This project is a simple example of the use of the above mentioned technologies in the context of authentication. It consists of a frontend React Native application and a Django powered backend auth API enabled by the Rest Framework.
- Python > 3.4
- nodejs > 9
Clone this directory:
git clone
cd django-rn-auth-example
There are to subdirectories that contain the React Native frontend and the Djanjo + Rest Framework backend.
Navigate to the backend directory, create a virtualenv and install the project requirements.
NOTE: This project will only work with Python > 3.4
cd backend
# Create a virtualenv
mkvirtualenv django-rn-auth
pip install -r requirements.txt
As this is a Django project, it is recommended that you run the initial migrations and create a supersuer to get started.
python migrate
python createsuperuser
Navigate to the authapp directory and install the required node pacakges:
npm install
Once the installation is over, you will also need to grab your phone and download the Expo app (this is the simplest solution) from the Play store or App store.
Optionally, you can create a virtual device on your computer.
To get started with a working version of the project you must have completed the above steps or ensured that all the setup is ready.
Open a terminal window and navigate to the django-rn-auth/backend directory, start a local dev server with you local IP as parameter:
python runserver <YOUR_LOCAL_IP>:8000
Open another terminal window and navigate to the django-rn-auth/authapp directory.
You will need to make sure that the project config file django-rn-auth/authapp/src/config/index.js has your local IP assigned to the localIP
Once this is properly configured, on the authapp project root start a dev server:
npm start
A QR code will be displayed on the screen, make sure your phone and laptop are connected to the same network and scan the QR code through the Expo app.
The application should start and you can login with your superuser credentials or create a new user.