Using data from the US Census, design a 2D visualization that explains the information. Pay special attention to the way you construct the story around it.
- Learn to identify potential narratives in data sets
- Learn to develop a visual framework that function as stories
- Learn to use color, composition and typographic hierarchy
- Become more familiar with JavaScript, HTML and CSS
- Students work in groups of three or four.
- Complete readings to become familiar with multiple critical issues surrounding census and the US’s shifting population.
- Locate viable narratives within the data, assess the potential of the data, and develop articulate appropriate 2D visualizations.
- Test the design with users that are not familiar with the project. Do they understand the information? Do they interact with the website how it was designed?
- Do not implement interactive add-ons until April 6th. Those will be included after the presentation of the static visualisation (after Spring Break).
- To be viewed on a computer, optimized for the web.
- Use D3.js or P5.js to build the visualizations.
- There should be at least 3 different graphic forms. Use the examples shown in class to build them.
- The design should be completely subordinated to the information and its explanation.
You’ll need to implement interactivity in the future. Think about how you will add that option, without implementing it in this project.
Use interactive implementations such as filterings, transitions or animations.
March 23: Analyze the data, sketch multiple ideas. Think about what each one is going to do and how. Synthesize everything in a Elevator Pitch presentation (1 minute).
April 5, 13:00: Assignment due (static visualization).
April 5: Sketch interactive add-ons for your project. How would they work? What type of information / use would it add to the project? Start researching how to implement them
April 12, 13:00: Assignment due (interactive visualization).