
- Travis CI (automated testing)
- Coverage to measure the code coverage of the tests.
- Selenium to test the application with headless chromium.
- A
showing how to containerize the application with gunicorn, and a Docker image available on dockerhub, and integrated to the CI/CD pipeline (see instructions below). - A
file to start Flask-gentelella withnginx
and a PostgreSQL database.
Here is an example of a real project implemented using Flask-Gentelella:
This project shows:
- how back-end and front-end can interact responsively with AJAX requests.
- how to implement a graph model with SQLAlchemy and use D3.js for graph visualization.
- how to implement a workflow automation system using Vis.js.
- how to use Leaflet.js and WebGL-Earth for 2D and 3D GIS programming.
- how to use Flask APScheduler to implement crontab-like features.
(Optional) Set up a virtual environment
git clone
cd flask-gentelella
pip install -r requirements.txt
(Windows) set
(Unix) export
(Powershell) $env:FLASK_APP = ".\"
flask run --host=
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql libpq-dev
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE gentelella;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER gentelella WITH PASSWORD 'your-password';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE gentelella TO gentelella;"
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name gentelella --restart always afourmy/flask-gentelella
git clone
cd flask-gentelella
sudo docker-compose pull && sudo docker-compose build && sudo docker-compose up -d